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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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Quote from: VCRClock on March 26, 2017, 11:13:46 AM
Quote from: GreyClock on March 26, 2017, 07:35:58 AM
cocktail sauce is ketchup + mayonaise + paprika powder. Now I learned that that's (basically) what they call fry sauce in the U.S.

literally the only place I've ever been where ketchup/mayo "fry sauce" was an acknowledged condiment was utah
I skimmed Wikipedia and it talked about Idaho and the Pacific Northwest but I didn't feel like specifying, that's what you get for being such a ridiculously enormous country.


Quote from: GreyClock on March 26, 2017, 01:20:23 PM
Quote from: VCRClock on March 26, 2017, 11:13:46 AM
Quote from: GreyClock on March 26, 2017, 07:35:58 AM
cocktail sauce is ketchup + mayonaise + paprika powder. Now I learned that that's (basically) what they call fry sauce in the U.S.

literally the only place I've ever been where ketchup/mayo "fry sauce" was an acknowledged condiment was utah
I skimmed Wikipedia and it talked about Idaho and the Pacific Northwest but I didn't feel like specifying, that's what you get for being such a ridiculously enormous country.

Make America small again?


Isn't the McDonald's SECRET PINK SAUCE on the Big Mac and such just ketchup and mayo and like.. something. relish?


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on March 22, 2017, 06:49:00 AM
now to not talk about yoyos to the clock crew for another three years.

Quote from: PhantomCatClock on March 26, 2017, 03:58:47 AM
Quote from: GreyClock on March 21, 2017, 09:31:31 AM
The other one was shaped like this:

And huh, I was actually looking up the DUNCAN® CHARACTERâ,,¢ COUNTERWEIGHT SET and the site selling (part of) it had a bunch of manufacturer links at the bottom. Including Coca-Cola.

how bou dah




Quote from: Luwano on March 26, 2017, 02:59:01 PM
Quote from: GreyClock on March 26, 2017, 01:20:23 PM
Quote from: VCRClock on March 26, 2017, 11:13:46 AM
Quote from: GreyClock on March 26, 2017, 07:35:58 AM
cocktail sauce is ketchup + mayonaise + paprika powder. Now I learned that that's (basically) what they call fry sauce in the U.S.

literally the only place I've ever been where ketchup/mayo "fry sauce" was an acknowledged condiment was utah
I skimmed Wikipedia and it talked about Idaho and the Pacific Northwest but I didn't feel like specifying, that's what you get for being such a ridiculously enormous country.

Make America small again?
careful, some people actually do advocate reversing u.s. territorial expansion lol

we offered Mexico $30 million for California, then we went to war, then we paid them $15 million.
I remember this because 150 years later this somehow became a point of contention in escalating racial tensions at my stupid high school


actually, that's a story

so, some mexican kids brought mexican flags to celebrate cinco de mayo, right? and some white kids brought american flags to... protest? and this almost came to blows? so, to calm tensions, the school gave out these livestrong wristbands that said "unity". the american flag kids responded by wearing ones that said "git r dun" (lol) and then "white power" (uh oh)
this eventually escalated into a proper riot- soda machines were overturned, and one of the security guards' golf carts was stolen lmao fuck you omar get rekt

I should qualify that I learned all of this second hand. I somehowmmissed this entire thing while it was actually happening? I had and still have no idea what I was doing while this was going on. possibly napping, or, just, not at the school, for those several days. I've said this before, but I was kind of a dirtbag for a lot of years... but, like, see, that's probably one of the reasons I'm actually really fond of that period of my life? punky lil trashboys don't start fuckin riots over flags and wristbands, you got to be a civilized motherfucker to do that


me and my friends, insulting each other's most sacredly held beliefs:

normal people, finding out something other than themselves exists:


I just got recommended 'Cinemassacre Power Rangers 2017 Review' on Youtube and was depressed to find Mike Matei basically giving his thoughts with James Rolfe propped up on a chair next to him giving absolutely no fucks about anything going on. Reminded me why I stopped following James, but also got me nostalgic for the undefinable good-old-days so I typed in '' and discovered that it redirects to a Roosterteeth subdomain.

that's some sad shit


With maybe the exception of the latest one (and the intro is still sick) Nerd episodes still rock, though, they're just on YouTube only

Mike is such a cocksucker, though, for real

credit where it's due, he's pretty damn good at video games

anyone who doesn't like Mexicans or Mexican culture has clearly never had Tajín on oranges


Quote from: Slurpee on March 26, 2017, 06:36:59 PM
actually, that's a story

so, some mexican kids brought mexican flags to celebrate cinco de mayo, right? and some white kids brought american flags to... protest? and this almost came to blows? so, to calm tensions, the school gave out these livestrong wristbands that said "unity". the american flag kids responded by wearing ones that said "git r dun" (lol) and then "white power" (uh oh)
this eventually escalated into a proper riot- soda machines were overturned, and one of the security guards' golf carts was stolen lmao fuck you omar get rekt

I should qualify that I learned all of this second hand. I somehowmmissed this entire thing while it was actually happening? I had and still have no idea what I was doing while this was going on. possibly napping, or, just, not at the school, for those several days. I've said this before, but I was kind of a dirtbag for a lot of years... but, like, see, that's probably one of the reasons I'm actually really fond of that period of my life? punky lil trashboys don't start fuckin riots over flags and wristbands, you got to be a civilized motherfucker to do that
Me and my high school friends flirted with right wing ideology at some point, but mostly we just appropriated its symbols, because nothing screams badass like a Tipp-Ex white power cross on your South Park day planner. I can only speak for myself, but in retrospect I think I was just a dumb kid looking for camaraderie and some sort of identity, I never actively hated anyone. Hilariously we were all really into American History X as well, which isn't exactly subtle in its message so how the fuck did we align or rationalize that, I wish I could remember.

Please elaborate on how you were a dirtbag.


Quote from: GreyClock on March 27, 2017, 05:02:36 AM
I was just a dumb kid looking for camaraderie and some sort of identity

You should join an animation club

Also, Slurpee found a song about the Clock Crew a few pages back and it was really touching and a good listen but I didn't comment back then BECAUSE IT DIDN'T RHYME but I'm over it now

only over it so quickly because parts rhymed

and shut up, Grey, it's important that it rhymes


Quote from: GreyClock on March 27, 2017, 05:02:36 AM
Please elaborate on how you were a dirtbag.
hm... it wasn't in, like, a bad way? I was a nice enough guy, I was just, like... violently disillusioned and misunderstood. it's kind of hard to articulate
I was a prematurely disaffected ten year old (probably a combination of being precocious and closeted) which was compounded by nobody understanding what the fuck a ten year old would have to be so existentially morose about, and by the time I hit high school I was in full blown nobody is going to understand me so I'm not even going to try mode. I started questioning everything, and if nobody could give me a satisfactory answer I'd just see what happened if I ignored it, and quickly learned the answer was usually "nothing". as achewood put it, being in trouble is a fake idea. it started with stupid shit like "why do we only sit when there's chairs?" and I started just sitting or lying on the ground whenever I felt like I was done standing. needless to say I wasn't very hygienic. I stopped wearing shoes for a bit. I seldom bathed, and a couple times I found an item of clothing in the gutter and just start wearing it which I have no excuse for. like I'd rinse it off under a hot tap with hand soap, but I can't even imagine doing that now, holy shit. (though, full disclosure, I still have a bandana and a kitty collar that I wore as a bracelet from this practice that I don't wear but kept for sentimental reasons)
by senior year you could catch me sleeping on park benches, hanging out on rooftops, coming to school just for lunch- that was another thing, if I didn't feel like being somewhere, I'd just leave? they can't stop you from leaving hahaha. (follow me, here: leaving early or being late nets you detention, and missing detention becomes a longer detention, which becomes a Saturday school, which becomes a suspension. soooo if you don't go to school, your punishment is... you don't go to school? this still makes no sense to me) the breakdown of structure might be why my memories from this time (ages, like... 12 to 23-ish) are pretty hazy. I remember I guess a lot, but have no sense of discrete phases or a cohesive whole.
I'd often sleep at odd hours, because I realized I could just sleep whenever I wanted, and so yeah. often at night we'd just sort of... wander around the street? sometimes, not often, we'd enter unsecured schools, churches, and local businesses, not even doing anything bad, we'd just, like, rearrange the furniture lmao. (I'm saying "we" at this point because I did have a few really wonderful friends who were, if not as dirty, at least as aimless as I was.) or yeah, like one time we went into the Mormon church and Sean ended up explaining cyrus the younger and the black sea to me on one of their chalkboards. (they started locking the doors after that, but idk why we did nothing wrong and learned a lot about mormonism.) harmless, dumb, weird shit like that.
which isn't to say I was a saint! I was scrappy at the best of times (until I had this... weird, pacifist spiritual experience during a fever dream that I won't get into right now) I never started shit, but I had a hair trigger for taking any, and I had a fucking mouth on me that seemed to just fire off insults when threatened without needing any of my brain's help. jeezum crow the number of times keith and paul pulled me away from throwing down with some random brodouche over complete bullshit. I wasn't even good at fighting, to be clear, I was weak and uncoordinated, I just didn't care about getting hurt.
somehow in all this I graduated high school and got most of my associate's degree done, and I was active here for most of it as well, but like I say it's hazy.
I found out years later people thought I was, like, awesome, which... at the time, I just felt like I'd given up on being normal? I didn't feel awesome. I was generally miserable, suicidally depressed, resentful toward society, and just trying to find ways to enjoy a life I didn't think was going to go much further. I was dead certain I was going to at least be, if not dead, homeless and insane long before I was a proper adult. but all kinds of people who I'm now a lot closer with have a story or two about bumping into me one night and, for instance, breaking into the school to stack the lunch tables on top of each other, or having an improvised jam session with instruments we didn't know how to play, or spending a couple hours walking up the long, unlit road to the other side of the lake, or showing them a bunny I found, or just hanging out in a parking lot after dark. which... I mean, in restrospect, sure, it probably seemed like I was living an interesting and adventurous life, and I'm glad they got that experience, and I'm glad I went through all that because it's part of what made me who I am, but I'm also glad I'm not that person anymore, because that behavior came from some pretty dark places.
also EVERYBODY thought I was on drugs lol, fucking everybody, but, no, that's just. I was just like that

I also realized recently I've still got shades of that side to me when I'm drunk?
this is my last story, I guess. a couple weeks ago my uber driver passed a highway patrol and said that if they followed us he would have to lose them, because his license is suspended, so get ready for him to floor it, and I was just like "yeah, do what you need to do, man"
there was a pregnant pause and he went "you know I was joking, right?" with a note of concern
haha nope


