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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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how did I use my andrew dice clay reference too early? tf

also Rob Paulsen and Kath Soucie, but like... c'mon. it'd be weirder if they weren't in there
and Mary Kay Bergman, r.i.p. queen

also looking forward to Cree Summers doing the one goddamn voice she's done for her entire career
J/K she's multi-talented and deserves her diverse and prolific career as a voice actress
... but I will be very surprised if it's not the suzie carmichael/elmyra duff/numbuh five/foxy love voice


also, not to, by way of exclusion, shit on the guy that did Brooklyn
he's great, I've just never heard of him
"Jeff Bennett"

says here he played Dexter's dad in Dexter's Lab and Johnny Bravo on Johnny Bravo. that's some good work
he also was Petrie in The Land Before Time, making him the weird lone adult man voicing a child on a cast otherwise full of child characters voiced by actual children god damn it I swear I didn't start typing this with the intention of being mean.
wait didn't he die? I thought the petrie voice actor died


oh okay the petrie from the first movie, also an adult, died. weird. Bennett took over for all the sequels

oh! Bennett also did some voices for Freakazoid!
says here he voiced The Huntsman, Lord Bravery, Cave Guy, and Candle Jack. I wonder if he and Ed Asner ever had a little moment, since Asner voi


okay I was going to stick the landing on that candle jack joke but important update: Cree Summer did not, in fact, use the Susie Carmichael voice. shocked. shocked.

it was in "The Thrill of the Hunt"
incredibly strange episode. the first five episodes are all part of a five-part series opener, which is pretty self-serious and lays out the stakes and the set-up of the overarching series really well
and after that the first one out of the gate is this bizarre story about this... group of characters all named after animals ("jackal", "hyena") from... what I thought was a saturday morning cartoon show but turns out is supposed to be live action and possibly modeled after american gladiators or power rangers I guess? they're called The Pack

their show is about them fighting evil ninjas, and there's also a live stage show, and also they actually are all real people with those names and they are bounty hunters in real life? and people see them on the street and seem to just accept that this is a team of heroes constantly besieged by evil ninjas.

the plot of the episode is that lexington sees them on tv and thinks they're kindred spirits and reaches out to them, but the pack responds by hunting them, so the gargoyles learn not to trust everything they see on t.v., but goliath agrees that lex was right that they need to take risks to find allies or they'll be alone forever
at the end you find out The Pack were assembled and given a t.v. show by Xanatos and he had their cable line hacked so it would be the only t.v. show they could see, in the hopes that exactly what happened would happen. hm ok

but I couldn't get passed just the basic premise of the pack
who gives actual bounty hunters named after animals a t.v. show where they're portrayed as heroi- oh wait

... huh.




also I remember vaguely that the third season of gargoyles stank and wasn't considered canon by series creator greg weisman

so when I saw that season 1 was only 13 episodes I was like "well that's a shame, but maybe that means I can watch the good seasons in a reasonable timeframe"

but it turns out season 2 is 52 episodes long
mixed feelings about that
on one hand, wow, that's a lot of good episodes to enjoy
on the other hand, I'm definitely going to give up or lose interest before I get anywhere near there
I barely have the attention span to watch every episode of over the garden wall!
I barely have the attention span to watch every episode of clerks the animated series!!
I barely have the attention span to watch every episode of the amazing screw-on head!!!!!


ok I'll stop posting about gargoyles, sheesh*

*unless I have more to say later


hey you guys should watch The Amazing Screw-On Head if you haven't though


iirc Mike Mignola wasn't even upset that the pilot didn't get picked up because it does everything they wanted to do with the series in one episode


New cat

A second cat, old cat is still here. This little lady is six and very friendly, though currently shy. Her name is Rey though which is irritating given she was clearly named after the Star Wars character given the age.




even though i have to nod my head and say "uh-huh" when references are made to all but the most obvious voice actors, i have enjoyed reading about this cartoon which i have probably seen on tv but remember little about. the punchlines have also been of high quality
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


Quote from: Slurpee on January 13, 2022, 12:32:03 AMthe mythology of this show was insane, all just to get to "ninja turtles by way of batman the animated series"
I think they wanted it to compete with both of those and become the biggest and most respected children's action show, so they pumped everything they could into it. it really shows.

Quote from: Slurpee on January 13, 2022, 05:42:28 PM
hey you guys should watch The Amazing Screw-On Head if you haven't though


iirc Mike Mignola wasn't even upset that the pilot didn't get picked up because it does everything they wanted to do with the series in one episode
I still remember when maltese first linked this to me a decade ago. it's up there with korgoth as one of the one-off cartoon greats. a god damn classic.


Quote from: Slurpee on January 13, 2022, 05:42:28 PM
hey you guys should watch The Amazing Screw-On Head if you haven't though


iirc Mike Mignola wasn't even upset that the pilot didn't get picked up because it does everything they wanted to do with the series in one episode

Well that was amazing. I've followed Mike Mignola's art account but had no idea about this or.. really anything else he's done.

Also, congrats on growing your cat family Rob!!



My girlfriend left the bedroom door open and the cat is now hiding somewhere in the house and she can't find her and is freaking the fuck out so that's what I'm going home to tonight glad this whole new cat thing is working out


I was gone for less than an hour and the entire operation fell apart


As someone who had the same cat for longer than I had my father in my life, let me offer some helpful and constructive advice for your girlfriend:

who the fuck cares if the cat is hiding


the only way to summon a cat is to not be interested in it

the cat is going to crawl all over you and the more she mch mch mch pspspspsps mch mch mch here kitty kitty the more nothing


take the clock crew, for instance

i'm still here