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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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Oh, sorry about that. I just kind of read it and instantly became curious, so I wasn't really thinking about how vague the assumption was. Also apologies for the particularly colorful display, their twitter at the very least is SFW, but I'll make sure to put a warning next time I guess.

Quote from: Phonograph on September 19, 2016, 08:44:30 PM
Isn't that Drunkmagikoopa?

I looked it up and apparently yeah, holy shit, it is:


I dunno how much you get to boast about having had an internet personality be part of your group when that personality makes a serious effort to distance himself from everything he did during that time of his life
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


he's just protecting his source code

also I love the choice of icon for the animutation wiki (also that said wiki exists)


Quote from: RobClock on September 19, 2016, 07:48:28 PM
Quote from: RobClock on September 19, 2016, 07:46:39 PM
His flash were obviously very low-effort, reused  alot of assets and relied on yelling in a funny voice, and what I would have called 'running jokes' but kind of want to call 'proto-meme humor', for punchlines.

I'm aware of the irony of me saying this
our tiffs with people who nominally resembled us always seemed hypocritical from the outside. that's part of what made them so aggravating.

clock crew has a puckish quality, and not everybody gets it. you have to be the kind of person who catches the wink and the conspiratorial grin behind watching a flash movie about a flash movie so bad it makes people beat their heads against their computer monitor and then submitting that bad flash movie.
(and then submitting a better drawn remake of it as a sequel and finally a 3d techno remix. c'mon, son.)

but there were these dumbies that looked at the clock crew and went, "okay, intentionally bad movies, repeated jokes, insider attitude, got it" and holy shit did those people ever fuck up a good thing.
they'd produce some watered down abomination and try to fill the void of the joke they didn't get with something cloying and obvious about how "it's supposed to be bad that's the joke!!" or they'd view the apathetic attitude toward quality as an exploit, like ackbar, or god forbid as something to be improved upon, like the lock legion.

seriously fuck everybody who isn't us what the hell. the clock crew was like this anarchic subversion of the author function as an arrogant dimwitted aggressor that knew quality and form to be disposable assets in entertainment, and everybody else was just an arrogant dimwitted aggressor. the galling delusion of it.


I meant myself personally, the author of such classics as 'I just farted' and 'I just farted 2', at around the same time Meatwadsprite was making his akbar movies. Though I agree with what you're saying, to this day I don't think I've ever produced anything that deserves to be categorized with actual quality clock productions.

I really should purge my NG account


Rob, give me your street address so I can personally murder you if you do that

I'm glad Slurpee misinterpreted that because his posts are always a treat when they're more than one sentence

Aside from all the times I've sucked my own dick while watching my old cartoons (and still would) I also feel like nothing I did ever needs to be associated with the great movies, yeah, but I feel like my newgrounds account as a whole, in the context of every movie and comment and review response, really needs to keep existing because by god it is an obzshay dartâ,,¢ and yours is ten times better in that same regard. You MAY have a single movie that was great (god knows I'm too much of a puke to watch them all even though I keep telling myself I will, yours and Pop-Tarts) (in my defense Pop has a million) but the whole gallery is a masterpiece. At least leave it up for E-archaeologists to piece together a profile of this strange clockman a hundred years in the future.


Quote from: RobClock on September 19, 2016, 11:27:25 PMto this day I don't think I've ever produced anything that deserves to be categorized with actual quality clock productions.

I really should purge my NG account

I've never made a great flash either, psych just kidding I was in pass the ca$h and hulk hogan's epic clockfest, and so were you, steve jerkle.

name a really great Sid Viscious song. or P Diddy, you know that awesome song P Diddy did that was such a classic and everybody loves, what was it? what was that legendary Jerry Seinfeld stand-up bit, that use for peanuts George Washington Carver came up with, that really funny scene in Caddyshack, that really great John Leguizamo movie? TRICK QUESTION MOTHERFUCKER IT'S TO WONG FU THANKS FOR EVERYTHING JULIE NEWMAR


miracle fruit

Quote from: PhantomCatClock on September 19, 2016, 11:44:01 PM
Rob, give me your street address so I can personally murder you if you do that



My favorite non-Clock Crew flash for the past seven years:

I kind of always appreciated the likes of Stagbeetle or so that made similar content because it was just stuff that reminded me why I liked the Clock Crew back in those days. I felt kind of like an idiot back then because I would show these to friends and acquaintances in other online circles I was in at the time and none of them would really "get it", while I would just kind of sit there and think "what is there to even get, it's Mozz taking his .jpets for a walk" but then again the people I knew at the time were unfun socially awkward sticklers who would use ellipses in casual conversation in MSN group chats.

I know there's a huge disconnect between what the Clock Crew mostly did versus the amount of copy cats there were, but there were a few diamonds in the rough I thought.


The first real flash linked in this whole thread


I wish YouTube had a "stop recommending this dumb bullshit" button for the sidebar videos like what porn and Hulu does for ads

miracle fruit

Quote from: Slurpee on September 19, 2016, 07:29:17 PM
and that time you flirted with denying the holocaust, I was like "whaaaaaat! what's his game???? :sherlock:"

never forget the 60 trillion


d u m p y

The fact that dril is drunkmagikoopa is seriously fucking mind blowing damn


All of my animations are the best ones in the history of the clock crew.
Quote from: YoYoClock;1903849
KodiakClock - Super Butt

miracle fruit



I bet it's an accidental Google bomb from every elementary school in America every February

I mean the super soaker's pretty great, but I'd put it a little bit after the airplane and the atomic bomb in terms of importance


Quote from: Slurpee on September 20, 2016, 07:07:38 PMI mean the super soaker's pretty great, but I'd put it a little bit after the airplane and the atomic bomb in terms of importance

The Super Soaker was far more impactful on my childhood experience. And not always in a good way.