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Heavenly Sword

Farted by k0ma, December 02, 2008, 01:27:30 PM

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PSN Network - BGK0

Steam ID- k0m4t0se

these are zeros, not o\'s, folks




crossbow levels were the only decent thing about it


Someone explain this to me because I thought it was pretty good.


Quote from: AsshatClock;1461017Someone explain this to me because I thought it was pretty good.

play god of war and you'll understand

plus the fact that it was hell short


Quote from: SIurpee;1461021play god of war and you'll understand

plus the fact that it was hell short

I played god of war and of course its better but Heavenly sword isn't a bad game for the 20 euros it is now.


Quote from: AsshatClock;1461023but Heavenly sword isn't a bad game for the 20 euros it is now.

for that price maybe


It seems like a rental at best.
I'll rent it whenever, it's not gonna be one of those "I wanna rent Heavenly Sword" kinda things, though.


meh ps3 what do you expect.

lbp and mgs are the only good things that system has going for it besides the fact that it's a relatively inexpensive bluray machine.

and mgs is coming to 360 is it not?


Quote from: peyote;1461652and mgs is coming to 360 is it not?

Last I heard yes, but I'm not sure if it is official.


PSN Network - BGK0

Steam ID- k0m4t0se

these are zeros, not o\'s, folks


mgs4 will never ever ever come to the 360, it's physically impossible
even on the ps3 they had to trim it down so it would fit on the disk

if it ever will, it will suffer a major blow to the quality


Yeah, gotta be honest, I don't really see MGS4 coming to the 360 anytime soon.
It could still happen, but I'm doubtful.