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All this crap going on in the world

Farted by Wegra2020, May 30, 2020, 12:17:39 AM

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Quote from: Slurpee on May 31, 2020, 04:18:40 PM
I think the clock crew's number 1 priority going forward should be to get star wars to tweet black lives matter
mission accomplished, everyone


They avoided the specific phrase because they want the #alllivesmatter money too bunch of cowards just for that i'm not watching the last two star wars movies


Quote from: Slurpee on May 31, 2020, 06:43:22 PM
the thing I keep coming back to is just what the fuck did the people in charge think was going to happen?

I don't think they actually cared what the result was, just that they could buffer themselves against it. the elites are fine with the riots it isn't bothering them

if anything they think this helps them. set everyone against each other and themselves and nobody goes for the politicians CEOs and bankers. resistance itself has been co-opted and a complete non-issue since occupy wallstreet got neutered and the activist community started blaming whites instead of banks and shit for all the world's problems. you wanna keep a class war off your hands? sick the classes below you against each other, or sick multiple races religions or other such groups against each other. or hell get everybody to fight everybody. depends on the country and the demographics you can take advantage of. as long as you keep the chaos away from upper class gated communities you're golden. what does it matter if the "peasants" destroy their own communities? it's a useful thing, it weakens them and any possible meaningful resistance. the status quo for the elites is only strengthened. and nobody is gonna hold anyone in charge accountable, the outrage extends only as far as the police at best. and even then, the cop who practically executed that dude is gonna get transferred at worst anyways. everyone will forget his name. I doubt he even gets a paycut. cops can really be an excellent bludgeon against the masses, the people hit ONLY get mad at the bludgeon, and not necessarily that particular bludgeon. 

all that said I have to wonder if it's gonna come to a head at some point. there's only so much you can pit people against each other till shit gets too fucked up. it won't hurt the various jackasses responsible, but it could hurt the bottom line. the response will probably be more authoritarianism. "see people are dangerous we NEED to rule you pleb fucks harder now it's for your own good".

Quote from: Slurpee on May 31, 2020, 07:29:01 PM
Quote from: Slurpee on May 31, 2020, 04:18:40 PM
I think the clock crew's number 1 priority going forward should be to get star wars to tweet black lives matter
mission accomplished, everyone

we finally live in a post-racial society and all wounds have been healed #clockcrewsavesamerica #thanksobama


but besides media approved recreational rioting and police executing black dudes in the streets here's another fun happening: you know how that dumb twitter beef between trump and twitter mods? well if trump actually repeals section 230 anyone can sue a site owner for anything a user posts, for example

Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCKjack dorsey donald trump and joe biden are the guys in the lemon party photo, taken mere moments after they sacrificed a small child to baphomet to pray for the destruction of america

now all three of those people can sue vcrclock for slander.

this has bipartisan support btw biden included. all over a twitter beef. apparently the earn it act is worse but I haven't looked into it.

in lighter news here is an alligator covered in butterflies


let's tell trump we'll support it for $30k each and get paid before he notices we aren't senators or whatever


I went to a protest today and farted on the state capital building.



Quote from: Slurpee on May 31, 2020, 07:29:01 PM
Quote from: Slurpee on May 31, 2020, 04:18:40 PM
I think the clock crew's number 1 priority going forward should be to get star wars to tweet black lives matter
mission accomplished, everyone

looks, like even the brands are getting into this duffel kerfuffle here

not gonna lie, seems pretty phoned in, but i wanna see a company add a bit of self deprecation to their posts, since they're the big guys and we ain't

preferably pepsi


the elites almost turning what should be a class war into a race war is only gonna be the second worst thing that happens this year if you keep using the post title, so help me god


some youtuber looted up the scottsdale fashion mall so now everybody in arizona has a 8pm curfew. you don't understand I NEED to buy late night snacks I can't just buy them in advance that's not how it works. I mean, I've got a cake mix. I could just google a recipe for some frosting but it's just not the same. I can't just MAKE a candy bar.


not even the abandoned wasteland of arizona, where time and law mean nothing even as vague concepts, is unaffected


Fires around the White House, hopefully nobody gets ballsy and tries to actually march on it

hearsay and videos on Twitter, looks like the guardhouse was lit on fire ≈2hrs ago. There are a couple of ways to troll through live updates on that, but one of them is to search the tag #bunkerbaby

damn. Guess Slurpy [sic] was right. Maybe you were expecting insult, maybe you were expecting injury, but both? Chaos.


Par for the course for any society, no? Take the pressure off, have a good ol' riot. Opportunistic fucks using it as an excuse to loot, occasion to make (political) capital, to divide and rule and so on. Likely drowning out a few well-intentioned, but naive people here and there. Some (mostly) faceless people will have their lives destroyed, through loss of livelihood, destruction of property, injury, death, whatever. Then, when the car tire fires have finally burned out and the blood has been scrubbed from the streets, it's back to the status quo. Maybe the powers that be will talk about reform for a while, but that will ultimately prove an empty gesture. Previous, similar riots in the UK, France, Morocco and the US come to mind. "So it goes."




50% chance that doesn't sound so bad


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on June 01, 2020, 01:33:17 AM
not even the abandoned wasteland of arizona, where time and law mean nothing even as vague concepts, is unaffected
In terms of wastelands I am all for 'em. keep rolling 'em in.




I live in fear of my house being raided and me getting shot to death.


Quote from: NukaClock on June 02, 2020, 06:55:19 PM
I live in fear of my house being raided and me getting shot to death.
they'll probably only be armed with melee weapons and pipe guns

the thing you really need to worry about are super mutants