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crank dat kind of poopy

Farted by Slurpee, May 26, 2008, 05:05:24 AM

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How's it hanging my cats? :cool:

This is slur to the p with a phatty new news feature that may or may not become a regular (i.e. weekly) fixture of the front page. I'd say I'm doing this at the behest of everybody's main man LeekClock so I can look like a good little monkey, but truthfully I wouldn't have done it if I didn't feel like it. I am very irresponsible and you should hate me.

Anyway, LeekClock felt, probably due to the attention brought to the subject by my homey SpinningCubeClock, that the Front Page, while exhibiting some cool shit, is not exactly all about the Clock Crew and being clocky and clock-like and all that good shit and some people were feeling alienated and he suggested we keep an eye out for things more closely tied to the Clock Crew like clock movies or flash movies in general, et cetera, and he also mentioned a fortnightly look back at clock crew history, and clock history has always been a thing that I like, so this is my little run at that last bit.


by hamburger-clock
Submitted 08/15/2002, the first ever Clock Day.

HamburgerClock was a cool guy from the old Clock Crew forums. He spoke in TEH BBST WAI POSSABLE and he was very witty! You may have also heard of Bacon Burger Clock, who doesn't like Josh Bedn because Josh Bedn is ghey.
Hamburger digivolved into him or went super saiyin or they are friends or something I don't know.

HamburgerClock's Clock Day Movie was, to my knowledge, the first Clock Day movie on the subject of failing to make a Clock Day movie, and the subject quickly became a staple of clock day flash movies.

I enjoyed Hamburger's take on the matter immensely, and so I stole the background for the Clock Day 2004 preloader but let's just keep that between you and me.

The Carrot Clock Saga
The astonishing trilogy or whatever!

Enter Carrot Clock
by CarrotClock
Submitted 09/26/2001

The true king returns to reclaim his thrown.

Enter Strawberry Clock
by OrangeClock
Submitted 09/26/2001


Carrot's Darkest Hour
by CarrotClock
Submitted 09/26/2001

CarrotClock calls upon the Portal to light his darkest hour! The true victor is shown!

The Carrot Clock movies introduced veggie clocks, nemeses of the fruit clocks and rivals to the throne of King of the Portal.

Carrot and his cronies would go on to be regularly featured as on again off again super villains, in their attempts to usurp StrawberryClock's throne, from The Clock War to Revivial of the Menace, but you couldn't ask for better friends.

What's amazing about the first couple of CarrotClock movies was they were all made on the same day, September 26th, 2001, a mere month and week after B was submitted. Things moved fast back then.

What's really cool is about 12 hours later on the same day, meat clocks were introduced, opening the Clock Crew up to an endless variety of things to stick clocks on, with

The Clock From Space!
by ArchonPrime
Submitted 09/26/2001

The clock featured in The Clock From Space was never officially named, but mostly we just call him SteakClock.
SteakClock is regularly featured in bit parts, tearing shit up.

I thought I had more energy for this, but that's just about all the clockiness and horrible vB code I can take in one sitting, so

Hope everybody enjoyed this, maybe a couple of you saw something you haven't seen before, or something you hadn't seen in a while. In the future I'd really like to expose some rare old gems, so if you're particularly fond of any old clock flashes in particular, hit me up, and I'll take a look and take them into consideration for future editions.

Happy clocking!

Oh, I'm also going to link you back to the phlash phandango thread, because that shit was off the hook.


That was a glorious stroll down memory lane. I hope we can sustain this feature

Pin Clock

if there were two guys on the moon and one of them killed the other with a rock that'd be pretty fucked up wouldn't it?


That was great stuff :)  Thanks for posting that, it's good to see this kind of stuff on the front page.
Neato burrito my movie was linked in that.
Dayum, things did move fast back then.