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cheerleaders r smrt

Farted by patriotclock, August 06, 2008, 03:57:02 PM

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patriotclock staff report

AUSTIN -- Forget Aggie jokes.

Cheerleaders attending camp at the University of Texas have provided more than enough funny fodder for the state this summer.

Ever wondered how many cheerleaders can fit onto an elevator? We’ll give you a hint: Not 26.

But a group of peppy campers found this out the hard way at UT’s Jester Residence Hall.

Twenty-six cheerleaders packed into an elevator there, but it got stuck and stayed that way for about 30 minutes.

Some of the girls passed out.

Others used their cell phones to call for help.

One girl was treated and released at a hospital and two others were treated at the scene after the Tuesday night prank, officials said.

UT officials didn’t think the prank was all that funny.

“It’s dangerous, actually,” said UT police spokeswoman Rhonda Weldon. “They’re lucky that that’s all that happened.”

Just a few weeks ago, teens at another campus cheerleading camp had an entire dormitory evacuated after they smelled an unidentifiable odor.

Hazmat crews descended on the scene and discovered the culprit: burnt popcorn.

But the benign source of the smell didn’t stop dozens of cheerleaders from complaining of respiratory problems.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.



Quote from: Franklin G. Hamilton;1377773the dumber they are the easier it is to put your dick in them

elevator 26some mmm


Why do they call it a prank?


Quote from: Eric Foreman;1377807Why do they call it a prank?
the joker was behind it
Quote from: YoYoClock;1903849
KodiakClock - Super Butt


They didnt told us what we all wanted to see.

Randy Pearson

I would really like to live in a world where I didn't think that all cheerleaders were either legally I'm a edgy teen or hypochondriacs, but articles like this unfortunately prevent me from doing this.

To be fair, they are all probably so anorexic that 26 or them = like...3.

The popcorn one was hilarious:

"What's that smell! It's gas! I can't breathe! I'm gonna die!"

"It smells like popcorn."

It feels good to say what I want. It feels good to knock things down. It feels good to see the disgust in their eyes. It feels good and I\'m gonna go wild. SPRAY! PAINT! THE! WALLS!


um... the whole "too many people in an elevator and getting stuck' thing happened to me and the people in my dorm once after a meeting. 18 of us were in there (mostly guys) and the floor went up a half a floor, got stuck, and it took almost 30 minutes for someone to get us out of there... yet we didn't have a news article written about us, because it's not newsworthy.


Quote from: PatriotClock;1377761Some of the girls passed out.



Quote from: Franklin G. Hamilton;1377773the dumber they are the easier it is to put your dick in them

ok, go fuck dogs. They're stupid.


Quote from: SixShooterClock;1378129ok, go fuck dogs. They're stupid.
The fact that it's easy doesn't mean you want to.

I mean rapists would have a way easier job if they raped the elderly but most of them aren't really into that.

Randy Pearson

Quote from: SageClock;1378127um... the whole "too many people in an elevator and getting stuck' thing happened to me and the people in my dorm once after a meeting. 18 of us were in there (mostly guys) and the floor went up a half a floor, got stuck, and it took almost 30 minutes for someone to get us out of there... yet we didn't have a news article written about us, because it's not newsworthy.

There's a simple rule on whether accidents involving minors are newsworthy: unless you are a skinny, blond white girl nobody gives a shit.
It feels good to say what I want. It feels good to knock things down. It feels good to see the disgust in their eyes. It feels good and I\'m gonna go wild. SPRAY! PAINT! THE! WALLS!