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godot fan thread

Farted by PhantomCatClock, February 15, 2021, 08:08:27 PM

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so I didn't want to say anything until I thoroughly vetted it, but I found a gæm engine (if I wasn't me, I'd close out right now because where have i heard that before) that reminds me a lot of flash. That is, working in Flash, not the bullshit (a base project with no art in it is like 500bytes, for example). I mean, there's a LOT that makes it unlike flash, I just mean it's what -I- was looking for. The 3D feels like Blender, the 2D feels like... idunno, flash without drawing tools. It supports a couple languages, compiled and otherwise, but the lingua franca is tied into the engine at key points in ways that remind me of Flash, even if there's no Timeline (just a normal loop—this was actually made for games and not dynamic websites whaaaat). It's spaced like a python-like language instead of a grandchild of C but whatever swirly brackets were nice but I don't need 'em

uh, what else

oh yeah the thing is like 30MB and it runs on windows and mac and linux and it has its own window manager which sounds lame but the point is it feels the exact same on whatever computer you're using so that is also cool

it is called Godot and my birthday present to myself is a new laptop that I cannot afford so I can take this on the go and be a famous trailblazing indie developer and quit my job and get all the babes and have a cool funeral where everyone is invited to talk about how great my life was, the end


man godot is pRomising but I never got through the tutorials because they were sort of having me do something that didn't look like what I really wanted to do

godot is also not the project I need to pick up right now, fuck

if you learn anything, and come up with good information or tutorial type stuff to share, I'd love to have a place for that here at clockcrew beacuase I think it would be valuable
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


it works with c# too. that's the language I told myself I'd learn first once I finished my flash flood thing, seemed like a good place to start. well time to get to it then, I've got enough free time I might as well. I wanna really figure out drawing writing and basic caveman-level coding to a level I feel okay with. at least to a point where I can make something small. my ultimate goal is to get far enough that I can somehow hack together a tactical rpg. imagining it is so easy but making the working parts together isn't so much. godot seems like it would be a good place to start fucking around in too once I've spent a few months figuring out shapes and numbers. what is a nose? what is a variable? does 1+1=jumpnshoot and how do I transform two circles and an oval into a photorealistic owl/cat/penis?  I think these are problems I can find a solution to with enough focused use of my free time. if I could figure out how to properly animate a lumbering slurpeesaurus in half an hour I can do anything (even if I forgot where he was standing between shots fuck).



Quotegit clone

I have a tutorial set I'm making myself get through even if a lot of it is bonehead stuff. Want to know this ecosystem so I can take it to a friend's house to work (there's no internet there) while he's not at home, on my days off

and opposite boat, here. I'm not even a little worried about the code--I know everything I need to know to be able to just do anything, and I'm definitely at the point where when I -do- hit something that doesn't work, I know what needs to be done to fix it / what to google, which I remember being a big problem when I was first starting this sort of thing

i just can't make things look good worth a shit

but I'm sucking it up and moving past that—fun fact, that's actually why I joined clock crew. Nothing was ever good enough for me to show off, why not join this place and become a spam artist


OH YEAH forgot to mention, though i guess everyone who responded with interest probably already noticed, it's free-as-in-freedom free. you can just fuck off and do whatever you want with it, no licensing (i mean there is a license but you know what i mean)


It's the shabby anticipation narrative.


Does this mean The Manager collab is coming out


been chipping away been chipping away we gotta make the time and we gotta resynergize our drill down goals it is in the top 5 Rob and I take the top 5 seriously just like the manager collab

you did great at your annual review by the way


the only other person who would dare split a thread is vcr, and i know it wasn't me. there will be hell toupée by steven spielberg


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on February 16, 2021, 07:36:10 PM
the only other person who would dare split a thread is vcr, and i know it wasn't me. there will be hell toupée by steven spielberg

watch me split all these off topic posts back into ccbt
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


[FLASH=]http://width=300 height=200[/FLASH]

Anonymous Frog

I've decided to switch to Godot for major game productions, such as a Metroidvania type game. I've tried and considered many other game development software, but nothing really worked best.
Fuck anonfrog



I never actually compared features but it came off like you only use this if you can make anything in anything and don't ever blame the brush, I just like the license a lot



godot as in godot engine is pronounced godot but godot as in gal gadot is pronounced go-dawtt
