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Phlash Phandango#3: Vote Now!

Farted by LeekClock, June 12, 2008, 06:43:00 AM

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Make a flash which is based around/involving traveling.

The flashes: (in order of submission date)

Clocks and Clockfriends, go here to vote.


Quote from: skeletal;1318761Holy twat that was fantastic
I loved the line "looks like it has been raining glass bottles again" and "It's a boomerang, a frisbee for people with no friends."
This will definitely be a big inflluence on my phlash phandange.

bwahaha, also skeletal is that a transporter from habbo hotel?!


After watching them all, I'd have to say my three favorites are Evilberry's, Skeletals, and Radiotube's at a first.