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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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anyway what's cool about /r/tipofmytongue is when, I either have a specific memory of some obscure bullshit or I'm good enough at digging that I can help, or the thing the person is describing sounds super weird and crazy and I either feel like I've seen it too even if I haven't or I'm like "dude what that sounds fascinating"

what's not cool is it has a pretty small uh... like, exposure surface, to the broader internet, so more obscure asks are likely to fade out before anybody who knows what they're talking about has a chance to see it

and what's also not cool is when there's just a flood of lame, uninteresting ones, like "I played a game with boats? I think it was on club penguin? my dad showed it to me when I was 3, way back in the year 2022." fuck you kid that shit sucks

a good one is like uh "music video where a baby turns into a spider monster and eats its parents??" or "short film where an abused kid runs away from home and is taken in by vengeful forest spirits who wipe out the town as punishment for failing to protect them"
and then when somebody does find it it's always way less cool than you were picturing lol



and another 6000 more pages after this!


speaking of important internet numbers, I was number 777 on newgrounds for a brief moment the other day.

proudest moment of my life. I have nothing left to accomplish.


hearthstone is (almost, few months off) as old right now as WoW was when hearthstone launched


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on January 05, 2025, 02:33:44 PMhearthstone is (almost, few months off) as old right now as WoW was when hearthstone launched

any day now my WoW TCG collection's value is going to skyrocket


a android mod that makes it so all your screenshots say you have 6% battery left


whoa grats i didn't know you had a pile of unscratched loot cards


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on January 05, 2025, 09:39:36 PMwhoa grats i didn't know you had a pile of unscratched loot cards

Yeah none of the really cool ones but they're sitting in a box somewhere at my parents house



honestly if your giant soft pretzel place doesn't have sour cream and onion flavor go fuck yourself


I did the RAADS-R test and scored a 136 which it tells me is "strong evidence of autism"

I guess it's time to get really into Sonic the Hedgehog or something


Quote from: RobClock on January 10, 2025, 07:23:18 AMI did the RAADS-R test and scored a 136 which it tells me is "strong evidence of autism"

I guess it's time to get really into Sonic the Hedgehog or something

my somewhat retrogressive take is that if you're a reasonably functional adult, the most important thing a soft or hard autism diagnosis can do for you is identify potential avenues of investigation to better understand how your own brain functions -- like if there's something you've never been able to get right, and now you know it's an autism thing, then you at least understand why

as for adding "probably autistic" to how one describes themselves, I think there are some people for whom the "autistic" label generally helps people understand how to get along with them, and there are some people who use the label to excuse themselves both from judgement for behavior that they know very well people don't like, and from any obligation to work on not doing the unpopular thing. not that the latter group is not in fact autistic, but I think they make a bigger deal of reminding people that they're autistic

I just scored surprisingly low on the RAADS-R, which means that my time-consuming, repetitive, solitary record-collecting hobby, which most of my friends would likely not care to hear too much about, is actually now certified 100% neurotypical. can I tell if someone is flirting with me? of course! nobody is flirting with me
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


hey why am i getting targeted ads for a model train show
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew



Quote from: Losperman on November 01, 2005, 02:10:29 AM
Quote from: AlbinoClockhooray

That better not be sarcasm. :|

At 2/6/02 11:10 PM, OrangeClock wrote:

the canadian army will save us!

At this rate, I hope they do
You outta pocket...


Quote from: VCRClock on January 10, 2025, 10:59:27 PM
Quote from: RobClock on January 10, 2025, 07:23:18 AMI did the RAADS-R test and scored a 136 which it tells me is "strong evidence of autism"

I guess it's time to get really into Sonic the Hedgehog or something

my somewhat retrogressive take is that if you're a reasonably functional adult, the most important thing a soft or hard autism diagnosis can do for you is identify potential avenues of investigation to better understand how your own brain functions -- like if there's something you've never been able to get right, and now you know it's an autism thing, then you at least understand why

as for adding "probably autistic" to how one describes themselves, I think there are some people for whom the "autistic" label generally helps people understand how to get along with them, and there are some people who use the label to excuse themselves both from judgement for behavior that they know very well people don't like, and from any obligation to work on not doing the unpopular thing. not that the latter group is not in fact autistic, but I think they make a bigger deal of reminding people that they're autistic

I just scored surprisingly low on the RAADS-R, which means that my time-consuming, repetitive, solitary record-collecting hobby, which most of my friends would likely not care to hear too much about, is actually now certified 100% neurotypical. can I tell if someone is flirting with me? of course! nobody is flirting with me

Honestly I've never thought of myself as a neurodivergent type in my adult life, most of my answers that likely lead to the score came from reflections on my youth where I really struggled. The only benefit to me from a clinical diagnosis would be financial as I know here in Canada you get a disability cheque of $7000 annually and they backpay you for ever year you've been working. As I am now thirty and started working a  18, I would get nearly $100,000. That would be a life changing amount of money.