Quote from: Slurpee on March 27, 2017, 07:43:28 AM
Quote from: GreyClock on March 27, 2017, 05:02:36 AM
Please elaborate on how you were a dirtbag.
hm... it wasn't in, like, a bad way? I was a nice enough guy, I was just, like... violently disillusioned and misunderstood. it's kind of hard to articulate
I was a prematurely disaffected ten year old (probably a combination of being precocious and closeted) which was compounded by nobody understanding what the fuck a ten year old would have to be so existentially morose about, and by the time I hit high school I was in full blown nobody is going to understand me so I'm not even going to try mode. I started questioning everything, and if nobody could give me a satisfactory answer I'd just see what happened if I ignored it, and quickly learned the answer was usually "nothing". as achewood put it, being in trouble is a fake idea. it started with stupid shit like "why do we only sit when there's chairs?" and I started just sitting or lying on the ground whenever I felt like I was done standing. needless to say I wasn't very hygienic. I stopped wearing shoes for a bit. I seldom bathed, and a couple times I found an item of clothing in the gutter and just start wearing it which I have no excuse for. like I'd rinse it off under a hot tap with hand soap, but I can't even imagine doing that now, holy shit. (though, full disclosure, I still have a bandana and a kitty collar that I wore as a bracelet from this practice that I don't wear but kept for sentimental reasons)
by senior year you could catch me sleeping on park benches, hanging out on rooftops, coming to school just for lunch- that was another thing, if I didn't feel like being somewhere, I'd just leave? they can't stop you from leaving hahaha. (follow me, here: leaving early or being late nets you detention, and missing detention becomes a longer detention, which becomes a Saturday school, which becomes a suspension. soooo if you don't go to school, your punishment is... you don't go to school? this still makes no sense to me) the breakdown of structure might be why my memories from this time (ages, like... 12 to 23-ish) are pretty hazy. I remember I guess a lot, but have no sense of discrete phases or a cohesive whole.
I'd often sleep at odd hours, because I realized I could just sleep whenever I wanted, and so yeah. often at night we'd just sort of... wander around the street? sometimes, not often, we'd enter unsecured schools, churches, and local businesses, not even doing anything bad, we'd just, like, rearrange the furniture lmao. (I'm saying "we" at this point because I did have a few really wonderful friends who were, if not as dirty, at least as aimless as I was.) or yeah, like one time we went into the Mormon church and Sean ended up explaining cyrus the younger and the black sea to me on one of their chalkboards. (they started locking the doors after that, but idk why we did nothing wrong and learned a lot about mormonism.) harmless, dumb, weird shit like that.
which isn't to say I was a saint! I was scrappy at the best of times (until I had this... weird, pacifist spiritual experience during a fever dream that I won't get into right now) I never started shit, but I had a hair trigger for taking any, and I had a fucking mouth on me that seemed to just fire off insults when threatened without needing any of my brain's help. jeezum crow the number of times keith and paul pulled me away from throwing down with some random brodouche over complete bullshit. I wasn't even good at fighting, to be clear, I was weak and uncoordinated, I just didn't care about getting hurt.
somehow in all this I graduated high school and got most of my associate's degree done, and I was active here for most of it as well, but like I say it's hazy.
I found out years later people thought I was, like, awesome, which... at the time, I just felt like I'd given up on being normal? I didn't feel awesome. I was generally miserable, suicidally depressed, resentful toward society, and just trying to find ways to enjoy a life I didn't think was going to go much further. I was dead certain I was going to at least be, if not dead, homeless and insane long before I was a proper adult. but all kinds of people who I'm now a lot closer with have a story or two about bumping into me one night and, for instance, breaking into the school to stack the lunch tables on top of each other, or having an improvised jam session with instruments we didn't know how to play, or spending a couple hours walking up the long, unlit road to the other side of the lake, or showing them a bunny I found, or just hanging out in a parking lot after dark. which... I mean, in restrospect, sure, it probably seemed like I was living an interesting and adventurous life, and I'm glad they got that experience, and I'm glad I went through all that because it's part of what made me who I am, but I'm also glad I'm not that person anymore, because that behavior came from some pretty dark places.
also EVERYBODY thought I was on drugs lol, fucking everybody, but, no, that's just. I was just like that

I also realized recently I've still got shades of that side to me when I'm drunk?
this is my last story, I guess. a couple weeks ago my uber driver passed a highway patrol and said that if they followed us he would have to lose them, because his license is suspended, so get ready for him to floor it, and I was just like "yeah, do what you need to do, man"
there was a pregnant pause and he went "you know I was joking, right?" with a note of concern
haha nope


of course he responds with the least aerodynamic letter

optimize or get left behind, y'dingus


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on March 27, 2017, 05:34:50 AMYou should join an animation club
Yeah, that was actually in the same year I joined this place (2003). Shit, that was exactly fourteen years ago last friday. I think it's obvious which has had the most staying power, but now you'll have to excuse me or I'm going to be late for my neo-nazi rally.

