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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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"ethics of advertising to children??" bah! sure a 7 year old might not be able to tell they're being advertised to, but guess what, they're not the ones buying the cereal

what kids COULD figure out was that Neopets game developers weren't out to make challenging, balanced games for disposable General Mills campaigns, so the effort-Neopoint ratio was in players' favor
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew


Which is the finer piece of art?

Stillness of Time, by Salvador Dali


The Craven Heifer

These are my current artistic fixations



Quote from: RobClock on December 19, 2024, 08:28:39 PMWhich is the finer piece of art?

Stillness of Time, by Salvador Dali


The Craven Heifer

These are my current artistic fixations
mmmm... I dunno man that's a pretty sick heifer


Quote from: RobClock on December 19, 2024, 08:31:06 PMhere's a fish i drew today

you've done something here that I've been bewildered by for a long time and never quite had the language to describe. it's a quality of linework that I can never quite put my finger on.
it happens in my own drawings sometimes but I can't do it consistently for the life of me

it's... creating the impression of depth with lines alone, but that doesn't quite capture what I mean. the fish just looks round, doesn't it? especially the head

and I don't think it's just having a really rich understanding of perspective, because even tracing an actual photograph doesn't get quite what I'm talking about, it's a really elusive quality

there was a local artist around a decade ago who did paintings with really careful depictions of gloves in the style of old rubber hose cartoons, like these

and he always nailed it, made them just look so...... WORD, that I don't have, that describes this, where they aren't 3d but look like they could exist in 3d space in that roger rabbity way


why am i suddenly thinking of a flounderman post


Thanks Slurpee, i am fairly proud of that fish :hi5:

Interesting development today. This morning I set about cutting up some lengths of hardwood for kindling as there's an amount of snow forecast for tonight and I wanted to get as much of it as possible indoors. I was at that for 4-5 hours, and upon coming inside and beginning to prepare dinner, i heard a bunch of scuttling sounds. At first I thought one of the cats was clawing at a wall or something and stomped up and down the house to reprimand them. Come to find, both cats are asleep on the chesterfield. Standing silently in the kitchen I realize it sounds as though its coming from the wall to the adjoining bedroom. Run to the bedroom and listen, again there is scuttling. I press my ear to the wall and sure enough that's where its coming from. Now the panic sets in. Yesterday I had patched up holes in the baby barn which Squirrels had burrowed for entry ways- was this the squirrels revenge? Had they chewed a hole through the floor of the house and aimed to make my home their own? When I first moved in here during the renovation process I had to chase a family of 6 squirrels out of the rafters with a crowbar for a weapon.

Then it occurred to me; the drainage stink pipe runs up through that wall, behind the stove in the kitchen, and my desk in the spare room.

Up the ladder, across the roof, and sure enough there's a goddamn squirrel in my stink pipe. On one hand, it's excellent that he's not in the walls, on the other hand, how the salted caramel shit do I deal with this situation?

I get my Red Ryder and try taking a shot down the pipe, this does exactly nothing. Apparently he cannot be persuaded to get the hell out of there. It's a stink pipe, which will eventually run down to the septic tank, so I decide upon pouring water into there. Back down the ladder, I grab the kettle (not boiled as I don't want him dying in the pipes and stinking to high hell), and back up I go. As I'm pouring the water down onto his accused fuzzy face, I realize he's not retreating or coming flying up and out. The little bastard is stuck in there, the pipe's walls are too slick for him to climb back out of, and he can't get any further down.

Now here's a real dilemma. I have a soaked, presumably pissed off squirrel, freaking out inside a 3" diameter pipe on my roof, and I have to somehow help it get out. From my aforementioned war, I know first hand that it is inadvisable to have a squirrel cornered where it can take a leap at your face. From my vantage point on the roof I scan my yard for potential solutions, and arrive at the hockey stick leaning up against the woodshed. The length of the tool is optimal with the bonus of a curve at the end so I can stand an extra pace back.

Slowly probing the hockey stick down the stink pipe, the squirrel is immediately alarmed, and understandably since we made eye contact as I poured a kettle over his head. Slowly I pull the stick back out, and peek down the pipe. The squirrel calms for some reason. Again, I lower the hockey stick down, slower still than the last time, and stop where I would perceive to have been directly above the squirrels head. Pause for a moment, and then ever so carefully lower another 1/2" and sure enough the little prick grabs on, the difference in weight like I just hooked a trout, and then I freak out and YANK the stick back up sending the squirrel pirouetting across the roof. He touches down, heart beating like the battering ram that pierced Minas Tirith, and in an instant he's down the gutter and into the woods.

I really dislike squirrels


Quote from: RobClock on December 20, 2024, 01:56:40 PMFrom my vantage point on the roof I scan my yard for potential solutions, and arrive at the hockey stick leaning up against the woodshed.

If Shaun of the Dead had been set in Canada, I think it would have gone something like this.
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew







a fantasy anime where a normal person gets sent to a world where conspiracy theories are real



they don't love you like I love you



has anyone made that joke?

"wade hasn't worked at newgrounds for like 7 years shut up slurpee" NO YOU SHUT UP



Quote from: Slurpee on December 23, 2024, 08:13:27 PMhas anyone made that joke?

"wade hasn't worked at newgrounds for like 7 years shut up slurpee" NO YOU SHUT UP

Memes are a bannable offence do not test might

Triangle hasn't been admin in a decade Rob shut up


I just ate some reeses pieces and my mouth was like "you know what would go great to follow that up? easy mac"

wtf. am I pregnant


Quote from: RobClock on December 23, 2024, 09:25:52 PM
Quote from: Slurpee on December 23, 2024, 08:13:27 PMhas anyone made that joke?

"wade hasn't worked at newgrounds for like 7 years shut up slurpee" NO YOU SHUT UP

Memes are a bannable offence do not test might

Triangle hasn't been admin in a decade Rob shut up