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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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And those irritating cocksuckers only offer it via subscription. You don't even have the option to just buy it. Like, cool, help poor retards, but what about everybody else who'd been buying your programs


When Adobe switched to the subscription only model, customer satisfaction crashed hard into an all time low, and profits climbed marginally, so it's staying forever


we had a thread about the changeover and I was a little excited. teensy bit.


@slurpee: well, yes, rupee didnt invent the whole premise of gardfield without gardfield, but he certainly wrote a thesis about it. (about psychology or something).

however, he did it many years before the site ''gardfield without gardfield'' ever existed, so he certainly outranked them in that aspect. (in the aspect of time, that is)
Quote from: DumpsterClock!!! on August 24, 2016, 08:47:42 PM
Yeah if rupee clock really wrote that thesis then he's a pathetic fucking fag.
yes, he wrote that thesis.
however, i assume that your life's achievements must've been incredibly wild, creative and beneficial for mankind as well.
you are truly a great person, dumbster clock, and i admire* you.


Quote from: FloundermanClock on August 24, 2016, 10:07:54 PM
I wrote a philosophical treatise on the potential to put a clock on an object and animate it in 1993. it consisted mostly of crayon drawings of tits but I assure you the concepts were fully developed and elaborated upon. I want my fucking royalties and I am suing dumpsterclock for copyright infringement.
hahaha, good one flounderman!

can i become a flounderknight plz?

*lol no i dont

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.

miracle fruit

d u m p y

Quote from: BilliardBall10 on August 24, 2016, 04:41:46 PM
dumpster clock is p. cool, if you ask me

What happened to this, ya bipolar, windowlickin' pissfreak?

d u m p y

Bb10 I'm sorry I insulted your mentor and personal hero, rupee clock. I should be more sensitive about the guy you've modeled your whole clock career after


rupee and bb10 are completely different

rupee left


Quote from: DumpsterClock!!! on August 25, 2016, 07:29:45 PM
Bb10 I'm sorry I insulted your mentor and personal hero, rupee clock. I should be more sensitive about the guy you've modeled your whole clock career after
name's BB10, you pleb

also: i dont look up to rupee clock...
he might be talented clever and a good guy overall, but still, every person is unique.
so, i am who i am.

bite me, dumbsterclock

PS: i find you ''cool'' because your vitriolic posts amuse me. please, keep making a fool out of yourself. its funny.

Quote from: PhantomCatClock on August 25, 2016, 11:52:25 PM
rupee and bb10 are completely different
rupee left
good one!

tho, i honestly dont know why people hate rupee clock so much. is it because he sided with wade during the ''camel day'' events/during the rigged portal awards, which later resulted in a heated ''flash battle'', and thus, some clocks got their profiles deleted?

rupee clock, despite his ''flaws'', helped to get the CC on the map (by making popular CC cartoons), he earned many daily awards, and he generally cared alot about the well-being of the CC.
so yeah, why hate him so much? its silly.

(and the ''he is a furry'' reply isnt sufficient. people hated him for the ''camel day/rigged awards'' incident, because he sided with wade/with NG.)

i guess at various times, some people need a scapegoat.

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.


Quote from: BilliardBall10 on August 26, 2016, 02:45:41 PM
rupee clock, despite his ''flaws'', helped to get the CC on the map (by making popular CC cartoons), he earned many daily awards, and he generally cared alot about the well-being of the CC.

rupee was part of the easy, countersubversive, video game and meme centric, artless newgrounds mob that never appreciated us before we were "on the map" (a change which rupee had absolutely fucking nothing to do with, as he rode in on the wake of actually talented and interesting animators like blue, koala, and strange), and dried up and vanished the second that the center of their shallow lowest-common-denominator world shifted to youtube.
his humor was always completely out of step with the rest of us, and he never cared about supporting this group outside of advancing his own sycophantic integrity-free climb through the haze of navel gazing dialed in populist tripe. he went out of his way to ingratiate himself with newgrounds' staff and popular users just to have their ear whenever we did something he didn't agree with, as part of a sad agenda to claw up whatever meager power he never had the talent or competency to achieve otherwise, he threw in with bit when bit was actively purging core members of the clock crew for standing up to him, because bit paid for his personal website, and turned on him the second he stopped, and he threw in with wade when wade indiscriminately mass deleted dozens of clock crew flashes which you seem to be pretty blasé about glossing over


finally set up in my new apartment

d u m p y

Nice backpedaling you olive jockey fuck

d u m p y

Quote from: BilliardBall10 on August 26, 2016, 02:45:41 PMtho, i honestly dont know why people hate rupee clock so much. is it because he sided with wade during the ''camel day'' events/during the rigged portal awards, which later resulted in a heated ''flash battle'', and thus, some clocks got their profiles deleted?

Here we see bb10 expressing that he loves sonic the hedgehog hentai so much he'll apologize for wade deleting clock accounts

If I ever needed an illustration that this guy will put his love of cloying fucking mediocrity before the health and well being of this crew, don't think I could do better than that right there.


rupeeclock was definitive lock legion material in both aesthetic and manner

d u m p y

Quote from: SockpuppetClock on August 26, 2016, 06:14:09 PM
rupeeclock was definitive lock legion material in both aesthetic and manner



that post camel day drama was hilarious though. almost the entire forum ganged up on rupee. it was great.


When was this? I don't remember it at all, but I thought I was around for some of rupee's stay


April 2008

let it never be said that I don't know how to carry a grudge


d u m p y