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The New Normal

Farted by JambaClock, May 08, 2020, 09:39:22 PM

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I'll keep going around coughing on door knobs no matter what happens :stubborn:


Quote from: Deodorant on May 09, 2020, 10:19:33 PM
I'll keep going around coughing on door knobs no matter what happens :stubborn:
brass is aseptic, bro, those germs will be gone in a couple of hours

you want to be coughing on handrails, elevator buttons and touch screens


look at the 1% posting about his brass doorknobs


Quote from: Slurpee on May 09, 2020, 06:46:45 PM
Quote from: RobClock on May 09, 2020, 01:43:50 PM
Hard disagree. Liberty or death. No step on snek.
it's not your own death that you're talking about

it isn't "if you go outside, a gun will fire at you"
like, okay, so if it misses I'm fine, and if it hits, I go the hospital and probably survive?
those aren't the dice you're rolling

it's "if you go outside, a gun will fire into the air"

just as a matter of pure probability, the bullet isn't going to come down on your own head

but there are a lot of bullets, and they will come down
and the more that hit, the more that fire
and they're veering toward doctors, nurses, healthcare workers and their families
and they're more likely to hit a vital organ if they hit the elderly, people with a history of pulmonary illnesses, people with chronic illnesses, people working long hours and multiple jobs, poor people, men for some reason, or black people for some reason

the more bullets that fire, the more that are going to hit, and if enough of them hit at the same time, "go to the hospital and probably survive" gets taken off the table. the infrastructure just isn't there to deal with that much of the population getting sick at once. doctors will have to start making decisions about what patients are worth trying to save
all this is just trying to stop that from happening

the closest hing we have to a "make the world go again" button that's not also offering the lives of strangers to moloch, is a comprehensive, aggressive policy of testing, tracing, and containment
Yeah, that's my understanding of it as well. Flattening the curve and so on. Not having people die needlessly in hospital hallways, because of packed IC-units.

That said, to further your analogy: it does seem that there's a lot of old people shuffling around trying to catch the bullets going on little trips to garden centers and taking public transport somewhere to go hiking. Maybe the middle-aged guy in the suit a couple seats over is on his way to buy some non-essential ficuses as well, but it's harder to tell. I only go outside to go to work and to shop for food, I travel alone, I keep my distance. Should I have pushed harder to get something set up to be able to work from home? Should I have quit? Should I order my food online and have it delivered? It's all a scale and when you see people outside doing fuck knows what, standing in a long-ass (but still properly spaced out) line at McDonald's, you feel a little justified or entitled even to go about your business as well. I don't know how I feel about that, but it is what it is.


Additionally, it will be the return of those weird girls with the cat-ear headphones and the edgy "x marked" face masks


Did you seriously ask the question and then sit back and wait for an opening to inject your furry gibberish?


im saving hundreds of dollars on gas a month rn, it owns tbh


Quote from: PatriotClock on May 12, 2020, 06:16:46 PM
im saving hundreds of dollars on gas a month rn, it owns tbh

good for you, patriot, we're getting more environmentally friendly as we speak and the country loosens up


Quote from: PatriotClock on May 12, 2020, 06:16:46 PM
hundreds of dollars on gas a month

the fuck you drive? a boat?
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew