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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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Official translations of SNES Ganbare Goemon 2 an 3 just came out of nowhere and a retranslation of 1, and a fan translation of 4 and the Ebisumaru-focused game are close to done. holy shit YEARS of waiting on these translations I thought were cursed, and it all comes out at once. AND I have the best laotian donuts in arizona next to me. what a great day.



ive got work at 3am tomorrow so today is basically a write off. I stopped in to see my grandmother (it's her birthday), I've got a load of laundry in the wash and then I'm going to bed. I skipped my morning coffee, my dinner coffee, and my dicking around in the afternoon coffee and I have this whole body exhaustion going on it's kind of incredible.

anyone watch David Lynch's new short on Netflix? It's 17 minutes of him interrogating a chimpanzee about the murder of a chicken. There's a musical number.


Quote from: RobClock on January 26, 2020, 01:00:19 PManyone watch David Lynch's new short on Netflix? It's 17 minutes of him interrogating a chimpanzee about the murder of a chicken. There's a musical number.
you have my interest




you forgot the waifu version


this is long but extremely worth it




looks like the translator for the snes goemon games, who has fan translated over 50 games till now, got chased off the internet and out of translating games entirely because there was exactly one "problematic" word in the translation that was pretty much a direct translation.

thank you oh noble blue checkmarks for your gracious wisdom and devotion to justice. for saving us from dangerous pre-2010s media, and monsters like this translator who might remind us it exists. how could we live without your guidance? may this decade be as wonderful and enlightened as the last.




Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on January 27, 2020, 11:54:18 AM
looks like the translator for the snes goemon games, who has fan translated over 50 games till now, got chased off the internet and out of translating games entirely because there was exactly one "problematic" word in the translation that was pretty much a direct translation.

What was the word?







does anyone remember that time abbazaba used the word "tranny" and basically I asked him not to and he was like "why?" and I gave an answer and he was like "oh. that's not my experience, but ok"

I find myself thinking about this, like, probably at least every couple of months

two dudes on the internet having a disagreement over some hot button social misunderstanding, and talking it out like human beings

is there something about being shitposting cartoon weirdos that made us uniquely capable of having that conversation?
was black baby Jesus looking over the clock crew forums that day and smiling?
maybe abbazaba was just a seriously cool dude?
all I want is a peaceful life in beautiful Duwang..


I got automatically dropped from all my classes for "overdue payment" (they gave me two days from when I enrolled, and I wasn't even officially enrolled for some of them, just on the waitlist, so, mad.)
didn't find out until three days after it happened because my school e-mail stopped forwarding to my gmail account and apparently they couldn't text me a warning or something before RUINING MY LIFE
no j/k but it did put me in danger of not graduating on time, which is important because I'm graduating like a really short amount of time before I am going to need to find a new place to live

I had to re-enroll, which put me in the back of the waitlist in all but 1 class, which, since this is week 2, means I'm probably just not going to get in to most or possibly any of them (in database architecture I got replaced by someone who wasn't even there the first week, so you can see why they would have such a great and sensible system)

I enrolled in what classes I could to bolster my units just in case, meaning aside from meeting my grad requirements I had to go with what still had available spots, which was all night classes, so now I have a 6 hour gap in my schedule on tuesdays and thorsgays which means I'm going to be off my adderall for at least one of those classes
unless I get out of the waitlist in A.I., database architecture, operating systems, and automata and computation, or any three of those I think, but in the meantime I'll be doing 24 units worth of classes until the dust settles (12 units is considered a "full time student", 18 is the recommended max, so 24 will be NO PROBLEM AT ALL I AM A SUPERSTAR)

I say all this because I want everybody to know how deeply, deeply insane it is that I'm working on my Makin' Wavs collab part right now


Quote from: Slurpee on January 27, 2020, 10:09:22 PMI say all this because I want everybody to know how deeply, deeply insane it is that I'm working on my Makin' Wavs collab part right now
only a true clock would risk graduating from college for a goofy internet cartoon collab. godspeed you beautiful bastard. I misspelled beautiful three times before using spellcheck.