Quote from: RobClock on January 12, 2025, 08:46:50 AMhere in Canada you get a disability cheque of $7000 annually and they backpay you for ever year you've been working. As I am now thirty and started working a  18, I would get nearly $100,000. That would be a life changing amount of money.
I was about to buy a plane ticket to canada before I realized I never unlocked green hill zone in sonic adventure 2 so I don't qualify. I got all the damn chaos emeralds why isn't that enough?



I'm definitely not autistic, any pinch above normal for me is probably from overlap with adhd and generally being a weirdo
if anything I'm pretty sure I have some kind of stupid reverse autism where I instinctively understand other people's feelings a little too well and it's kind of creepy? is that a thing?

I remember I was talking to my friend about our other friend and I mentioned "he was doing that thing where he pretends he was zoning out to disguise a negative emotional reaction"
and he was like "no. ... what? what are you saying?"
and I was like "uh..." because I immediately realized what I just said wasn't normal
but oh well, too late now, so I tried to explain, "that thing he does. you haven't noticed? he does it all the time. someone will say something and he'll suddenly be sitting there stonefaced and kinda in his own head because it took his mind somewhere and he doesn't want to say anything because he doesn't want to dwell on it or bring the mood down but he also doesn't want to act like he's fine so he'll play it off like he was just spacing out. he's like trying not to be ruled by his inner turmoil."
and he was looking at me like that shit is wild lol
and he goes "are you jean grey?"
and I was like "fuck you, why would you say jean grey when professor x is also psychic? fuck you. are you storm? are you jubilee?"
and he laughed
and I was like "are you dazzler? :mad:"
and he was like "do me next, what am I like?"
and I was like "you're an asshole"
and he laughed again
but see really I knew that that wasn't fair because he's not asshole, he plays the asshole to make people laugh but really he's constantly trying to keep the mood up and keep people in the loop, like even if they're feeling kinda grumpy and like they don't want to socialize, and his kind of cheeky assholishness gives them an excuse to defensively snap at his friendliness, but also lets him take that on the chin while he's trying to get them to smile with this sort of playful antagonism and it's actually really cool of him and he never gets enough credit for it, he's willing to seem like kind of a dick to make people happy and get them to open up, but he's also never too pushy about it, if somebody needs space he'll let them have it.
but can you imagine if I said all that? this is what I mean about it being kinda creepy. when I was younger I thought everybody had these really strong reads on what people are feeling and we were all just being polite by not saying it because part of reading people is knowing that that would make them feel exposed and vulnerable and self-conscious and kinda spelled out and who wants to do that to people?
but nope turns out once again I'm just kind of a freak :wiebel:
 I think that's why I turned out to be a pretty good salesman, though. I'm not really interested in selling things, but I instinctively understand people and can sense what they want (like right now I can sense you're feeling that this post is way too long and I talk about myself too much) and I'm nice so I'll try to give it to them, and in a sales environment that translates to them buying things, which is kind of fucked up, and kind of makes me feel like a sociopath honestly, but I don't think I'm that, either, because I care about other people too much. er... no, not care. I like other people and want them to be happy and prosper, but the fucked up thing is I'm not even actually that interested in people lol
it's like matrix code, I just see it.
"this guy is feeling despondent. he either lost something precious to him or is very concerned that he's going to." - my brain after looking at a complete stranger for a couple seconds.
I found myself relating to memes and fanart (speaking of neurodivergent :P) of both Kabru and Laios from Dungeon Meshi, which makes no sense, because they're written to be completely opposite personalities, but the thing is, the way they're written, Laios isn't really interested in people and doesn't really think about them or pay too much attention and can be really oblivious, and, same here, and Kabru cares about people to an almost sociopathic extent, which, no, but that means he gets these super accurate deep reads of people and it's kind of creepy and, hey, same here. they just like me fr. which is weird because when I was reading it my dude was definitely Mr. Chilchuck

speaking of which, hey, look, I picked my first lock:
I guess you probably can't tell just to look at it but keyholes can't be in a rested position at that angle without having been picked. this is the hard kind with the spool pins, too, and I'm getting to the point where I can do it consistently by touch
step one to collecting every weird hobby becoming a rogue complete ✅
I'm really annoyed that a tension wrench is just a flat bent piece of metal used for turning the lock, incidentally. I wanted to learn about picking locks when I was a kid and when I looked it up online and hit the word "tension wrench" I pretty much gave up. I had no money and that sounded complicated. if I hadn't hit that barrier, who knows? I could've been arrested for criminal trespass really good at lockpicking by now.

boy, this post was all over the place!
• 69 lol
• I think I have too many mirror neurons
• I like my friends
• I'm still into Dungeon Meshi and find the autistic monsterfucker and the self-important calculating student of human behavior both very #relatable

• but my favorite character is the no-nonsense middle aged divorced dad who's a huge coward and enjoys a good beer
• also I can pick locks now >:3