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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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Quote from: GreyClock on May 06, 2019, 07:39:12 AM

I haven't read this anywhere (I haven't looked very hard) so I'm just going to post it here, so I can say I called it after GoT wraps up (or otherwise never refer to it again):
Everybody's going on about Cersei being the end boss and whatever, but I think she's going to be disposed of almost as quickly as the Night King. Daenerys is going to finish the job her father started and go full Mad Queen on King's Landing. After that, the final battle will be Jon v. Dany. Jon wil win, but at great cost to himself. For example: in a way he's already lost Sansa, she betrayed him by breaking her promise (Dead Ned is spinning...). Stuff like that, and DEATHSâ,,¢. Depending on how bleak they're willing to go, Jon will end up on the Iron Throne, but completely alone. Charged with rebuilding the realm from the literal and figurative ashes.

I mean, what's the alternative? Two extended episodes of fighting, and finally killing Cersei? Daenerys going: "Buildup aside, I'm not nuts after all! Let's deal with this Cersei woman amicably. Let's you and I become best, platonic friends and rule together, Jon-Boy." Or Jon going: "I know I was weirded out about boning you before auntie... but let's go for it!" Or "Okay Dany, you've got the Iron Throne. I'm going to fuck off back North, see you when I see you." Some aspects of what we've seen don't really add up to that though (Arya/The Hound/Jaime are all en route on missions), but ugh. Other aspects do (Sansa's actions/Tyrion's doubts/Varys' conviction). Although I guess Jaime could kill Cersei after she survives the inferno. Arya could kill Dany instead. Bran could've seen it all already and orchestrated the whole thing with Sansa. I don't know. What do you think? Post in the comments below.
p good

That said, goddamn what a fucking rush job.

E.g. Arya & the Hound: let's go on a mission okay! Okay! Wait, wait... don't be like me, okay? Okay! Bye!



Marlin Clock

Quote from: GreyClock on May 13, 2019, 04:31:28 AM
p good

That said, goddamn what a fucking rush job.

E.g. Arya & the Hound: let's go on a mission okay! Okay! Wait, wait... don't be like me, okay? Okay! Bye!
I mean there's no way they were gonna wrap up the million plot threads they had going in a satisfactory way. I almost feel like this last episode exists just for them to be like "OH NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE DIED IN THE BATTLE OF WINTERFELL YOU SAY HUH? HOW ABOUT THIS?"


who is your favorite clock crew


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on May 13, 2019, 03:13:49 PM
who is your favorite clock crew was a fun clock crew


first iteration of brings back some fond memories for some reason.




how very clocktopian of you




finally a real answer


I have reason to believe that Kate Beaton (of Hark! A Vagrant fame) is in the mother-baby unit on this floor of the hospital I work at and I’m desperately rattling my brain for some way to get her autograph like the pathetic fanboy I am. But, you know, without seeming like a weirdo creep.


Quote from: RobClock on May 14, 2019, 06:30:05 PM
I have reason to believe that Kate Beaton (of Hark! A Vagrant fame) is in the mother-baby unit on this floor of the hospital I work at and I’m desperately rattling my brain for some way to get her autograph like the pathetic fanboy I am. But, you know, without seeming like a weirdo creep.

Just walk in there in your uniform and be like, "Oh, I'm just here to check your chart. Hm hmm hmm... Say are you that web comic lady?".


"Really? Awesome! I gotta check your vag now."


Quote from: RenegadeClock on May 14, 2019, 08:05:48 PMJust walk in there in your uniform and be like, "Oh, I'm just here to check your chart. Hm hmm hmm... Say are you that web comic lady?".

"Hmm. Vitals look good. Blood pressure is a little high, but that's normal. Okay. Looks good. Just sign here."

"This... is a blank piece of paper."

"I'm just doing my job, lady."
Sig by {{{Zombie Lincoln}}}

:capn: BUSTAS! :capn:


Don't sign a blank piece of paper under any circumstance because they can write a contract around it

unless it's a demon then it's okay


I left a note for my coworker who works in that unit to see if she would be able to get the autograph for me sometime during the day tomorrow since I work evenings. Fingers crossed I guess.


Quote from: RobClock on May 14, 2019, 06:30:05 PM
I have reason to believe that Kate Beaton (of Hark! A Vagrant fame) is in the mother-baby unit on this floor of the hospital I work at and I’m desperately rattling my brain for some way to get her autograph like the pathetic fanboy I am. But, you know, without seeming like a weirdo creep.
I'm a little rusty on Canadian law, but in Europe this post would be a clear violation of privacy laws. Also, isn't there some sort of confidentiality agreement in your contract? So not only a creep, but also a FILTHY DEGENERATE CRIMINAL.


This post she made on Twitter wherein she expresses being in a hospital is the basis for my assumption. Cape Breton is not a huge place.