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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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Quote from: EvilBeanClock;1974842god speed. america loves you. the collab should be done by then.



Quote from: VuBawlsClock;1974831ALRIGHT GUYS, this is the only time I'll be able to get on CC on the ship, pretty sure will get blocked tomorrow by netsec, so if you guys want to get in contact with me, my email is
If you want to send me fanmail or packages or something, maybe some love, my ship(ping) address is as follows;
IT3 Hay, Derrick
USS Carl Vinson (CVN70)
FPO AP 96629-2840

Love you guys, be back in 10 months!

i will miss you, man!
be safe, and be well!

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.


uuughhhh that season premier for Doctor Who was painfully mediocre. I wish Steven Moffat could convince me Season 5 wasn't just a total fluke and that he could write a decent god damned season.


The Doctor also said that heaven doesn't exist, so bravo for catering to both 13 year olds on tumblr, and 20+ year olds on reddit, Moffat. Brav-fucking-o.


I maintain that the Dickwolves comic was genuinely funny commentary on questing in WoW and other MMOs and that the controversy surrounding it was fucking moronic. Wish I had gotten that T-shirt while it was available, it was better designed than half of the WoW merch that Jinx sells.




Lump Clock

Quote from: RobClock;1974853uuughhhh that season premier for Doctor Who was painfully mediocre. I wish Steven Moffat could convince me Season 5 wasn't just a total fluke and that he could write a decent god damned season.

Quote from: RobClock;1974854The Doctor also said that heaven doesn't exist, so bravo for catering to both 13 year olds on tumblr, and 20+ year olds on reddit, Moffat. Brav-fucking-o.

Dr. Who is a bunch of hogwash anyway, so ya know... get over it?



DAE remember the time weenie roast jokingly made the entire forum invisible except this thread for like 5 hours and then bigbadron had an autistic fit and quit the site? Good times.


Dr Who isn't that great and people only like it because it's british, old, or because they have a boner for that guy who played him in the last series.

In all fairness though the Daleks are great I'll give you that. And I like the skin-frame lady that's a neat concept.


There was a huge earthquake near where I live. Woke me up in the middle of the night.


Quote from: RobClock;1974855I maintain that the Dickwolves comic was genuinely funny commentary on questing in WoW and other MMOs and that the controversy surrounding it was fucking moronic. Wish I had gotten that T-shirt while it was available, it was better designed than half of the WoW merch that Jinx sells.

The problem is that groups of guys were wearing it to PAX conventions which are already Male dominant, making it feel even more unsafe for women who have to worry about rape way more than you'd think.

There's also the inherent problem of making money off of rape victims speaking out against something they feel uncomfortable about.

Yeah the joke wasn't bad. There's definitely room in this world for dark humor. But in an environment (gaming conventions) that's already sketchy for women, selling a shirt with a rape joke is in pretty poor taste and makes for a more threatening environment.


Quote from: AnkhClock;1974866There was a huge earthquake near where I live. Woke me up in the middle of the night.

damn! get out of the house!
seriously, you gotta be somewhere safe, because this is always bad, and sometimes after-quakes happen.
(forgive me if im saying it in a wrong manner)

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.


Quote from: AmberArachnidClock;1974869The problem is that groups of guys were wearing it to PAX conventions which are already Male dominant, making it feel even more unsafe for women who have to worry about rape way more than you'd think.

There's also the inherent problem of making money off of rape victims speaking out against something they feel uncomfortable about.

Yeah the joke wasn't bad. There's definitely room in this world for dark humor. But in an environment (gaming conventions) that's already sketchy for women, selling a shirt with a rape joke is in pretty poor taste and makes for a more threatening environment.


someone help me here. what is this dark humour joke, and the comic that rob mentioned above...
i dont know this

Quote from: FloundermanClock;1974863Dr Who isn't that great and people only like it because it's british, old, or because they have a boner for that guy who played him in the last series.

In all fairness though the Daleks are great I'll give you that. And I like the skin-frame lady that's a neat concept.

well, if Dr. who sucks, then we can do,

Dr. clockoo! (or clocwho, dunno)
fighting versus the evil daL0cks! those dal0cks again!
and uhhh skin frame lady could be clear clock?
i think it would be funny.

PS: i do recall someone mentioning the dal0cks idea long time ago, so i let you know that the dal0cks idea isnt mine.
but the idea of adding clear-clock as the skin frame lady is mine.
do not steal, lol

BTW: and uhhh dr clocwho, could be SBC ofc... with british hair and accent.
(is SBC british irl? maybe we could ask him to voice act for this maybe?)

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.


Quote from: BilliardBall10;1974870damn! get out of the house!
seriously, you gotta be somewhere safe, because this is always bad, and sometimes after-quakes happen.
(forgive me if im saying it in a wrong manner)

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, if I left my house after every earthquake, I'd be homeless.

Anyway, it's fine. Shit didn't even fall of my shelves. The ground where I live is fairly soft, so I don't get much violent shaking during a quake.


Quote from: AnkhClock;1974875I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, if I left my house after every earthquake, I'd be homeless.

Anyway, it's fine. Shit didn't even fall of my shelves. The ground where I live is fairly soft, so I don't get much violent shaking during a quake.

how far up north are you?

im down by hayward and  i was lying on my giant fucking beanbag chair when it happened and i just thought i was getting those drunken sways, until I remembered I wasn't drunk


Quote from: Slurpee;1974880how far up north are you?

im down by hayward and  i was lying on my giant fucking beanbag chair when it happened and i just thought i was getting those drunken sways, until I remembered I wasn't drunk

Pretty far North, in Solano County. Almost straight East of Napa.