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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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eyelog is a deliberate fashion statement eyedust means you don't take care of yourself.


anyway vcr watched chinese ghost story 2 and said it was the best movie he ever saw, is why i bring that up


booo i am the ghost of vcrclock. watching a chinese ghost story 2 turned my insides to tapioca
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


pay no heed to my list of undead clocks that's just everybody's name crossed out except slurpee, rob, and flounderman. you're probably gonna have to pirate chinese ghost story 2 by now but it has a kaiju so get to goin'



don't fall for it, rob. it's the last fight in a really long movie



this is pretty delightful so far. it reminds me of conan the barbarian and army of darkness and shakespeare

and that's not some kind of weird joke or passive aggressive dis I really mean that
it makes me think of how old stories were just allowed to be everything. but not like bland flavorless test audience everything, a more purehearted version of everything, free to be farcical when the moment is right, and serious when the moment is right, but not feeling like one part takes away from another or like it's been specifically diced up to perfectly timed beats of mccomedy to maximize dopamine output sorry I have a lot of gripes with the modern hollywood blockbuster pipeline I'll go back to watching the movie now



this thing where the poem has a different meaning relevant to a new context reminds me something that happened in Ten Earth Shattering Blows. I wonder if that' an older trope that I just haven't had a lot of exposure to for whatever reason? writing something to work that way seems like it would either be really easy or insanely hard

also it's aurally distracting that this woman's name is Susan




the movie is also really pretty to look at




I forgot to mention when it happened but I really liked that moment where the magic-knower dude who just completely spanked the entire fake ghost team out of nowhere, hears the other two people's names and suddenly becomes the lower status character, and he's like "oh wow! you're really uh king arthur and oprah winfrey? badass. allow me to introduce myself, I'm han solo."
it's extremely endearing and also you just instantly understand what the dynamic is going to be going forward



I love this monster, also


unrelated to the pause/unpause joke I was just doing, this freeze/unfreeze scene is fucking exquisite


okay I got distracted by naruto fanart for a sec but I'm back to watching it again and holy shit the imperial officer dude is going to fight the demon thing


uh yeah me too. spiritual equilibrium. that's why..


that's so weird, this happened to me once

I was framed but they stayed the execution then I met a high priest of the emperor who started casting an evil spell on me. like one to one that exact same thing happened to me last time I was in chico

edit: and then the evil priest turned into a giant golden statue of the amitabha buddha, yep. weird. exact same thing.

is this why you wanted me to watch this dude?


fellowship of the ring stole this scene


men in black stole this


JESUS CHRIST what was their fucking pyrotechnics budget for this flick
