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Main Menu - beta .2

Farted by Blue, November 20, 2008, 03:44:28 PM

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hey I have a new most-wanted feature: an upload-from-URL option


Quote from: Zombie Lincoln;1531451hey I have a new most-wanted feature: an upload-from-URL option

That would be nice. It's the only reason I still have imageshack bookmarked.


Some may have noticed is down today. Do not fear, it should be back tomorrow with better servers.
[FLASH=]width=670 height=200 quality=medium wmode=transparent[/FLASH]


Just fixed the ads. Realized that it wasn't earning money for the last 6 months and I had to pay the bill out of pocket because I forgot to check the adsense account... woops

Also, just embedded the new Pixlr editor, so thats nice, right?
[FLASH=]width=670 height=200 quality=medium wmode=transparent[/FLASH]