Quote from: Slurpeepost
When and why did you change your behavior/did your behavior change, and to what? I recognize bits of myself in your post, although I never went to such extremes with it. Something as simple as wearing shoes, I would see your point in not wearing them, I've just never given enough of a shit not to wear them, or not to go to school or whatever. I doesn't matter, I'll be dead at some point, that whole spiel. I've sometimes wondered if this whole outlook of mine is sincere or just some sort of a coping mechanism (dead mom), although I've yet to outgrow* it and have been this way for over half of my life now. I just drift along the currents of time: graduated high school? Go to some college! Realize this almost randomly selected field is not for you? Stay there for four years anyway, because it's easier than quitting. Quit only when some actual work is involved. Go to university, stretch it out as long as humanly possible. I've talked about my current situation, sitting on my ass for the better part of a year, jobless, almost broke. I'll probably drift into some shitty job soon, because it's easier than being homeless I guess. I don't know.

* For lack of a better word, I don't necessarily think it's something that should be outgrown. Also it's hard to imagine the how of any kind of change in the level of caring. Like waking up one day going "I want a respectable job and money and..." for example, it's just not there.


the Shin Godzilla bluray is out and there are English subs up online. Today is a good day.


Quote from: Slurpee on March 27, 2017, 07:43:28 AM
Quote from: GreyClock on March 27, 2017, 05:02:36 AM
Please elaborate on how you were a dirtbag.
hm... it wasn't in, like, a bad way? I was a nice enough guy, I was just, like... violently disillusioned and misunderstood. it's kind of hard to articulate
I was a prematurely disaffected ten year old (probably a combination of being precocious and closeted) which was compounded by nobody understanding what the fuck a ten year old would have to be so existentially morose about, and by the time I hit high school I was in full blown nobody is going to understand me so I'm not even going to try mode. I started questioning everything, and if nobody could give me a satisfactory answer I'd just see what happened if I ignored it, and quickly learned the answer was usually "nothing". as achewood put it, being in trouble is a fake idea. it started with stupid shit like "why do we only sit when there's chairs?" and I started just sitting or lying on the ground whenever I felt like I was done standing. needless to say I wasn't very hygienic. I stopped wearing shoes for a bit. I seldom bathed, and a couple times I found an item of clothing in the gutter and just start wearing it which I have no excuse for. like I'd rinse it off under a hot tap with hand soap, but I can't even imagine doing that now, holy shit. (though, full disclosure, I still have a bandana and a kitty collar that I wore as a bracelet from this practice that I don't wear but kept for sentimental reasons)
by senior year you could catch me sleeping on park benches, hanging out on rooftops, coming to school just for lunch- that was another thing, if I didn't feel like being somewhere, I'd just leave? they can't stop you from leaving hahaha. (follow me, here: leaving early or being late nets you detention, and missing detention becomes a longer detention, which becomes a Saturday school, which becomes a suspension. soooo if you don't go to school, your punishment is... you don't go to school? this still makes no sense to me) the breakdown of structure might be why my memories from this time (ages, like... 12 to 23-ish) are pretty hazy. I remember I guess a lot, but have no sense of discrete phases or a cohesive whole.
I'd often sleep at odd hours, because I realized I could just sleep whenever I wanted, and so yeah. often at night we'd just sort of... wander around the street? sometimes, not often, we'd enter unsecured schools, churches, and local businesses, not even doing anything bad, we'd just, like, rearrange the furniture lmao. (I'm saying "we" at this point because I did have a few really wonderful friends who were, if not as dirty, at least as aimless as I was.) or yeah, like one time we went into the Mormon church and Sean ended up explaining cyrus the younger and the black sea to me on one of their chalkboards. (they started locking the doors after that, but idk why we did nothing wrong and learned a lot about mormonism.) harmless, dumb, weird shit like that.
which isn't to say I was a saint! I was scrappy at the best of times (until I had this... weird, pacifist spiritual experience during a fever dream that I won't get into right now) I never started shit, but I had a hair trigger for taking any, and I had a fucking mouth on me that seemed to just fire off insults when threatened without needing any of my brain's help. jeezum crow the number of times keith and paul pulled me away from throwing down with some random brodouche over complete bullshit. I wasn't even good at fighting, to be clear, I was weak and uncoordinated, I just didn't care about getting hurt.
somehow in all this I graduated high school and got most of my associate's degree done, and I was active here for most of it as well, but like I say it's hazy.
I found out years later people thought I was, like, awesome, which... at the time, I just felt like I'd given up on being normal? I didn't feel awesome. I was generally miserable, suicidally depressed, resentful toward society, and just trying to find ways to enjoy a life I didn't think was going to go much further. I was dead certain I was going to at least be, if not dead, homeless and insane long before I was a proper adult. but all kinds of people who I'm now a lot closer with have a story or two about bumping into me one night and, for instance, breaking into the school to stack the lunch tables on top of each other, or having an improvised jam session with instruments we didn't know how to play, or spending a couple hours walking up the long, unlit road to the other side of the lake, or showing them a bunny I found, or just hanging out in a parking lot after dark. which... I mean, in restrospect, sure, it probably seemed like I was living an interesting and adventurous life, and I'm glad they got that experience, and I'm glad I went through all that because it's part of what made me who I am, but I'm also glad I'm not that person anymore, because that behavior came from some pretty dark places.
also EVERYBODY thought I was on drugs lol, fucking everybody, but, no, that's just. I was just like that

I also realized recently I've still got shades of that side to me when I'm drunk?
this is my last story, I guess. a couple weeks ago my uber driver passed a highway patrol and said that if they followed us he would have to lose them, because his license is suspended, so get ready for him to floor it, and I was just like "yeah, do what you need to do, man"
there was a pregnant pause and he went "you know I was joking, right?" with a note of concern
haha nope

Yeah buddy, you may want to use paragraphs when you're writing a long story.


"more like i-don't-caragraphs"

Slurpee, 2011


there's like six paragraphs in that post, I just used a single line break because I didn't want dummies to read to it
Quote from: GreyClock on March 27, 2017, 09:06:20 AMWhen and why did you change your behavior/did your behavior change, and to what?
alllll I can say for sure is a change in circumstances is more likely to result in a change in habit than the other way around.

coming out of the closet helped, getting a boyfriend helped, getting a job helped, moving out on my own helped, going back to school helped, getting treatment for my brain problems helped
the main things are structure and self care. having something you need to be doing at a regular time, having somebody whose expectations you want to live up to, learning to recognize and emphasize the qualities you like about yourself...
you can't fear fucking up, that's a big one. there's a temptation to just leave things forever in possibility space, where they'll always be perfect because they'll never be real, but trying something and having it not turn out well is better than doing nothing 100% of the time. I'm still learning that. and when you do end up doing nothing, or you do fuck up, or you have fucked up, you have to forgive yourself. beating yourself up is just more excuses to stay still, and you end up living in that hole.
even getting fired helped a lot. before that, I didn't have a passion I wanted to pursue. my friend Stephanie, who's in a band, and got signed and whatnot, told me I had to just figure out what I cared about and pursue that to the exclusions of all other things, and I didn't have an answer, until working retail pissed me off enough. I had to get frustrated and realize the reason why I was frustrated was I'm fucking better than this. get high on that "the best revenge is a life well lived" shit.

now... idk. I slouch less, I smile more, I'm better at talking to people, I'm cleaner, more organized, better dressed, working toward a degree I can actually use... it's a process. everything's a process.
you can't stop being weird, though. own it or perish