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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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Quote from: Slurpee on October 19, 2021, 01:52:07 PM
cracking up at the specificity of this getpocket recommendation

for a website called TheConversation, that's a pretty short conversation.

Me: I don't.


Surfaces once every so often, As though he's unable to let go of the past


the mainstreaming of ahegao kinda made it a little less special



Quote from: Slurpee on October 19, 2021, 01:57:25 PM
anyway, extremely stoked for Inscryption, the new game from the developer of Pony Island and The Hex

it's this spooky card game with a blood sacrifice theme mixed with some super low fidelity Myst-like early 3d stuff and the demo was DOPE AS FUCK here's a trailer


and it's OUT NOW

but I have some real life-ing to do first. gay.

I've been thinking about the card minigame from shovel knight and pokemon TCG GBC and how much I like that shit. then right here is a brand new single player deck building video game. clearly the devil wants me to play this, otherwise he wouldn't have instructed you to post this and truncheon to post anime pornface to summon me. so I guess I'll download the demo.





what was up with Wheezy, the penguin in Toy Story 2?

they like tied an emotional arc to him, like "and after all that, Wheezy is here, singin his song. the end =)"
but... he wasn't in the first one
and they didn't like try to make up for the fact that he wasn't in the first one, by like having the toys not remember him or something. they just pretended they knew him from way back. but andy moved houses in the first movie, and all the toys were pretty much together. so maybe Wheezy arrived between movies. but Andy gets the puppy at the end of the first movie, and in 2 it's still a puppy. puppies don't stay puppies very long. so I guess they knew this guy for like, two years, max?
and why did andy have a squeak toy as a toy? was he special needs?

and then he's just gone
I know the voice actor died but so did jim varney and don rickles
I haven't seen 4 but apparently the whole movie is about tying up what happened to Bo Peep after the third one did her dirty. which is great, I love Annie Potts, but it just makes Wheezy seem even more half-baked in retrospect


QuoteIn Toy Story Land, there are large boxes strewn across the park that feature the Toy Story characters, as if they were fresh out of the box. One of the boxes features Wheezy, marketed on the box as a squeaky bath toy. The box not only reveals he's from Al's Toy Barn, but it also has large letters that read, "Not for use in water" (odd since he is a bath toy). It can be assumed Wheezy was broken when Andy used him during a bath.

sometimes i wish you didnt see race slurpee


Quote from: PhantomCatClock on October 21, 2021, 09:02:41 PM
QuoteIn Toy Story Land, there are large boxes strewn across the park that feature the Toy Story characters, as if they were fresh out of the box. One of the boxes features Wheezy, marketed on the box as a squeaky bath toy. The box not only reveals he's from Al's Toy Barn, but it also has large letters that read, "Not for use in water" (odd since he is a bath toy). It can be assumed Wheezy was broken when Andy used him during a bath.

sometimes i wish you didnt see race slurpee
this information just further confirms that Wheezy was a completely half-baked character

a bath toy that's not for use in water? preposterous. fie.


i think that's just a cover your ass legal thing like how bongs are for "tobacco use only"

there's a way to use the product that's a lot more fun, but we're not responsible if something happens because you choose to use it that way
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew



At last, my research is complete. I've finally found it—an incense that smells amazing in the box and sitting out in my room, then smells fucking awful once you light it.

My nose started running and I'm gonna wait a bit to go and blow it.


well, I beat Inscryption, nearly to death
it was about three times bigger than I expected it to be, which was wonderful, but I still feel an odd sense of disappointment, because at one point it seemed like it was going to be five times bigger than I expected it to be, and I think that would have been really cool

I think there's still a lot of hidden content I haven't seen, that the unfiction crowd will eat right up, but I doubt that it will add up to... argh
someone else beat Inscryption so I have someone cool to talk about it with


the last bullet point for false predicitions on sylvia browne's wikipedia page is absolutely savage



and not a moment too soon, it sounds like.



vcrclock todo: smf plugin that turns the forum to grayscale and replaces every intelligible word except "spike" with meaningless syllables
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew
