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What are you all currently playing? (Fucking post in this thread dammit.)

Farted by NintendrCkolc, May 01, 2016, 11:50:47 AM

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Quote from: K-9_CLOCK on September 18, 2020, 04:09:00 PM
Quote from: Clocktopus on September 18, 2020, 01:59:49 PM
I bought Super Mario 3D All Stars.

Man, I'm such a fucking Nintendo shill.


yes you are

how is it? I've heard alot of things about emulation issues and like debug shit in Sunshine? which is weird idk how that happened
Haven't played yet. I'm waiting for it to ship.

I heard it plays pretty well, 64 in particular performs a lot better and doesn't lag in certain spots it used to lag in, although I won't forgive them for removing Gay Bowser. The little UI and texture changes across the board are also very nice. Galaxy will be a little more odd to play, especially in Handheld mode because you have to tilt the whole controller for certain parts and touch the screen to collect the star bits.

But I just like having these games on Switch.


yeah personally I think it's probably one of the scummiest released nintendo's ever done, but if you think it's worth it then go for it

it seems to be mainly sunshine thats a little unstable


mario is still commenting on bowser's sexuality when he says "bye bi"


I just assumed Bowser was a bear until the cat costume reveal. Really fixed my face, judging based on looks.


Kirby Return to Dreamland, one of only two main series Kirby games I haven't seen through to the end. I got spoiled on the twist already though. Somehow Kirby a franchise where you have to avoid spoilers. Only just started and now I'm taking a break from games for eye strain but it's bright cheery and fun so far.

It's funny, DKC Returns benefits from mapping the motion inputs to button presses but then you get some games like this or No More Heroes where shaking your controller like an idiot actually adds to the experience. With Kirby you don't need to worry about reaction time whenever you do the super inhale,  but in DKC you need to shake just for basic movements. Then you've got NMH where shaking to recharge is just funny, holding the wiimote a certain way to change forms doesn't require much thought or movement but adds immersion, and the finishers of course make sense to slap a swiping motion on.


Quote from: K-9_CLOCK on September 18, 2020, 04:35:09 PM
it seems to be mainly sunshine thats a little unstable

I'm enjoying Sunshine more because they thankfully reversed the camera controls so its no longer inverted (although RIP old speedrunners.) Widescreen is a nice addition although I'm disappointment they didn't make 64 widescreen. Would have loved the option for a non restricted camera in 64 too.

I love love love Sunshine but god the Pachinko level and the two blooper racing levels are some of the worst levels in Mario history. The blooper ones wouldn't be that bad if crashing into a wall didn't cause you to leave the entire level. Thankfully I think the extremely frustrating levels are done with.... *remembers the lily pad level*

Also, props to Amazon for getting me the 3D collection 8 days earlier than they said they would. Benefited from free shipping with barely an increase in wait time.


I don't usually do the whole survival randomly generated game thing but Darkwood has an atmosphere I really appreciate. How do I afford shit though it's all so expensive!


_pirate_butchcavities (20:29:15): FUCK CLOCKS _pirate_


I was actually just playing Warhammer but I beat both of these last month and I'm gonna talk about em

Demon's Souls (PS3)

I thought this game might feel a little archaic after playing through Dark Souls 1-3 and Bloodborne, but no it holds up great. The gameplay is excellent and stuff that wasn't viable in later games is viable here. I don't mind the levels not being one big world when the individual levels are well designed and open enough to satisfy my exploration itch. The visuals hold up nice for a ten year old game too, though I wish my computer could handle it above 720p, I can run pc games and gamecube games 4k 60fps easy but damn is PS3 emulation CPU intensive. Strangely the framerate doesn't tank first when I up the resolution and I go somewhere complicated, the sound starts clipping really bad. But it's pretty even at 720p. I definitely prefer the visual aesthetic and monster/character designs in this game over the remake, I don't know why they had to change every little thing to look like a generic fantasy art portfolio.

