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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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Quote from: PhantomCatClock on August 25, 2021, 09:10:56 PM
some day i'll finally meet someone else who doesn't like clint eastwood and i'll be able to ask him for advice and guidance



i worry that, as i make it farther in life without meeting the one other, i'll be the one who has to give advice on living a clint eastwoodless life to some poor young lost soul


Phantom cat you're a JAMF



has anyone called Shadow Moses "shyeah dude broseph" yet?


hey rob have they ever made a better duke nukem game than the game boy color one yet


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on August 28, 2021, 08:47:26 PM
hey rob have they ever made a better duke nukem game than the game boy color one yet

That's just a remake of Duke Nukem II

No they haven't


a comprehensive list of everything I stole for my part in the villains collab:

1) eye guy - took the ears and color from eye guy's earlier appearances in the flash and combined them with The Floating Eye from The Brak Show

2) dumpster from google image search
3) flounderman's spikes were cannibalized from my part in the makin wavs collab
4) clock faces were stolen from god knows where, it's just that classic clock face that's been remade a thousand times. I might have done this one myself for all I know. more likely, stolen from some random .fla
5) dadadada vocal sound effect is from Uwe Boll's commentary for House of the Dead "Funny Edition"...
6) ... but credit for finding it and using it as a running gag goes to Phelous (whom Only The Real Ones might remember as the voice of the fish in the spaceship from Eskimo Bob)
7) all the music is from that Ren & Stimpy production music pack that was released a while back
8) "only I have the eye to rule" is an edit of a quote from Andross's second form in the hard route in Star Fox 64. (almost used "I'm a gigantic brain" from Futurama instead. same principle. there's something about a character that's just a giant flying body part that's extremely funny to me)
9) "mother shitter, son of a ass" is Samir from Office Space, when he's stuck in traffic in the beginning...
10) ... buuuut the shotgun noises come from where I actually ripped that audio, a video from an ancient something awful thread where movies were redubbed with the wrong soundtrack. Samir's rant was dubbed over the scene where the Castle family is murdered in the Tom Jane Punisher movie
11) the shotgun itself, the cocking animation, and its shitty bullet spray were all cannibalized from my Mr. Artist flash in 2005...
12) ... but that, in turn, was repurposed from an anonymously uploaded "weapons" or "guns" .fla from the old .cc library, I think, it's honestly getting kind of hard to remember
13) the movement speedlines were also cannibalized from an older flash of mine but I can't remember which
14) the subway station background is cannibalized from an unfinished experimental flash I was making during the wtfnoob days, back before I knew what "experimental" meant. it was cool back then to mix together a bunch of found audio and obscure samples and then let the result be the background track/fuel for visuals that made more emotional sense than literal, and the track I made, affectionately titled Oppenheimer Abandonment Complex, had my mind running with imagery of what I now know to be called "liminal spaces"(manmade places created for a particular use, usually transit, which give off an eerie, unsettling feeling when seen abandoned for long periods of time, the sense of an existence uneasily in the balance between purposes in turn evoking a spiritual/supernatural sense of the same) and a shapeless lovecraftian beasty moving through thick vegetation, before beginning to seep into the cracks and corners of the abandoned world. my 15 year old self was not up to the task of depicting this, but he did draw one decent subway background
15) faded obey orange sign in the background was an edit/trace of the original
16) the glitchy multilingual subtitles gag, I stole from myself, I think originating in my pt$ part?
17) the dialogue between flounderman and steak of course was from flounderman's part. (idk if this really counts as stealing but this is an exhaustive list ok)
18) wad of bills and convenience store background stolen from google image search and and trace-bitmapped
19) convenience store entrance chime stolen from a youtube video that turned up when I searched for convenience store chime
20) steakclock stolen from durian's amazing .fla library, bless you durian. no idea where this particular version originates from, as far as I remember archonprime's original clock from space .swf was password protected
21) beverage array stolen and trace-bitmapped from google image search
22) can of fourloko stolen off google image search
23) the sound of the can being pulled out is the sound of the ice bucket from Steamed Hams
24) cash register stolen and trace-bitmapped from google image search, superimposed over a warped bit of the background of the previous stolen background for continuity
25) cash register ring-up noise is literally just the cash register noise from Paper Planes
26) can tab stolen and trace-bitmapped from google image search
27) spray of droplets animation cannibalized from an old animation where I'm peeing on some long-forgotten annoying noob's grave
28) fake sound of the can opening and somebody drinking it was stolen from Limmy's Show
29) outdoor background is cannibalized from yet another abandoned flash, where I was recreating a music video, which was the style at the time (but I can't prove it because Newgrounds delisted Heart Shaped Box and N). I was going to do Days Go By, which I was quietly obsessed with

30) air raid siren stolen from youtube...
31) ... but of course the combination of a siren with heavy static is a Silent Hill reference
32) why are you running? why are you running?
33) I'm comin up thar and I'm gon' beat the fuck out of you
34) laser animation was cannibalized from my camel day flash
35) laser blast sound was, too, but it was originally stolen from a star wars fan film post-production soundpack, where it was in turn stolen from Jedi Knight
36) Pottery Drop and Break.wav, aka the kerlin neskar. the wilhelm scream of breaking noises
37) the barely-audible sound of dumpster's lid slamming was the noise of the record player being smashed over a goon's head in the opening scene of The Rundown. long story
38) "you think it's a game? you think it's a motherfucking game!?" from DMX - What's My Name (r.i.p. king) and you would not fucking believe how hard it was to find the vocal track on youtube without the swearing inexplicably cut out
39) the proton cannon was cannibalized from an old sig where I fired a proton cannon at heavymetalclock, but also, it was vectorized, more or less traced, from the proton cannon in Marvel vs. Capcom
40) the stomping noises were saved as jurassicpark2.wav and dino-stomp(jurassicpark).wav. I'm not sure if that's accurate, but the files are dated 2002; I don't even know what was going on back then
41) steak's laser is largely based on the original, where it was a chaotic slurry of lines, but it also incorporates a shitty laser lights animation I made in 2003 and have since reused in more places than I can count, but most recently for the club interior in Breaching the Club
42 the sky immediately changing to flash seizure orange/yellow to emphasize the effect is something I stole from a similar scene in Renegade's Broken Clocks
43) the sound of steak's laser firing is an arranged combination of about 7 different laser sounds, all stolen from that big pack of Hanna Barbera sound effects that was released a while
44) the charge-up spund effect was stolen from a youtube video found by searching for "charge up sound"
45) the sound of the laser actually firing off is the homerun bat from super smash bros, which I stole off a youtube video. the slight audio jump was also present in the youtube video, I just didn't feel like finding a cleaner rip lol
46) the shot of earth is cannibalized from Slurpee Destroys the World, my part in an old jam collab that I can't seem to find, but it was recreated based on the deliberately cheap animation of the earth exploding that used to be at the end of, which in turn was a reference to (stolen from?) a repeated animation of the earth exploding in The Demented Cartoon Movie
47) the space background was cannibalized from my unfinished part for Between the Flash
48) the broken window/cat screeching noise is a gag so old I don't even know where it originates from, but I couldn't for the life of me find the sound effect, so I recreated it as best I could using GLASS_BREAKING.ogg from Duke Nukem 3D, and a clip from a random video of cat sound effects I found of youtube
49) the closing monologue with the shitty George C. Scott impression talking about Roman triumphs and fleeting glory is from, nowhere, I made that up
50) the previous line where something is obviously quoted directly from a movie, but I say that I made it up, is a joke I stole from it's always sunny in philadelphia


i wish to know your deep connection that you aren't sharing re: #37


it's just not really tht interesting of a story

when I was making my part for the clockcrew tv collab, I used audio from the scene in Kill Bill where she's slamming the dude's head in the door, but the actual film audio wasn't forceful enough for the effect I wanted (because of course in live action you don't need much in terms of audio, to get across that a human head is being smashed in a door, because you have the visual of a human head being smashed in a door)
coincidentally, I'd been on the hunt for the Get Ur Freak On/Back in Black mash-up from the opening scene of The Rundown, and songs from movies were almost impossible to find in the pre-youtube era (they kinda still are- two of my white whales are the vandals' cover of Evil Woman from saving silverman, and the mysterious bouncy folk tune from the homework scene in Fight Club) so I resorted to just ripping the audio directly from the scene, which ends abruptly with the sound of the record player being smashed
the jarring sound of the record player being smashed stuck in my head and filled in nicely for the sound of the door slamming
16 years later, it was the first sound effect I thought of that I knew I'd have on-hand and could work for the sound of dumpster's lid slamming shut
unfortunately, I mixed the audio directly in adobe animate using their incredibly shitty sound-mixing tools :wiebel:
(worked out surprisingly well for muffling the laser sound though)


boy, salami keeps for a really long time


Originality is the art of concealing your thievery


it's just like i always say and am known for saying first: good artists copy, great artists steal


Quote from: Slurpee on August 31, 2021, 08:56:54 PM43) the sound of steak's laser firing is an arranged combination of about 7 different laser sounds, all stolen from that big pack of Hanna Barbera sound effects that was released a while
lol I do this too, pretty much every time I need one. or I just layer a laser on a gunshot.



it was nineteen eighty bort my thoughts were long my hair was short


is it true that the slurpeeclock character doesn't have a single line of dialogue in the movie and everything we think we know about his personality was kind of extrapolated by the clock crew fandom


i took a online quiz to see how long i could survive without oxygen but despite the answer it gave me i am still alive


so I did the only responsible thing with my prize money and bought some kirby stacking figures

a few slight imperfections on the paint but they're really charming. it's a bit of a game in itself to get the kirbys stacked properly. you're just balancing them, there's no pegs or magnets.

I was gonna buy a nice toothbrush but then my dad bought me one so I guess I'm gonna buy more kirby shit.