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All this crap going on in the world

Farted by Wegra2020, May 30, 2020, 12:17:39 AM

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Quote from: Slurpee on June 02, 2020, 08:30:21 PM
Quote from: NukaClock on June 02, 2020, 06:55:19 PM
I live in fear of my house being raided and me getting shot to death.
they'll probably only be armed with melee weapons and pipe guns

the thing you really need to worry about are super mutants
True (I was also kinda talking about real life.)


you can probably stop worrying about having someone with a gun bust your door down because of riots unless:

- you killed somebody recently

- you are part of a population distrusted by people whose day job it is to carry guns and bust people's doors down

- you are a retail establishment with valuable new merchandise on premises, close to where protests are happening, and you have a gun that the person busting your door down could use
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew



I made the cake mix. it was good. it baked about three minutes too long so it was a bit dry but ice cream solves that. had it with salted caramel ice cream the day of. and butterfinger ice cream today.


Quote from: VCRClock on June 02, 2020, 10:37:57 PM
you can probably stop worrying about having someone with a gun bust your door down because of riots unless:

- you killed somebody recently

- you are part of a population distrusted by people whose day job it is to carry guns and bust people's doors down

- you are a retail establishment with valuable new merchandise on premises, close to where protests are happening, and you have a gun that the person busting your door down could use


Quote from: VCRClock on June 02, 2020, 10:37:57 PM
you can probably stop worrying about having someone with a gun bust your door down because of riots unless:

- you are a retail establishment with valuable new merchandise on premises, close to where protests are happening, and you have a gun that the person busting your door down could use
knew it was a mistake to start sexually identifying as a walmart smfh


Quote from: PatriotClock on June 03, 2020, 01:50:51 PM
Quote from: VCRClock on June 02, 2020, 10:37:57 PM
you can probably stop worrying about having someone with a gun bust your door down because of riots unless:

- you are a retail establishment with valuable new merchandise on premises, close to where protests are happening, and you have a gun that the person busting your door down could use
knew it was a mistake to start sexually identifying as a walmart smfh
I sexually identify as an attack helicopter


the president ordered peaceful protesters to be shot at and gassed and had priests and bishops gassed so he could take a photo with the bible

jfc this country, man


You ever buy some fresh bread, but then continue to eat the old bread and it tastes kind of stale, but you power through and only when it's all gone do you start eating the new bread, which by then has gone stale as well?

It's like an analogy or something, when you think about it. An airtight analogy for our modern age.


Quote from: GreyClock on June 03, 2020, 04:04:40 PM
You ever buy some fresh bread, but then continue to eat the old bread and it tastes kind of stale, but you power through and only when it's all gone do you start eating the new bread, which by then has gone stale as well?

It's like an analogy or something, when you think about it. An airtight analogy for our modern age.

If it was airtight your bread wouldn't be going stale so fast



just put your bread in the damn freezer and toastit it stays perfectly fine


Quote from: Slurpee on May 31, 2020, 07:29:01 PM
Quote from: Slurpee on May 31, 2020, 04:18:40 PM
I think the clock crew's number 1 priority going forward should be to get star wars to tweet black lives matter
mission accomplished, everyone

It's weird how people not only like to be patronized by multinational corporations, but they DEMAND it.

Like, Disney, Sony, etc would gladly take you and your family and throw them into a literal meat grinder if they thought they could sell your ground-up meat chunks for a profit without getting in trouble for it. They will do literally anything for profits if they can get away with it. They don't care about you, they dont' care about anything but $$$

But then they get a 17 year old intern to tweet some half-assed jpg and now they're champions of civil rights.

The punchline? A lot of these companies that are tweeting this shit are still using pseudo-child slavery as part of their supply line. Sony used materials mined by children in africa in playstations. Disney has done plenty of shady shit over the years. But naw, lets get our morality from these fuckers

I realize the idea here is "they have a big following so it's good that they're spreading the message" but it's still fucked

When are we starting the communist revolution, guys? Eat the rich!
Quote from: MafiaMettaurWhat the hell is with that shit you posted? You know what, I'm joining the Locks, just to stop stuff like you!
Quote from: polyhedronclockYou're a fucking clock, what else do you have?
To be fair, you don't have anything. Clocks are just machines that tick.


Quote from: Thor on June 06, 2020, 10:25:25 PM
It's weird how people not only like to be patronized by multinational corporations, but they DEMAND it.

Like, Disney, Sony, etc would gladly take you and your family and throw them into a literal meat grinder if they thought they could sell your ground-up meat chunks for a profit without getting in trouble for it. They will do literally anything for profits if they can get away with it. They don't care about you, they dont' care about anything but $$$

But then they get a 17 year old intern to tweet some half-assed jpg and now they're champions of civil rights.

The punchline? A lot of these companies that are tweeting this shit are still using pseudo-child slavery as part of their supply line. Sony used materials mined by children in africa in playstations. Disney has done plenty of shady shit over the years. But naw, lets get our morality from these fuckers

I realize the idea here is "they have a big following so it's good that they're spreading the message" but it's still fucked
I can't even give them that much. I already was sick to death of the "we care" corporate garbage from the start of the coronavirus but this is some next level horseshit. the hypocrisy is unreal. every random company is trying to get their share of twitter clout and keep the looters off their ass. the latter doesn't even work,  several of the companies doing this already had buildings looted since. apparently nickelodeon interrupted spongebob for an 8 minutes of silence while an altered version of their old "kids bill of rights" was on screen with some spiel about them being against racism and police brutality. yeah I bet the employers of dan shneider really cares about kids rights too "hey kids tweet me pictures of your feet #blacklivesmatter".

furthermore I can't stress enough that randy pitchford using the riots to sell copies of duke nukem 3d is a thing that happened and is amazing.

Quote from: Thor on June 06, 2020, 10:25:25 PM
When are we starting the communist revolution, guys? Eat the rich!
real talk I think if we somehow did get a class war in america the populace would be engineered into eating literally everyone from 40k to 400k a year to both eliminate the middle class and the lower bits of upper class who might have some mobility. and it would still be mostly race fueled. I don't see it happening anyways. I expect the future to be a very gradual shift into something resembling china and parts of south america. maybe a few taken-advantage-of or outright engineered crises to move things forward along the way. make people want or even demand it. the world we live in as old men will be the most boring cyberpunk dystopia ever.

then again I don't know shit and I'm pretty cynical about society in general so I'm probably wrong. and even if I'm right about the general direction maybe people resist this in a way that isn't subverted to support it. maybe they resist it the wrong way and we end up with some other kind of crap to deal with.


i dont know why people wanted star wars to tweet black lives matter i just thought it was funny :shrug:


oh no it was. your posts were funny and irreverent. thor and I are just ruining the chill by actually discussing corporate shenanigans.


So what's the event for late 2020? I already know aliens landing is the season finale
Quote from: MafiaMettaurWhat the hell is with that shit you posted? You know what, I'm joining the Locks, just to stop stuff like you!
Quote from: polyhedronclockYou're a fucking clock, what else do you have?
To be fair, you don't have anything. Clocks are just machines that tick.


I feel like we skipped the murder hornets


Quote from: Slurpee on June 07, 2020, 12:27:57 AM
I feel like we skipped the murder hornets
the studio decided not to adapt that part of the manga


Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on June 06, 2020, 11:41:32 PM
I can't even give them that much. I already was sick to death of the "we care" corporate garbage from the start of the coronavirus but this is some next level horseshit. the hypocrisy is unreal. every random company is trying to get their share of twitter clout and keep the looters off their ass. the latter doesn't even work

vcrclock says a bunch of shit other people already said and can't condense words for shit, hope you're bored: the psot

I think covidpopsting and blmpopsting are two different animals. The former are already fuzzy in my mind, but I think everyone agrees they were all kind of tone deaf. At best, it's somebody I bought a lamp from once awkwardly acknowledging that thanks to a force of nature, some people are locked into duties that put their lives immediately at risk, while the rest of us sit at home getting paid lots to do shit that doesn't matter, OR suddenly finding ourselves without a job. Why do you think your take on this is relevant to me, IKEA? Yeah I'm gonna buy another lamp but I'm not gonna do it right now. I don't know, maybe the "awkward acknowledgement" is like "hey everything's really fucked up, but once this is all over, we can go back to normal, right? IKEA: it's exactly like before. don't change anything. please." on second thought, I forget if IKEA pivoted to making masks or something, but that was a popular angle: "hey we've stopped what we're doing to make masks or something, and we want you to know WE CARE because if you think we're empathetic you'll still shop with us, and we're scared about not making any money rn"

