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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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Quote from: Slurpee on December 05, 2024, 04:39:29 PMtexting "ummm, YES, I'm fine, the tsunami didn't kill me, if you even care" to everybody in my contacts
grindr hook-up from five years ago: "nice. haveu been horny for me???"


the first step in going to the moon is to bang two rocks together


there's a part in "Reach Out I'll Be There" by Four Tops where Levi Stubbs says "just look over your shoulder!" and I was listening to it and realized Michael Jackson's apparent ad-lib in "I'll Be There" by The Jackson 5 where he says "just look over your shoulders, honey" was probably in reference to this. I don't know why I never put this together before, it's not like Reach Out is not a popular song also from Motown. its only sin is being like the 18th most famous song about how the singer will be there

it's sort of like in "The Joker" by Steve Miller Band, all that weird shit he says at the beginning about being the cowboy lover space pamplemousse, those are all callbacks to what, at the time, were his biggest songs, but the The Joker became his most famous song so now he just sounds like a crazy person

in a different way it's also sort of like how in Young Americans the choir just randomly goes "I read the news today oh boy" in reference to the Beatles song "A Day in the Life" because Bowie and Lennon were friends and John helped on the album and Bowie was funnin' him. but who has actually listened to A Day in the Life? just Beatles fans, pretty much, right? it didn't even make it onto The Beatles 1. I can name like a dozen more famous Beatles songs

including "All You Need is Love" which contains a callback to "She Loves You" during the outro ("she loves you/yeeeah yeeeah yeeah") and you know what's nuts? you know what's nuts??? there was fan debate for decades about whose voice that was, John or Paul, and you know what's nuts?? it was both of them. they have footage of them in the studio when it happened and they give each other a surprised look because they both just spontaneously decided at the exact same moment to throw that in there

or in "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi, when he sings "for Tommy and Gina, who never backed down." tht's a reference to "Livin on a Prayer." how embarrassing.

no I just kid Bon Jovi, they're good guys

and, uh, Levi Stubbs was the voice of Audrey II in Little Shop of Horrors, and Mother Brain in Captain N the Game Master, BTW, so, ummmm YA. if u even care...


sitcoms used to love having an episode where dad has to go on the roof for some reason

that's it that's all I've got that one


i used to think slurpee.jar was a web address for an executable folder but now i realize you're a modern day diogenes and it's just your actual address


okay there was shit carved in the bullet casings. it wasn't one of you guys because it said words and not "lol" or the yen symbol

still got my eye on you though



detectives have been unable to determine the meaning of mysterious phrases left behind at the scene- 'die bedn' 'where are my pills' and 'hot spicy boner'  :sherlock:


preliminary investigations suggest the second may be a reference to the video game left 4 dead 1


those old fogeys will never find the real perp in the back 4 blood lobby


the casings say uhhhh

don't dead, open inside??
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


I went out drinking last night and came home this morning to find not the dog had escaped from his kennel and had diarrhea in the kitchen, main hall, and all over the carpet in my office. Poor guy was covered in it.

Not the sort of thing you want to be cleaning up with a quart of rum sloshing around in your gut


oh my god I don't even know what I would do

when I get home after a night out I'm tapped the fuck out. I hit the bed and don't set an alarm, absolutely everything can wait until morning. I might have it in me to get a glass of water just on the vague sense that my body needs it

but it's also not in my fucking soul to leave a dog that's depending on me in distress. like I would HAVE to get him clean. I guess coffee would be my only option


i'd be mad enough to break out of the kennel and diarrhea on the carpet too if i wasn't invited to rum


That does sound like hell because lord knows that when I get home after a night out I'm unable to do anything that isn't sleeping or remaining in my own thoughts, completely immobile

[FLASH=]http://width=300 height=200[/FLASH]


also hi i've returned

big ups for vcrclock who reset my password, and for pcat who also offered to do so - they're sweethearts

and oh shit just in time for page 6000, 14-year old me would be psyched

[FLASH=]http://width=300 height=200[/FLASH]


welcome back {{{}}

it's just like 4 of us here now, just a heads up


Quote from: Slurpee on December 09, 2024, 03:13:09 PMwelcome back {{{}}

it's just like 4 of us here now, just a heads up

glad to see you around man {{{}}}

also i know, it's for the quality of the 4 that hang out here that I came back

[FLASH=]http://width=300 height=200[/FLASH]


we're actually having a sale on soon for christmas so really you came back at the perfect time

or maybe some other holiday that starts at sundown on christmas day, :tophat:


bold of you to think i haven't stocked up already on homogang and homogang-related accessories to give to my loved ones

yes i live alone why do you ask

[FLASH=]http://width=300 height=200[/FLASH]