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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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oh double-you oh what apostrophe ess this question mark


Today I went to the grocery store. I was out of food, and hungry, and just got paid, so I went nuts and bought as much food as I wanted. I brought my shopping bag to the store, but I bought so much food it wouldn't all fit and I had to get another bag at the register. I bought so much food that I wished that I'd taken a shopping cart instead of a basket. I even bought a 12-pack of bubble water. I brought my groceries from my car to my door in two trips.

$26.37 is a big trip to the grocery store for me ok
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


firefox changed their logo again and i dont like it


it's cool and futuristic i guess but i only noticed because it overwrote my custom one so I had to change it back again


Quote from: RobClock on October 26, 2019, 05:57:25 PM
firefox changed their logo again and i dont like it
I've noticed this new style in a couple of icons/apps lately. Welcome to the age of neon pseudopastel gradient cangiante.



holy shit i -just- noticed the clock day 2007-2008 medals are animated


Quote from: Slurpee on October 27, 2019, 01:50:56 AM
Quote from: GreyClock on October 26, 2019, 07:30:58 PM
lookin at this word

that's a good word
That's the most use I've gotten out of my art history degree in the past... six months. Here's some more: sfumato, unione and chiaroscuro.

Is there a better feeling than opening up a fridge and finding more beer than you'd anticipated? That's sorta sad. I'm a sad little alky.



the fbi recently released a 300+ page document about a CIA managed sex cult named "the finders". they're way worse than that celebrity one the person from smallville was in. the media's cursory coverage at the time and the obvious police corruption involved in making sure nobody getting prosecuted are really god damn similar to the epstein case.

turned out some kids DID get abused in satanic rituals during the satanic panic. guess I gotta apologize to jack chick lol. personally though I don't see this as honest to god satanism. I know it seems like that, the kids getting told to kill and chop up a live goat while adults in black robes act scary. but considering the kids didnt even know what basic technology was and the CIA was involved, I feel this was a way to desensitize kids to blood and violence, and destroy their empathy so they can be trained and used. probably some kind of failed child soldier/spy program. probably soldiers, I'm pretty sure the whole "sleeper agent" thing doesn't work so spies would be out.

honestly, it seems like a lot of extra steps for what warlords accomplish with simple beatings and family murders. you still get your child soldiers. typical government overspending and overcomplication! when you go to the polls next year, remember to vote ABRAHAM WASHINGTON FLOUNDERMANCLOCK, the only politician running on the extremist z-axis platform. I'll slash military and intelligence spending by simply nuking any country that looks at us crosseyed. no need for overpriced CIA cult operations or lengthy and expensive ground wars.

you see I've got a really big catapult with the word "METL GEER" spraypainted on it in my backyard.  if we can truck it to the whitehouse we should be able to maintain nuclear supremacy. first we defund the military and fbi, then we nuke the cia, then the WORLD.


also dark souls 2 sucks. but not as much devil may cry 2 though. I thought people were exaggerating but I saw a video of it and holy shit lol.

also also I knew what chiaroscuro was without googling do I get a prize?



Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on October 29, 2019, 03:11:39 AM
the fbi recently released a 300+ page document about a CIA managed sex cult named "the finders". they're way worse than that celebrity one the person from smallville was in. the media's cursory coverage at the time and the obvious police corruption involved in making sure nobody getting prosecuted are really god damn similar to the epstein case.

turned out some kids DID get abused in satanic rituals during the satanic panic. guess I gotta apologize to jack chick lol. personally though I don't see this as honest to god satanism. I know it seems like that, the kids getting told to kill and chop up a live goat while adults in black robes act scary. but considering the kids didnt even know what basic technology was and the CIA was involved, I feel this was a way to desensitize kids to blood and violence, and destroy their empathy so they can be trained and used. probably some kind of failed child soldier/spy program. probably soldiers, I'm pretty sure the whole "sleeper agent" thing doesn't work so spies would be out.

honestly, it seems like a lot of extra steps for what warlords accomplish with simple beatings and family murders. you still get your child soldiers. typical government overspending and overcomplication! when you go to the polls next year, remember to vote ABRAHAM WASHINGTON FLOUNDERMANCLOCK, the only politician running on the extremist z-axis platform. I'll slash military and intelligence spending by simply nuking any country that looks at us crosseyed. no need for overpriced CIA cult operations or lengthy and expensive ground wars.