Overall it's a damn fine game and I loved that I finally got to play it, I might do a second playthrough as a mage. I did have a few gripes though though. After being really impressed by that dragon in the opening I was kinda disappointed that it's not even really a boss and it's tied up under the earth not rampaging through the city. You stealth your way around the cavern and fire off two ballistas then stab it that's it. There's a similar boss in Dark Souls but that still felt like a boss not a prop for a a glorified Hyrule castle Ocarina of Time stealth section. The swamp level is complete bullshit btw. The first section is fine but then it's just a slog trying to get everything in the second area. I outright looked up a guide to do the fastest way to the boss and locations of all the worthwhile items just to be done with it. The swamps in Dark Souls and Bloodborne were never this much of a chore. Cool bosses though. Still a great game as a whole. Maybe next I'll play some of the ps1 and ps2 Fromsoft rpgs.

Warhammer 40K Space Marine

Finally got around to plaything through the rest of this. The final level devolves into bullet sponge hell before you get your hands on the final boss and the whole thing ends on a cliffhanger but it's a damn fine giant hulking murder marine simulator and captures the setting well for the small chunk of it you see. Fun online play too. Furthermore


Playing Gears Tactics on Series X at te moment, included in gamepass. It's XCOM meets GEARS.  loved both franchises so i'm having a blast.

I have Cyberpunk laying arround on disc, got it at work, but i'm waiting till the first big patches are live. Though apperntly it runs okayisch on Series X.

_pirate_butchcavities (20:29:15): FUCK CLOCKS _pirate_


Am currently playing Cities: Skylines, and I gotta say, I think I've found a new full-time job. Thanks, Epic Games!

(Although soon it became clear why they gave the game away for free: there's a fuckton of DLC)

[FLASH=]http://width=300 height=200[/FLASH]


I'm eating lunch. Then I have to wrap presents and shit. I hate that part


Quote from: Yarn on December 23, 2020, 05:13:31 PM
I'm eating lunch. Then I have to wrap presents and shit. I hate that part

Wow cool video games

Cyberpunk 2077. I'm having a pretty good amount of fun with it. It isn't the second coming of christ we all hoped for but it runs well for the most part on my PC. Tons of bugs though. Serious potential if CDPR gets its shit together and fixes it. DLC down the road should be interesting. If you're on the fence I'd wait for the inevitable sale. Avoid PS4 + XB1 versions at all cost if you've been living under a rock and don't know by now..

Beyond that I've been messing with a retro build PC. Been playing Doom 1 + 2, Quake, and Descent 2 on it. I might make my own thread on it at some point. It's been a really fun project.

Pentium 133mhz
32MB of Ram
10gb HDD (overkill but whatever)
3.5'' floppy
Diamond Monster 3D 4MB (Voodoo 1 3dfx card)
SoundBlaster AWE64 sound card

If you have disposable income and are interested in some classic DOS gaming, it's worth investing in a retro build.

Robo Clock

beat Doom Eternal in 12 hours a few days ago, would recommend. Cyberpunk was fun but a buggy mess which i just chalked all bugs as being relic malfunctions for head cannon. Playing a bit of Valorant but it takes fuckin forever to finish a match and I suck at it, despite years and years of playing CS-Series. Grabbed Assassins Creed Odyssey for like $17 so hopefully thatll be fun.

Other than that I've been on Overwatch and CODBOCW while playing through RDR2 yet again.  Also some L4D2 for nostalgia lately.


Quote from: NintendrCkolc on December 25, 2020, 01:46:27 AM
Quote from: Yarn on December 23, 2020, 05:13:31 PM
I'm eating lunch. Then I have to wrap presents and shit. I hate that part

Wow cool video games

Yup, I see i misread the title. Little late to change that now

I've barely played games since started making the dolls, but id be playing wow classic otherwise


I played Shadowlands for a month after I got my new PC, but it was just too frustrating and I quit again. Some of it was fun, everything looked great, but it's just too restrictive in a lot of ways.

Now I'm back to Sudoku and recently online jigsaws? Because apparently I'm sixty years old.



Quote from: GreyClock on January 09, 2021, 05:37:07 AM
I played Shadowlands for a month after I got my new PC, but it was just too frustrating and I quit again. Some of it was fun, everything looked great, but it's just too restrictive in a lot of ways.

Now I'm back to Sudoku and recently online jigsaws? Because apparently I'm sixty years old.

I keep intending to try shadowlands, but my free time is so little that I tend to look at it as I can either crochet or play games, and crochet is helping me lately so this what I do

I keep hearing how great shadowlands is but just logging in looked confusing and I got overwhelmed and logged off to play classic haha