for everyone besides Target, not that I've seen their posts, I really don't think blmposting is an anti-looting measure. the thing about looting is it's totally natural for have-nots to grab stuff, because for just a few nights they can say fuck you to whatever structure is preventing them from having stuff. but it's absolutely individualistic american dream shit -- looters are political in that they think have-nots should be able to have, but it stops there. "hey idiot don't loot this shop it's a black-owned business" is an afterthought. if you're a looter, and that's the business that's (a) nearby (b) has shit that you can either keep for yourself or flip, that's who you're looting. I'm extremely doubtful that The Masses can ever be politicized enough to loot specific giant entities with the intent to cause specific damage to them, especially because it's not like people are getting their opinions and background from books, lol

which brings me to why blmposting? covidposting is super chill. stuck at home? just talk about books you're reading or albums you're listening to, whatever. post when some healthcare professional dies alarmingly young, or a bunch of italians get together and sing, or post because you're mad that conspiracy theorists are demonstrating for their right to get sick, but it's all your choice -- nobody's telling you what to post. it's a virus. it's the news. whatever. george floyd dies on video, though, and anyone remotely liberal is shocked. black people are like "oh you're listening now?? now you get it??" even-remotely-liberal whites are, as always, thrown into a desperate need to prove that they're not racist. but there's also DIRECT pressure from people whose thing had been talking about racism on social media to (1) post about this stuff, because to be white but "not get political" is to be complicit; (2) at the same time, shut up so people can hear black people talk for a minute; (3) physically go to protests, donate money, involve yourself on more than a one-time basis with anti-racist organizations, etc., and even that probably isn't enough because how are you gonna make up for hundreds of years of oppression.

while any corporate communication on the subject is going to feel like a cash-in, if star wars doesn't tweet #blacklivesmatter, people go "WHY HASN'T STAR WARS TWEETED #BLACKLIVESMATTER?," because as we've established, if you don't say something, if you "don't get political," there's racism afoot. (I think the caveat is that if you're a business-to-business manufacturer of electrical parts and you only remember that you have a twitter every 6 months, people won't be wondering where the BLM tweet is.)

I follow a bunch of artists and companies that have obviously been #BLM types forever, and they can just write something up in 5 minutes, post it, and the only followers they lose are dumbshits who couldn't have been around long if they weren't aware of their stance. in those cases it's like "you already know, but we're going to post it anyway." they're no braver than they were two weeks ago, but it's reassuring.

then you've got like the kid gloves tweets from big companies that are all like "we like black people" or "hey look, we have black employees, and we just grabbed a couple by the collar to see if they wanted to say something on our giant twitter account," you've got Star Wars "standing against racism," but not using the phrase "black lives matter" to avoid getting tweeted at by #AllLivesMatter Gang. ironically this hand-wringing is second only to acting like nothing's happening as an indication that a big ass public entity feels beholden to the opinions of people that are made uncomfortable by the least uncomfortable parts of all this. it's "taking a stand" because as thor said, the people demand it, but it's meaningless both as a political stance (essentially noncommital) and as a cash grab (taking an extreme stance may make very opinionated people want to give you money, but doing the bare minimum endears you to nobody).

this is not a groundbreaking opinion, but the posts I've seen from normal people (i.e. not companies) have not all been meaningful or useful either

a friend of mine runs something like a meme account that's not political at all, with thousands of legitimate followers, and broke immersion to make a succinct "black lives matter" post. he's based in a liberal part of the country where that might even be regarded as "not enough," but the non-political nature of his account meant that some of his followers were #AllLivesMatter or possibly even #maga people who didn't see it coming and got all pissy in the comments. that's one of the few posts I've seen where it didn't feel at all like "performative activism," or a liberal preaching to the choir for fear of being seen as Team The Cops.
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


also i think it's interesting to see people in europe talking about "why are we having protests about this when it's clearly an american issue? people are paying too much attention to america and think that if they're protesting there, we should be protesting here"

and I think it's partly due to this memetic "you need to be doing something about this" thing that's been going on. not that europeans can't have a protest, too, but people are pointing out that problems with the cops and racism in europe are hardly exactly the same as they are in the US
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


hypothesis: racism is an older generation thing and it will die out with them

findings: untrue

possible explanation: there is always an older generation

experiment: start dying in our thirties