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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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You keep your maize farmers, traditionally, at the intersection of two perpendicular walls


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on April 07, 2024, 08:34:32 AMYou keep your maize farmers, traditionally, at the intersection of two perpendicular walls
I try to every night all in vain




pcat the wii u and 3ds servers have gone down and I forgot to check beforehand if I was still the only one to clear your mario maker level.
this is gonna bug me. that was my only accomplishment in this life


someone finally made a virtual boy emulator for 3ds I'm so happy


Quote from: Slurpee on April 08, 2024, 03:25:12 PMpcat the wii u and 3ds servers have gone down and I forgot to check beforehand if I was still the only one to clear your mario maker level.
this is gonna bug me. that was my only accomplishment in this life

clockalope still holds the record for Name That Bill

games i make haunt exactly one (1) person for all eternity


going to the land of short things to feel like I be long*

*not in reference to penis. please don't post that this is in reference to penis


when I was a kid it seemed like a really big deal that there were both "innie" and "outie" bellybuttons. kids with outies seemed to be about in the proportion as left-handed kids- rare, but there was pretty much zero chance you didn't have at least one in your class. but I don't think I've seen an outie in 25 years. do they go away when you get older? did I just stop paying attention? do kids with outies keep their shirts on for the rest of their lives? are there any celebrities with outies, or do they make them cut it off?
answer my questions!


I cannot believe FFXIV's subscriber count is so high when their support is so unbelievably shitty. The first boss is being able to play the game. You pay $20 for a code that doesn't do anything until they spend days telling you no, twelve hours apart. I don't even want to be specific about what's happening because it sounds like a parody that is too insane and malevolent to have been made in any sort of good faith, but it's happening to me right now. They are all outies.


people always say FFXIV is different from other mmorpgs but I'm pretty sure the main difference is that they like this one


i saw a little kid today at the train station who was watching the trains come in and as they were he was reciting back to his ma the model, series, year of manufacture, and tons of other shit about the train. i'm always fascinated by people who find their shit so early haha

i was watching a documentary about frank gehry, the architect recently, and he recounts building houses out of little wooden blocks and shit on his floor when he was a little guy.

did U have like a childhood gift???


my first boyfriend was a weird bus understander kid when he was young and he was all embarrassed about it
there was a video of him on facebook of his friend going "hey _, what kind of bus is that?" and he rattles off a whole bunch of insane facts about its make and model, and she giggles and goes "and how do you know that?" and he goes "because I'm a weirdo who got super into busses when I was little =("


I am elmer j fudd, millionaire, I own a mansion and a yacht


as a child i read books about mushrooms that catalogued them and were used to identify them and I recognized probably hundreds of mushrooms on sight, sometimes i even wanted them books read to me as a bedtime story. i was afraid of real-life mushrooms and i would never eat them I would only help spot them when we went mushroom picking

currently i think they're disgusting to eat, mostly because of the texture


guess who has two thumbs and knows how to solder things to a circuit board? :cool:
someone else, I accidentally soldered my left thumb off :(

first step in making an army of robots complete √


a centaur that is the top half of a dratini and the bottom half of a dragonaire


My parents successfully sold my childhood home (seven years after moving out of it) and I feel absolutely no sense of loss or remorse because I have no happy memories of my childhood, only relief that it's finally gone, and anger at my deadbeat piece of shit brother for preventing it's sale 2-3 years ago when they could have gotten twice as much money for it :thumbs:


Quote from: RobClock on April 14, 2024, 06:30:02 PMMy parents successfully sold my childhood home (seven years after moving out of it) and I feel absolutely no sense of loss or remorse because I have no happy memories of my childhood, only relief that it's finally gone, and anger at my deadbeat piece of shit brother for preventing it's sale 2-3 years ago when they could have gotten twice as much money for it :thumbs:
gooooood news, then?


why don't people with incontinence go live in the ocean