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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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remember Mp3 players? actually you know what fuck mp3s, i'm going to buy an old cassette walkman and listen to books on tape at work


ALSO I spent over an hour trying to get iTunes to back up the last year's worth of files off the shitty memory phone and after 3 restarts i got to about 50% before completely shitting out so fuck it I guess, i'll transfer the pictures and videos to my tower and everything else can be memory holed

does iTunes even exist anymore? it keeps prompting me to update the software on my PC but i feel like its been discontinued? my impression of this is based entirely on the fact that iTunes Podcasts was renamed to Apple Podcasts and it's literally the only apple software I've ever been bothered to use



itunes was removed in favor of some kind of weird cross-interfacing thing with like 8 different apps that are all just called things like "Music" and "Books" and also directly inside the finder window in osx in like the least helpful way possible

I pretty much stopped plugging my phone and tablet into my computer because it's always a 2 hour headache


my ancient galaxy phone doesn't need the stupid software it wants you to download but my god is it slow to move files back and forth. I'm dreading it but I gotta back up my shit again soon.


Quote from: Slurpee on March 30, 2023, 03:30:51 PMyall see that lackadaisy cats pilot?

lackadaisy is one of the few odd content streams that makes up the death rattle of my rss feed reader, goddamn if i ever get a new computer i'll probably forget to export my feeds

kind of afraid to watch because i know it's years in the making, but i have a sinking feeling it's gonna cater less to why i started reading the comic (super tight art and obnoxious attention to historical detail) and more to the 'men and women want to FUCK the cast of Lackadaisy' element that i imagine Lackadaisy's Patreon fanbase to be

Quote from: Slurpee on March 30, 2023, 04:28:19 PMhaf llife

the same way there are young adults today who don't remember 9/11, there will soon be young adults who won't remember a time when it was possible to distinguish ai-generated content from "the real thing" (whatever that means, lol!!!) without context from external sources

Quote from: robfone

this is a subject we are in agreement about. had to replace Fone recently because Old Fone was starting to randomly forget how to connect to wifi networks. for what felt like the first time ever, had a frustrating old-person-vs-technology experience because New Fone wouldn't activate on my wireless carrier like it was supposed to, and after trying random Reddit advice I had to make a trip to Fone Store. all of this to replace a basically functional device, because there's no such thing as "repair" unless it's a cracked screen or battery swap. i have previously lamented the end of the "lets put a microSD port in Fone" era. that would only be too fucking easy

you know what IS repairable? cassette walkman. i bought mine new in about 2008 and it stopped working so well a couple years ago, but there's this guy in Slovakia on eBay who will sell you exactly the rubber belt you need and show you how to put it in
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


the modern independent animation scene requires kowtowing to the interests of wealthy furries


speaking of animation I finally saw lain and FUCK how did that come out in 1998? I think I'm gonna watch it again. I'm rewatching seinfeld too, it's been an equally enriching experience. I never watched reruns heavily like with the simpsons or south park and whatnot, so it's nice to not remember a lot of it. I did recently see a south park short I'd never seen though.



I watched and 5'd everything
in all the new thresad

I didn't feel like posting but I did it


Quote from: Slurpee on April 01, 2023, 03:27:00 PMI watched and 5'd everything
in all the new thresad

I didn't feel like posting but I did it

GreyClock posted clips from the animation he gave up on a while back after it got corrupted (?) and now I miss him



shia lebeouf was a bad choice to play stanley yelnats, physically

stanley was nicknamed "the caveman" because he's supposed to be this big awkward lumbering nerdy dude who never realized that his size made him seem imposing to strangers just as much as it made him feel awkward growing up
shia's like, what? 5'9? maybe 165 lbs at the time of filming?

I thought of this because I'm on the bus with a guy who I would definitely instinctively nickname "caveman" and he seems like he wouldn't know how to take that. this guy should have been stanley yelnats


Yes but how do you feel about Mutt Williams?


boy, what don't I feel about Mutt Williams?
  • he certainly was in a movie that happened
  • and all the rest!


my assignment was almost late just now because the submission thingy was like "okay thanks for submitting 😄👍" so I left to do some other shit and I came back and the submission screen was like "alright, we processed your submission... into this preview of what you are submitting! 😃 would you like to submit it? 🤔" YES, FOOL.

less than two minutes to spare. I finished it early!
I'm so mad. nothing bad even happened but the fact that it could have and it wouldve been really stupid pisses me off



that's a good left 4 dead 1 reference, slurp


I picked up my fishing license for the season today, and on a complete whim I checked the schedule for fire arms registration courses and got the last available seat at one this month, so in two weeks it will be legal for me to own the family rifles 👍🏻
