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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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right, it was his brother eazy, my bad

there are no imperfections in space jamb either, but he just did a slurpeepage on it. it is time to be mature, step back, and let slurpee tell you why the political views you were brought up to believe are complete horseshit


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on August 04, 2021, 07:29:32 PM
there are no imperfections in space jamb either

lola bunny was a mistake

sexy rabbit women should have stayed where they belonged: a dimly lit corner of an "open minded" comic book store. the mainstream was not ready for lola bunny. the mainstream was like 7 years old for god's sake

oh were you talking about the song? my bad
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


I seriously hate adobe so fucking much

this might literally be the most powerful computer I've ever seen with my own two eyes and I'm trying to use the straight line tool to draw a straight line and it's stuttering like I'm trying to run fucking cyberpunk 2077 and the cpu is having a heart attack. just dogshit software maintained by a dogshit company


I have a sticker that says FUCK ADOBE on the back of my laptop


I discovered Instagram has a mute feature and by god if it isn't going to make my relatives less annoying


I do not interact with my relatives online and I will die without them ever knowing me


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on August 05, 2021, 07:57:57 PM
I do not interact with my relatives online and I will die without them ever knowing me

It's the hesitation from simply removing them from following you because you don't want to hear it the next time you interact with them


Quote from: Slurpee on August 05, 2021, 04:26:07 PM
I seriously hate adobe so fucking much

this might literally be the most powerful computer I've ever seen with my own two eyes and I'm trying to use the straight line tool to draw a straight line and it's stuttering like I'm trying to run fucking cyberpunk 2077 and the cpu is having a heart attack. just dogshit software maintained by a dogshit company

I have to use multiple FLAs nowadays or Flash crashes entirely once it gets too big and I try to move something.


dr jekyll & flick-my-sackle


Quote from: RobClock on August 02, 2021, 06:08:34 PM
Quote from: NintendrCkolc on August 02, 2021, 01:59:31 AM
Quote from: RobClock on July 31, 2021, 01:43:13 PM
Back at the start of June I recorded a video of me talking about Duke Nukem for an hour and I just uploaded it so here that is


69 in the URL hell yeah

What computer do you use to play those big box'd copies my guy?

My main rig, my dude. I have an external floppy drive and a CD rom drive so you can just run them off disc with emulation. I had a Thinkpad running win98 but she bit the bullet. Would like to get it running again but alas free time for such frivolity is in short supply.

If you get the means, I'd definitely recommend getting some original hardware for that collection of yours. I managed to salvage an old Socket 7 PC out of a literal dumpster last summer and spent most of the fall/early winter getting it up to snuff. Slapped a 4MB 3DFX Voodoo 1, AWE64 soundcard, Pentium-S 200mhz, an old stock 10gb HDD and had to buy pretty much all the peripherals for it off ebay. Lots of troubleshooting but I managed to get everything running proper. Probably spent wayyyy too much money on it but I'm happy with the results.
(notably missing from this picture, boxed copies of Quake 1 + Duke 3D) Also the coveted duke mouse pad.

I need to take some better, more proper pictures of everything tbh. It was a really fun pet project for awhile, even if it did get kinda frustrating at times.



did you guys know Portal 2 has an in-game editor for making community maps?

youtube recommended me this video a while back and I was like "how did I not hear about this?"

I've been futzing around with it
it's fun but leaves a lot to be desired
it's no Mario Maker

• you don't get to see how many people completed your levels vs how many skipped, how many tries they took, etc., which takes a lot of fun out of sharing them
• there doesn't seem to be a random play selection, so once your levels are pushed out of most recent list, they're pretty much doomed to obscurity unless you plug them elsewhere, which you have to do through the steam workshop
• same with viewing a user's other levels- some people make level sets that are meant to be played together linearly, but there's no way to package them (ala worlds in mario maker)
• same with level descriptions. looks like you only see the titles in-game
• feedback is pretty limited unless you go into the steam workshop, which most people of course don't bother to do. (I understand why they integrated it with steam workshop, but the less a feature can be done through the in-game interface, the less it's going to be used period)
• really unclear upload mechanics. if I click publish on something that's already been published, am I updating the existing version? uploading a copy? do I have to unpublish the old one first? do I lose my ratings and subscriptions?
• ratings don't even show unless you get more than certain amount of them, but what that amount is I don't know because you almost certainly won't before your levels fade into obscurity
you don't have to prove a level can be completed before uploading it :ohdear:, so there's a ton of broken, unplayable courses uploaded, sometimes multiple times
- so of course people also have absolutely no problem creating levels where it's insanely easy to softlock with no indication that this has happened, or levels that are just full of pointless blind-siding death traps with titles like "good luck"
- worse, this combined with the lack of player feedback and stats means you have no way of knowing if a level you're playing is broken or very very clever and worthy of your time and attention

