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Campaign Setting I've Been Working On : Udenfor

Farted by AlbinoClock, September 25, 2016, 06:41:26 AM

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In the spirit of posting the shit we've been working on, here's the shit I've been working on.
For the past few months I've been developing a world and D&D campaign setting (well, Pathfinder). For the maps I've been using Cartographer, which is a somewhat awkward but suitable CAD-based fantasy map making program. I put together a Player's Guide to Udenfor if you want to take a look. There's a lot more background to the setting than that, but all the other documents are packed with major spoilers. I've got a timeline going back a little over 25,000 years.
The plan is to continue to develop the world and the player's guide while running the campaign and basically fleshing things out based on where my parties go. Eventually I'd like to release a DM's guide and possibly try to sell both of them online under the Pathfinder OGL. I'd have to make some modifications to proprietary D&D monsters I've converted, but other than that it wouldn't be too bad.
Uh, keep in mind that as you may have already noticed, depending on what languages you speak some of the names used may themselves constitute minor spoilers, or at least hints.
At some point I'd like to run a game in this campaign setting on Maybe when it's a little more fleshed out and I'm not chasing my sandbox party around developing the unfinished parts of the world around the areas I think they're headed to.

Anybody else doing any worldbuildling? Writing? Playing D&D?