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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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adenine, gaunine, cytosine, and thigh meat


I get a ebay update every day for the things I told it to keep tabs on, and I haven't wanted that for maybe a year or two, now, but you can't unsubscribe from that particular email if you don't remember your ebay password


i have refined my ebay saved searches to be so specific that there are rarely false positives, so i only get an email every once in a while

in fact one of my saved searches has never turned up at all; i am only taunted by the motherfucker who paid $1 for one at a liquidation auction two years ago
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


popular cuts for yellow pages?

is that like a clip art cd from before people had computers?


yeah 👍

it's a book for people putting an ad in the yellow pages to look through and be like "use this picture of a crashed car for my body shop's advertisement"
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


I know you guys don't care much for Discord drama, but Pop-Tart's roommate got dragged off by the FBI for pirating Firefox and

I mean, I don't want to say it

but I'm using Firefox right now

and I didn't pay for it


I can't believe how good Psychonauts 2 is

it's like all the best parts of Psychonauts 1 but with the platforming and controls tightened up and better graphics and the characters have more expressive faces and everything is so cute I'm so happy


i thought i bricked my crappy experimentation laptop while trying to flash the bios, which i was only doing because i couldn't get it to boot from my usb with dban on it

anyway i pulled it back out today, and found some different websites with more useful information: someone with a better fdisk walkthrough for formatting the usb stick that mentioned setting the boot flag, and someone on the dban discussion hellpit who said "dban hasn't been updated since 2015 use shredOS dude"


so that's working. in other news, i'm probably the only person with any desire to use an offline mp3 player in 2021, but i put rockbox on a fiio m3k, which seems like a pretty good player/rockbox candidate for the price
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


write a AI that converts old episodes of pokemon to replace every pokemon face with the stupid DOT DOT LINE Ditto smile


I'm going to keep this brief because this is one of those things where someone has a boring sounding interest but they're interested in it and can make it sound super cool because they know what parts aren't dumb and they're good storytellers or whatever

I like pens. Space pen good.

If you like pens, don't get a Fisher space pen. If you like cheapo Bic pens, this is the best ballpoint pen you'll ever use. It's ten times better than one of those (to write with—the actual device really is overengineered for the most part) (there are some tacky choices, and if you don't know the company's history, you'll get it printed on every single thing they send you, but aside from that, good stuff) but it's still what it is.

BUT THE INK. God. You don't get that annoying horseshit where it starts to fade. It just works forever until it dies, and it holds way more ink than a normal pen. If you use pens until they run out before you lose them, you'll appreciate how forever the cartridges last. They look like weird long bullets, too. Ptchew ptchew.

fuck i said i'd make it brief

ok so i write with their fine tips. Nothing comes with a fine tip, so I just have a handful of fat (well, ok, normal) ones sitting around, immediately replaced with fine. They make one that can't be refilled, though—it holds so much god damn ink that they say it'll just last the rest of your life. I don't know where they got the measurements, but they claim it won't run out in an "average user's" eighty year life.

brother, that is the pen for me. I hate it when they run out and that's the main thing that got me into space pens. I dont give a fuck it's $150, get me the forever pen.

Oh? What's this? There's no fine option?

if I buy this pen, I will be damning myself to a lifetime of medium tip writing. That's like making a genie wish and not realizing how fucked you are until you can't undo it.



send them a slurpeepost in a email telling them why making fine tips for the forever pen is a good idea, i have not the strength


it's in the works, but still in the testing stage
the fine tip single-use pen uses less ink, so it lasts even longer, and they're still figuring out how many lifetimes it'll last before they put it on the market

me, I just have a .38 pilot G2, a pentel inkjoy if I ever decide to write big, and a can of random ballpoints to pull out as needed and immediately trash because they've been in there for 10 years

but as the fisher space pen joke goes, I just write in pencil a lot of the time
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


a thousand years ago, there was this small internet mystery on /co/ (back when it was a pretty nice place to be)
somebody's white whale was an interview with Mark Hamill where somebody asks him how the hell he does the Joker voice, and Hamill says something to the effect of "the thing about The Joker is that he's all teeth..." and then he curls his lips back in a rictus grin and starts repeating "All Teeth... ALL!!! TEETH!!" and his voice gets more and more like The Joker, and then, boom, he's just in The Joker voice, and says something like "hello kids it's me, the joker, your clown prince of crime"
you know how this story goes, the person wanted help locating it, a few people thought they remembered it too, nobody could find an actual copy

and, as nice as /co/ was, it was still 4chan, so, a lot of people doubted that this actually happened. people love to make shit up, and this sounded too good to be true, an attempt to create an internet legend using one of its sacred cows
searches for hamill "all teeth" etc. never turned up anything helpful, and interviews where Hamill did talk about The Joker voice he talked about, like, practicing the laugh in his car, he never mentioned teeth, and he didn't seem to have any trouble dropping into The Joker voice without this bizarre little ritual
a few years later, when Hamill was back in the spotlight with the Arkham games (and later Star Wars), and the interview had still yet to surface, I (and I assume many others) assumed it had just been a tall tale and let it quietly pass into memory

but now,
if you search hamill "all teeth"
you get a whole bunch of listicles and an interview with rottentomatoes for the Child's Play remake where he goes over his history as a voice actor
because, he said it, he said that the joker is all teeth. he doesn't do the whole thing, but he says it and you can hear the Joker leaking in
which means... the original interview is real and it's out there somewhere?

some poking around suggests this was something Hamill would do for fans at cons, which means even if the original video is lost to time, there's a good chance there is some footage out there somewhere of him doing the same routine
I want to see it so bad ;_;


I just used the same pen and wrote in Fisher pressurized fine and medium next to each other and

the writing looks identical. I can write the same smallness with both, and fit the same three-lines-per-college-ruled-line with spaces between, five without spaces, when I hunch over and really try to write small (something I haven't really done since high school)

the medium tip is obviously thicker, to the eye, but the lines I'm writing are almost perfectly similar.

am i really about to spend $150 on a ballpoint pen


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on September 13, 2021, 09:57:14 PM
I just used the same pen and wrote in Fisher pressurized fine and medium next to each other and

the writing looks identical. I can write the same smallness with both, and fit the same three-lines-per-college-ruled-line with spaces between, five without spaces, when I hunch over and really try to write small (something I haven't really done since high school)

the medium tip is obviously thicker, to the eye, but the lines I'm writing are almost perfectly similar.

am i really about to spend $150 on a ballpoint pen
follow your bliss, dude, life is a fuck


today I found a $5 bill in some weeds by the roadside and I did not pick it up

I am a philanthropist
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


I went to look at a 1985 f150 and ended up buying the guys 2005 ranger instead



Quote from: Slurpee on September 13, 2021, 11:34:38 PM
follow your bliss, dude, life is dumb

yeah, i'm going to, just probably not for a while. It'll be a minute before my self-enforced Stupid Crap Allowance refills back to that level

also i'm sure it's just my heavy hand and there really is a good difference between the point sizes for normal people, disregard my findings and good luck getting your own tiny thin pens, world

plus my SCA is about to stock up on waterproof notepads and those come first, obviously