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A great book.

Farted by DrClock, November 09, 2006, 08:42:29 PM

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Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought
Quote from: Kodiakclock;1893997godclock probably now that I think about it. We could bro it out he could learn me how to surf and then we cruise bro our way out of there into brosville


Life of Pi, by Yann Martel! 100 gripping chapters of survival and weirdness on the open Pacific!

I'm also quite engrossed in Myst: The Book of Atrus.


Quote from: FudgePackerClock"Everybody Poops"

I loved the part when he pooped.  :o
This may be my second favorite book.
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


You guys should say why, too.  Just name dropping won't give us any reason to want to check it out.  Plus we have no idea WHY it affected you the way it did.

The Conquest of Happiness, by Bertrand Russell.  A self-help book by a philosopher, which means its dense with ideas and information, instead of having just one main idea that can be explained in a couple pages that's padded out to two hundred pages.  Written in 1930, and except for a couple historical refences (that were contemporary in his day) and  referring to some ethnic groups and women in a somewhat backwards way compared to today, and a few circumstances being different thanks to the Internet giving people a way to converse with their peers more easily, no matter their location, it's still just as relevant and helpful today.  Very thought provoking also, and a fairly quick read, since he doesn't dive into too much esoteric philoso-speak.

A buncha books by Phillip K. Dick.  I inherited about 25 PKD books from my ex-roommate, and over the past year I've gotten through 20 of them.  They're not so much about science fiction as about examining regular people who are put in a futiristic setting so PKD can use different products that fuck around with these people's realities and therefore you can also experience and consider the idea "What is reality?"  They all tend to be quick reads (Several of them I've read in a single night), and most tend to fuck with your mind and make you wonder what's really going on in the story right up until the end.  His stories are also responsible for the movies Blade Runner (blech, I hated the movie, but the book is really good), Total Recall, Minority Report, and Paycheck, amongst others.

Anthem by Ayn Rand.  Really fast read (only like 90 pages long), but a pretty fun dystopian novella, which gives you a better understanding of why Ayn Rand hates the word "We" (in fact, these people can't even think of the word "I", they refer to everyone as We, and talk about other individuals as they, not he or she).  While I'm Libertarian, I'm not Objectivist, and this book really shows me why.  Objectivists seem to HATE other people (except your sex companion), HATE philanthropy (even given freely by individuals instead of coercively through the threat of force by the government), and think that the word "We" is a filthy word and nothing good can ever come from thinking about your fellow humans, which I can't get behind at all.  However, the pro-freedom aspects of the novel I definitely can get behind, and I really enjoyed this novel when it didn't devolve into preaching.  You can read this in under two hours, so I suggest you try it sometime.  It covers the same material as Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, in about one tenth of the pages, plus the characters seem more human than in those other two books.


Quote from: PumpkinThe Stinky Cheese Man
lemayo lol :soups:


Elric of Malenbone by michael moorcock, all his works are fantastic, but it is both the best book, and the only Elric book I've read.


The Illuminatus! Trilogy. Because it's awesome.


Quote from: AmontilladoThe Illuminatus! Trilogy. Because it's awesome.

I was just mentioning books I read recently, but this is my favorite book of all time.

waffle nigger

Quote from: FudgePackerClock"Everybody Poops"

I loved the part when he pooped.  :o
Seriously, that was truly epic.


Quote from: SageClockI was just mentioning books I read recently, but this is my favorite book of all time.
Right on.


If you have not heard of Max Barry, go out and buy/borrow his books. All three of them. Now.

He is an incredible Australian political author... but he gets his message across in a way that isn't pompous or distracting. And a lot of what he's said as satire of capitalism has since happened. In a scary way.


Quote from: SnakeClockLife of Pi, by Yann Martel! 100 gripping chapters of survival and weirdness on the open Pacific!

Hey bud, let's high five with our books yeah!


Quote from: DragonBallClock;553506captain underpants


Quote from: AppleMash;1693475Yes.

thanks for the thread bump captain


Since its bumped already
Red Dwarf was probably the best book i had ever read, But probably because im such an avid fan of the show and watched it way before even knowing of the book.

And pretty much anything By Terry Pratchett, The way he writes is fucking amazing, He makes you laugh and think at the same time, kinda monty python-esque with a touch of his own class.


Syrup by Max Barry
Jennifer Government by Max Barry
Company by Max Barry

Women by Charles Bukowski

Slaughterhouse-five by Kurt Vonnegut

Adventures in the Screen Trade by William Goldman

The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell
Outliers by Malcom Gladwell

Rebel Without a Crew by Robert Rodriguez

That's enough for now.


Lately for me my faves have been the Hallows series by Kim Harrison, and the Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz.
[FLASH=]width=670 height=200 quality=medium wmode=transparent[/FLASH]


I'm changing my answer to the notebook trilogy by agota kristoff btw.

jurassic park, lol. at least I can see my tastes are progressing adequately


The Illuminatus! Trilogy


Well hello 2006!

Now I guess it would be 'kiss the girls' or 'The heroin diaries'