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Farted by Ruler, February 05, 2009, 11:28:01 AM

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I know a lot of people have made posts about age of conan and shit, But .. I play wow , And I bought AoC, It couldn't run on my computer that well so I sold it to my bro inlaw, who played it a while, And now I can buy it back for 50 bucks :) , I'm wondering if its worth it or not tho, I kinda like the play style, But I'm so accustom to world of warcraft, That I dont feel any motive to change. Can I get some opinions?
Is it really worth the switch? I COULD play both, But I'm not comfortable with interchanging MMO's.


i hear the servers are basicly dead

not to mention you can get it on steam now for like 20 bucks


Quote from: Herbert West;1514882not to mention you can get it on steam now for like 20 bucks

Wow, thats cheap, haha.. I think ill just stick with wow ><


Or ditch both and get a real game.


i tried it when it first came out

disregarding that it's really boring to play without a friend, the combat was great, quests were p. standard, a lot of the content was missing which made it suffer, looked great

so yeah it should be better with a friend, more people and all the bugs fixed+content added




Quote from: Asshat;1514902Or ditch both and get a real game.