level creation itself is kind of butt too
• objects are limited to placement on a discrete grid, which locks you out of certain design choices even specific to portal's existing design philosophy, like denoting fling pits with a protruding slab of checkered concrete
• even basic things like using a cube to jump up a single level is just not possible- you need a minimum of two, preferably three, which means stuff like bringing cubes with you to hop up a "staircase" of obstacles is often just not feasible, and certainly not fun
no way to set checkpoints
• no bespoke assets, of course- textures, objects, sounds, or even text or signage like arrows or those little infographic things with the stick figures

• the editor is just kinda bad
- objects can't be cut and pasted
- if there's more than one layer of ground/wall in your view, only the outermost one goes transparent unless the camera is physically inside the innermost one...
- ... which would be fine except the camera is pointlessly constrained, straight mario 64 style. "oh no you can't go that way now, FOR NO REASON." using noclip and ent_create in the dev console literally feels more intuitive and in some ways more powerful than this thing specifically designed for letting anyone place objects in levels
• the trade-off for all of this is that pressing tab lets you switch on the fly between the editor and playing the level... except the playable version doesn't update in real time :facepalm:. you have to stop and rebuild the entire level and wait for it to re-load any time you want to see any changes take effect, and it doesn't take much for the builder to get choked up and even crash during the build process. even adding too many lights can fuck it up. I know realtime hotswapping would be a lot harder to do, but if you can't do it then why even have this feature? oh and you can't use the dev console while doing this (???)

you can connect objects to other objects with a few parameters- e.g. a button to a cube dropper, set if it drops automatically, etc.- but there's not even a rudimentary scripting language. if you want there to be more than one way to open a door or raise/lower a platform, you literally are just not allowed to do that. it's either that they have to all be activated for the door to open, or there is one way to open the door, those are your choices. and I say "door", but there's not a door entity. you can't add doors. there's one existing exit door object built into every level that can't be deleted. connections are also limited to like ten or something. if you want a button to do more, the only solution I've found is to connect it to a cube dropper over another button in an inaccessible part of the map and connect that button to the remaining objects
objects autogenerate associated symbols or "antlines" to indicate connections. you can switch between them or disable them, but not selectively, it's all or nothing, and if the generated antline paths end up cluttered and unclear, you can't correct them. antlines automatically convert to symbol connections if it can't find a path, so that ad hoc solution with inaccessible cubes means the existing buttons will just have weird extra symbols floating next to them that you can't disable without disabling the visibility of all that button's connections

if you really want, you can break the emergency glass and design the levels in Hammer, which of course lets you do pretty much whatever you want as long as you know what you're doing or are willing to learn, but those levels, with their much higher barrier for entry in creating them, end up in the same rotation as the ones that have to be pieced together with the THPS 2-tier in-game level editor
levels of this kind absolutely litter the "top rated" and "most popular" categories, but I've also stumbled upon incredibly clever and innovative puzzle design with unique mechanics (e.g. a device that teleports cubes to the endpoint of a laser, with an escalating series of 3 puzzles that use this mechanic in increasingly innovative ways) just languishing in obscurity because of the aforementioned difficulty in just getting your contributions seen


I didn't start this post with the intention of tearing it down
it really is a lot of fun!

it's just as I started addressing my issues with it, more kept springing to mind


I read that whole post waiting to respond with something about how that sounds less intuitive than the THPS2 level editor and then you explicitly mention it. a few months ago I was figuring out dreamcast emulation and fucking around in THPS2's level editor again was one of the first things I did. I sure do love pungee pits and halfpipes.



you ever go searching through durian's fla pack for a particular clock and come across your long lost brother you never even knew existed?

Apparently he joined in 07. Who were you SharpClock?


Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on August 12, 2021, 12:01:07 PM
you ever go searching through durian's fla pack for a particular clock and come across your long lost brother you never even knew existed?

Apparently he joined in 07. Who were you SharpClock?;u=56
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


he joined only a few months after I did in 05 and kept posting till 14. I somehow never noticed.


i guess you weren't very sharp, clock


Quote from: VCRClock on August 04, 2021, 10:40:50 PM

lola bunny was a mistake

sexy rabbit women should have stayed where they belonged: a dimly lit corner of an "open minded" comic book store. the mainstream was not ready for lola bunny. the mainstream was like 7 years old for god's sake

oh were you talking about the song? my bad

How dare you.

Sig by {{{Zombie Lincoln}}}

:capn: BUSTAS! :capn: