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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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the episode where superhero has been stripped of some of their abilities and to get them back, they have to go against the bad guy with the help of their biggest fan (who doesn't have any superpowers)

astro boy: oh shit! I've been tied up!
biggest fan: I know! use that knife you canonically always carry!
astro boy: use the-- no dawg look that was a deus ex in one story. help
biggest fan: help
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew



Now Playing "Shana" by Tin Tin


Self-Destruct in ten seconds, starting now. Ba-doop!

You fiend! You'll never get away with this!


speaking of computers being bullshit, i was about to come on to complain that scp still sucks shit when your files/folders have spaces in them

so i guess this script now moves them to /tmp/, uploads from there, THEN moves them to ~/outgoing/processed/

so not a problem, after all. this post was written in my head during the "THIS IS BULLSHIT WHAT IS HAPPENING" stages that lasted way too long because it's impossible to google that error message without just finding people using scp for the first time who have it backwards


on second thought, nevermind


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on November 23, 2024, 07:50:55 PMon second thought, nevermind
hey I was gonna read that it looked like you were pwning robots or something


I realized that people would be able to link to "" and get each other banned


something something cracking a few eggs

like that time we had the plugin to ban bots from the clock crew forums and it banned flounderman

look it's for everybody's benefit
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew

PhantomCatClock occurs to me

the MAIN webserver bot-killer I use works well, but it also stops google/

this one, though, would save clockcrew a bit of.. eh, server's running fine



it's actually pronounced yogi


Quote from: RobClock on November 25, 2024, 07:19:59 PM
clean lines and great comic book handwriting. I love it and wish I was capable of those two things specifically.


I tried to make a flash entirely in the pencil tool and this came out.

entirely pointless gimmick and I used PNGs anyways. I'm going back to stock photos for everything.


man, are you kidding? that is the next line in the evolution of flounderman

unless you mean to save time, then i can see pngs being faster

for anyone else, come to think of it


Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on November 25, 2024, 08:27:51 PMI tried to make a flash entirely in the pencil tool and this came out.

entirely pointless gimmick and I used PNGs anyways. I'm going back to stock photos for everything.

this movie has more walk cycle than I would ever care to animate. :fifen:
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew



Have more people had their accounts scrubbed? I have this feeling like we've been in the 5990's before.

I also feel that my life is a purgatory where each day bleeds into the prior and next and I would accept without a second thought that I'm wrong about this.

Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on November 25, 2024, 08:23:37 PMclean lines and great comic book handwriting. I love it and wish I was capable of those two things specifically.

You're too kind, and clearly overlooking the obvious erasure around Yogi's hind leg. Loved the new cartoon, by the by- I voted five and then deliberately chose not to vote today in the provincial election.


"I would like to request protection for my hamburgers" said hamburglarclock. "I realize the irony but it is just a name and the loss of my burgers has become a serious problem"



I watched an episode of Clarence with my little cousin and I was surprised by how much I liked it
I dunno why, I guess I just assumed it would be Not For Me. maybe I just incorrectly thought that I had outgrown cartoons for some reason and stopped watching them but it turns out I actually just still like cartoons? impossible to say

but I loved it in a way that I also kind of never want to see another episode lol
 I feel there's no way they're all as good as this one, and I love that by chance the random episode I happened to see was amazing, and I think I want it to remain pure in my memory. it kind of reminded me of the original Adventure Time pilot, like, I enjoyed it that much, just in terms of it being a really solid short cartoon with a really particular fun and evocative tone and doing everything it needs to in a pretty short amount of time
have any of you watched Clarence? the episodes can't possibly all be this good, right? I'd have heard about it

anyway if you've never seen an episode of Clarence and would like to join me in this experience the episode is called "Tuckered Boys" and it's season 1 episode 43

the plot is, Clarence and his friends Jeff and Sumo decide to stay up to watch the leonid meteor showers and end up hallucinating from sleep deprivation

Sumo is this amazing horrible little goblin who acts like he wandered in out of a different, significantly less wholesome cartoon. in pretty much every scene he's just incidentally doing some reckless and destructive beavis and butthead shit to entertain himself, knocking over furniture, beating a trash can with a stick, hoarding ketchup packets and chucking them at things, etc. he hallucinates that he's this crazy snake/bat monster thing fighting and eating a bunch of tiny friendly leaf monsters
Jeff is a square and literally has a big cube-shaped head and I half want to kick whoever came up with that joke in the dick and half want to buy them a trophy. he's the one who wanted to watch the leonids because he has this bright-eyed dream of... being part of the crowd-sourced online reporting on the meteors' rate and trajectory lol. he hallucinates that his hero, literally Copernicus, comes down from the stars and takes him on a journey through space to teach him the secrets of astronomy and make him his successor
Clarence is just a nice, ppppossibly special needs(?) kid. I have no idea why the show is called Clarence, he doesn't seem like a super interesting anchor point, but, eh, he's nice and likable and has kind of a kirk-to-bones-and-spock position between Jeff and Sumo so w/e. he picks up a toy frog somewhere and his hallucination is having kind of a wilson the volleyball relationship with it but also just general brain-melting psychedelia

in my head it feels like this couldn't possibly have just been a ~ten minute cartoon. like you know how you watch Independence Day and later it feels like there were so many characters and plot threads that you're like "how was this just a movie and not like a 6 hour miniseries?" it's just very narratively efficient, is the answer
so there's the initial set-up of jeff wanting to watch the leonids and the boys talking him into staying up all night instead of waking up early, then they get bored and all go to get snacks (none of them seem to have parents, which adds to the fun kind of Stand By Me type of vibe), and they get yelled at by the neighbors, they go to a gas station liquor store and there's a whole scene with them messing around in there, jeff has to go to the bathroom and it's a nasty ass gas station bathroom and I don't want to spoil it but he passes out, then they get lost in the woods and have the aforementioned hallucinations, and they eventually end up in an empty football field where they see the meteor shower and honestly at that point it doesn't really feel like a kids' story, it feels more like those late nights in your 20's where you get pretty plastered and everybody ends up at an all night diner or cooking tuna melts on a hotplate or something. that magical hazy drunken feeling of 4am garbage food being the most delicious amazing thing you've ever experienced in your life, that's the feeling of Clarence and the boys watching the meteor shower. it achieves that feeling. or I guess I could have just said "harold & kumar." it's like harold & kumar in 10 minutes.
also they all have a little arc along the way. jeff gets mad at the other two when they get lost, saying he should have just gone to bed like he planned, but by the end he ends up saying that staying up was the best idea ever, and, also, when he's hallucinating he imagines copernicus calling him "jeffrey" and at the end he hesitates when putting in his information on the meteor website and goes "name: jeff... no, jeffrey" then he falls asleep on the 'y ' key. it's kind of perfect. clarence as stated has a wilson the volleyball arc with the toy frog, and sumo basically fights the leaf monsters to a draw and admits defeat, which isn't like crazy impressive but again it's just amazing how much they jammed in


oh and happy thanksgiving. I'm thankful for this episode of clarence, apparently