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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew



i was talking to my doctor the other day, you know my doctor, Dr. Vinny Boombatz? You know my doctor. Anyways, i was talking to my doctor he says to me he got 6 cases of VD up in his office last week

i mean, he's alright now you know


What's the CC verdict on the new Ghostbusters trailer? Paging SlurpeeClock


See, the last time someone said "They're making a new Ghostbusters movie", that trailer was what I was expecting.


I didn't watch it until just now so my thoughts are pretty unprocessed but:
1) strangers things kid + paul rudd made me double-check if I was watching the right trailer. it's not a bad thing, I'm sure if you aren't expecting it it's an exciting swerve with the score subtilely coming in partway through and all that. also for some reason in the last few years Paul Rudd has reached Keanu Reeves levels of bottomless good will from the public, and "guy who remembers the 80's" is a good use of him. somebody in the pipeline has put a lot of thought into this
b) the special effects are way too clean! it's that unnatural, high-saturation cgi that never looks like it actually belongs in the frame. I'm not saying go back to the 80's effects (although, that'd be funny), I'm fine with cg special effects, but movies have been getting lazier about them and I don't understand why. if you go back and watch the original Iron Man, the cg in that film is pretty seamless. little things like shadows and reflections in the environment add so much. that green shit makes me think of uh the trailer for that disney movie with oprah in it that nobody saw. part of the fun of ghostbusters is that it's a world you recognize. you're not going to narnia, it's the grimy, shitty real world new york city, just with ghosts in it. even the cartoon used muted colors, realistic proportions- nothing slapsticky, y'know?
2) nobody likes kids. as the prequel reviews put it, imagination works different than that. when we were kids, the fact that the ghostbusters were shlubby, overweight middle aged exterminators flew over our heads. venkman was just the funny one, and you could "be" venkman in the same sense that you could be batman or spider-man. THAT SAID, if there's a way to do children in movies right, the spielberg model is it. casting the kid from stranger things almost suggests they're doing a goonies-like against the backdrop of the ghostbusters universe...
2) ... which might work. a) it's the kind of genre mash-up (like making Iron Man 3 a buddy cop movie and making Kong Skull Island a vietnam movie) that has a shockingly good track record, and b) it gets away from the danger of just retreading the first or second movie sans harold ramis. that's something you can do right (rocky balboa) but is much more likely to just come off sort of pathetic and pointless. instead, 3) making the in-universe events of ghostbusters a cool thing that happened in the 80's that kids today don't know about, and having kids in the movie learn about it and go on a fun adventure of their own is one of those metaphor-for-the-movie-itself things that also has an extremely good track record. I foresee wholesome stories of millennial and gen x parents taking their kids to see this and introducing them to the magic they experienced as kids
3) if they stick the landing. who the fuck knows? apparently even shane black can fuck up a predator movie on this bitch of an earth



i know let's make a sixteenth wrinkle in time movie and make that one awful too


so we can make a seventeenth one, and make the seventeenth one awful


I agree with both of your assessments of the Ghostbusters 3 trailer although I would like to stress how I would prefer they were not making it at all



Remember Ghostbusters: The Video Game from like 10 years ago? That was the perfect new installment for the series. It's a different media than film so whatever you do is going to be a fresh approach to the material, you can get the entire original cast on to voice a version of themselves from thirty years ago, and you can tell a new story while cramming in a bunch of rehashed shit from the movies as fan service. It was great, pretty much everyone loved it, and you can still get it today on Steam.

I understand Sony is in a rough way, Disney is trying to strongarm them into giving back Spider-man, so now their biggest cash cow is handing 25% of profit directly over to the mouse. They need a franchise under their belt so they're trying to milk good will out of whatever properties they own to see what has legs. I get it. But Ghostbusters is not that franchise.


<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


Don’t be ridiculous that would never go