you see I've got a really big catapult with the word "METL GEER" spraypainted on it in my backyard.  if we can truck it to the whitehouse we should be able to maintain nuclear supremacy. first we defund the military and fbi, then we nuke the cia, then the WORLD.
I skimmed like the first hundred pages then gave up, is that thing about the goat true or are u havin a giraffe


also yeah epstein was 100% killed by ruling class pedophiles, they like weren't even clever about it


also this thing with the finders isn't new, I did a report on the satanic panic for a speech class a few years ago
finders was interesting because
a) most of the people charged during the satanic panic were day cares, and finders was some kind of fucked up hippie cult that would have been weird even without the context of ritualistic child abuse
2) during the satanic panic it was basically guilty until proven innocent, and finders was one of the few cases where nothing exculpatory was found but also nobody was put in jail

the link to the cia was strange but pretty tenuous. conspiracy theorists latched on to the idea that the cia killed the case based on a couple statements attributed to the tallahassee police from the u.s. news and world report article, and the only thing I'm seeing in here about that is that the f.b.i. followed up with the police in tallahasse and they said that no outside agency influenced their decision to close the case?

it kind of looks like somebody filed an foia request with the fbi for everything they have on the finders, and the f.b.i. literally just dumped everything they have
there's a map and information from the mcmartin preschool case just sort of haphazardly dropped inbetween pages with no explanation and if I didn't recognize it it would look super damning. but these tunnels:

are from an unrelated case, and also they don't exist
it's been a while since I looked into it so I'm sketchy on the details but the idea that there tunnels underneath the mcmartin preschool was basically a gigantic waste of time and money looking for something that definitely wasn't real
as with most of the satanic panic cases the kids were improperly interviewed by outside agents and were led to say a bunch of wild shit like trap doors and secret tunnels and hot air balloons and chuck norris were involved. authorities went to look for the trap doors and tunnels and didn't find them (the floor was solid concrete), so they sent an excavation team who didn't find them, then they sent like two more excavation teams and didn't find them. finally, years later, the parents hired some guy who hired a firm to use ground-penetrating radar to find the tunnels, and he claimed they found the tunnels the reason they couldn't find them earlier was that they'd been "filled in", a claim disputed by the firm he hired that actually did the radaring. a scholarly investigation about a decade later dug up the area, and it turned out the anomalous spot was a garbage pit left by the previous owners.
I have no idea why this would be in an f.b.i. report about a completely unrelated case except that the f.b.i. just keeps massive files of anything potentially related to a case

they don't even seem to have been particularly selective about blacking information out. the names of the two men that were arrested are censored but it's public information, you can find it online. they also censored the kids "claiming the men were their _______".
... teachers. the word is teachers. this is not a secret. I have no idea why they blanked that out, it just creates like a jimmy kimmel unnecessary censorship effect


What makes cults so damn fascinating anyways? In fiction there's often a very real supernatural element to them. In reality it's like a weird fantasy football league or something. You can sacrifice all the goats you want and draw pentagrams over all your tunnels, you're not going to summon Beelzebub. It boils down to grown men and women playing make-believe and doing bogus rituals in basements (religion). I wonder what the percentages are with regards to cult leaders and them believing their own bullshit. Mostly it just feels like a tool meant to subjugate and bind underlings to them through shared secrets. Or an attempt at mythologizing and otherwise elevating banal urges (let's have an orgy y'all), or truly ugly desires and crimes (child abuse). A broken person with a very particular blend of narcissism, abandonment issues and charisma leading other broken people and them doing whatever. You know?

I wanted to mention the X-Files episode Die Hand Die Verletzt, but I couldn't work it in there.


i joined a coven just to pork a lady with a wolf tattoo but i left because the leader was a dickhead and they were pretty cringy

imagine joining a sex cult for any reason other than the sex. it's so perfect, they can get anyone they want


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on October 29, 2019, 04:41:12 PM
i joined a coven just to pork a lady with a wolf tattoo but i left because the leader was a dickhead and  they were pretty cringy
oh man have you guys seen Mandy?

there's a cult in that movie and the cult leader is just like this huge fucking dork and there's this hilarious scene where after making himself out to be all mystical and wise and shit he puts on some music and it's this incredibly lame carpenters knock-off that he made himself, and Mandy just starts laughing hysterically at how much of a fucking loser he is, it rules


I want to now

what did we even do

they kept wanting do like do stuff at midnight but I never went. We cleaned up a park one time and that was pretty cool

I guess they were really all about nature and I can get behind that

the leaderguy was like

put your hand on this rune i drew, keep touching these until one feels warm. that's your sign

i picked the wrong one and apparently have girl magic

he kept talking about his dragon magic and how a new book came out but he described that exact stuff first so his dragon magic is validated

meanwhile everyone else is like

hey trees are cool, i want this stick for a wand. remember to thank the tree for it. let's light super good smelling incense and hang out in the mountains and try to make a good name for wicca everywhere

he also woke up from a drug binge with a rune burned into his shoulder so that's his legal signature now

i think that's all my coven stories