Quote from: Slurpee on January 27, 2020, 10:01:38 PM
does anyone remember that time abbazaba used the word "tranny" and basically I asked him not to and he was like "why?" and I gave an answer and he was like "oh. that's not my experience, but ok"
as I understand it, the original line was also insensitive and this is an accurate representation of the line in english. it's not a matter of whether or not you should say a word, but whether someone should edit out anything objectionable in a work they're translating. and whether they should be demonized by a hate mob for choosing accuracy, even if it offends people. would you prefer they translate it as "transgender"? something differently phrased but still  insensitive? take out the line entirely so nobody is bothered? if you were a translator, would you edit out things you find objectionable or leave them in so as not to alter the work? I definitely side with accuracy, full stop, though the second release of the patch will inevitably get rid of the line altogether. which i find idiotic, but the rest of the team would get destroyed otherwise. reminds me of how WB releases the old cartoons with black and japanese caricatures unedited, just with a disclaimer. and that was over things much more objectionable. I like that approach a lot better. though I definitely wouldn't want that hacked into the game itself, perhaps the readme file says "hey someone says tranny at one point in crazy mid 90s video game on from a culturally isolated island just warning you ahead of time if that's gonna bother you".

honestly, I laughed the moment I first saw the offending goemon screencap BECAUSE it was objectionable. not out of some hatred for transwomen. if someone sees that screencap and feels a little insulted, I can understand that, I can even sympathize, but I still don't think it should be changed if it's accurate, and even if it wasn't and did need to be changed in a 2.0 patch, I absolutely cannot sympathize with psychopaths who have likely never played goemon in their lives, and spend all their time monitoring hashtags and hunting down the next random individual who isn't familiar with the current rules of political correctness, and try to convince every community the offender is part of that they're is some kind of nazi. it's like running over a jaywalker and putting them in a wheelchair to discourage them. except they took one step off the crosswalk line before they got nailed. these people do not have the same caring altruistic interests in mind as you do when you talked to abbazabba about the word tranny, though they may pretend to "care", that's just a smokescreen to justify their actions. and they believe it. it's an addiction to the rush they get when they're fucking someone for what they believe is the greater good. it's one hell of a high, and it's that much better as part of a mob. they're validated just by being part of it. one never has to face their own hypocrisy and cruelty, or even have doubts, if everyone around them is constantly reassuring them they're a good person and "not like those other people" in x group. they just have to turn their brain off and run with the pack. and they're always protected, so long as they  dont fall out of lockstep. the internet has made this age old human behavior incredibly convenient and streamlined, though at least less violent. people keep saying every year "it'll fall out of fashion soon" "just ignore it" "nobody likes them anyways". any day now...

Quote from: Slurpee on January 27, 2020, 10:01:38 PMis there something about being shitposting cartoon weirdos that made us uniquely capable of having that conversation?
was black baby Jesus looking over the clock crew forums that day and smiling?
maybe abbazaba was just a seriously cool dude?
all I want is a peaceful life in beautiful Duwang..

I think only old style forums that aren't massively huge can communicate like this. places like twitter and reddit are terrible for actual conversation or community, they're basically built in a way that directly impedes those things. it's about agreeing with short snappy statements and one-upping each other for imaginary internet points. which is fine for scrolling through content, but not for talking. that and we're kind of isolated in a way, not fully, but enough that the larger political atmosphere doesn't damage the site so much. we can sit back and observe it. though I guess the cc has always been like that towards the rest of the internet. we're a bunch of crazed island people drawing dicks in the sand and farting in the direction of every nearby landmass.

also thank you for introducing me to the phrase "jungle cock". craigslist personals is a magical and terrible place.


Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on January 27, 2020, 11:25:00 PM
craigslist personals is a magical and terrible place.

gentle reminder that craigslist personals doesn't exist anymore, just "missed connections"

thanks lawmakers

Quote from: Slurpee on January 27, 2020, 10:09:22 PM
I say all this because I want everybody to know how deeply, deeply insane it is that I'm working on my Makin' Wavs collab part right now

<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew