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Whassup wit dat Clock Crew?

Farted by Slurpee, June 02, 2008, 08:54:25 PM

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strawberry clock rpg 2
by OrangeClock
Submitted 10/08/2001
(Thanks, PaperBagMask!)

The sequel to StrawberryClock's very own RPG., strawberry clock rpg 2 is one of the Clock Crew's many pastiches of more traditional Newgrounds games.

by AvocadoClock
Submitted 02/09/2003

Submitted mere days before The Void II, Sonne is a somewhat legendary clock animation, presenting AvocadoClock's unique interpretation of the Rammstein song "Sonne." Sonne was one of the first Clock Crew animations to enter the Newgrounds Top 50 of its own accord, and was one of a long string of high-quality animations released by the Clock Crew in late 2002 and early 2003.

Though not quite so masterful today as it was 5 years ago, for several years, one would be hard-pressed to find anybody in the Clock Crew who'd not seen it, and it was an inspirational piece for many clocks.

Also of note is Engel, a kind of insane bizarro version of Sonne made by a non-clock, which has also found its place in many of our hearts.

Negro On A Canoe
by BananaClock
Submitted 03/03/2003

I don't know. Just watch it.

FagBag's Exodus
by LeekClock
Submitted 01/05/2004

LeekClock periodically disguises himself as FagbagClock, a homosexual pink version of FrogbagClock, but it's a secret.
FagBagClock's initial unmasking came in the form of this movie, or something like that! (I don't remember.)
But it's also a fun movie to do the following things to:
  • watch
  • vote 5

by KnottsberryClock
Submitted 09/06/2002

KnottsberryClock, earliest and most prolific of the Clock Crew's parody flash movie makers, created an almost shot-for-shot remake of Drew Barrymore's opening scene in Scream, featuring OrangeClock, to marvelous effect.
I liked the ending.
Check it out.

Okay, that's it for this week.
If you didn't like this week's little expose, I'm doing another one next week anyway, so check back.
If you have any movies you'd like to see here, PM me. 100% of the people that have done so got the movie they sent featured!!!
(Part of the purpose of this is to shine the spotlight on older flashes that are still enjoyable, and it's not going to go too swimmingly if it's only old flashes that I still enjoy and nobody else does. Feedback is golden!)


Thank you for doing these updates! Knotts' movie was amazing... I missed out on a lot of good stuff, apparently!
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


Banana's is crappy, but I drew that goat cause he sucks! hah (even though the goat sucks too).

The others are great. It brings back some good memories.



Quote from: Asshat0๏̯͡๏0;1326411awesum sauc
your stupid name is making it hard for me to PM you
but good call on the request


All these are fucking awesome!


I showed my friend strawberry clock rpg 2 and it took him 45 minutes to beat.
Also those are all awesome.