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Farted by Biblo, March 04, 2009, 06:52:34 PM

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Quote from: Insane Cultist #4;1535727Just got back from watching the watchmen, sup clockcrew.

I found it was meh compared to the book. I mean, it was ok, but they left out shitloads of stuff, like all the minor characters who were ordinary people. They also left out a great deal of the bit when Rorschach reveals his origin and simultaneously mindfucks his psychologist, and the bit about the genetically modified alien monster, and Hollis Mason's murder, and all the changes to the world that were caused by Dr. Manhattan's contributions to science. It was just kind of like "So yeah, there were superheroes. Oh, and they're bored now. They're coming back." Also, I found that Adrien Viedt was really unlikable, compared to how he was in the book. I mean, in the book, he was someone you could admire, even if he did kill millions of people in a flawed plan to save the world from nuclear war. In the book, it really felt like he was the pinnacle of human potential. I don't know. I guess I'm being nitpicky, and it would have been way longer with all this stuff in it, but it just bugs me. To me, they left out a lot of the stuff that really made the book.

EDIT: Also, I almost won a T-shirt and copy of the soundtrack, but there were people in the front rows who knew the answers to the trivia questions. Meh, merchandise.
Well shit is is 3 hours all ready! If you wanted the comic go read the comic!

Also trolling doesn't suit you ZL :)

Marlin Clock

Wait, I just realized, that one conspiracy theory magazine actually found and opened Rorschach's journal at the end of the book. Couldn't that mean that maybe Rorschach's message about Veidt being the culprit still got out?


Quote from: Marlix Wright;1535940Wait, I just realized, that one conspiracy theory magazine actually found and opened Rorschach's journal at the end of the book. Couldn't that mean that maybe Rorschach's message about Veidt being the culprit still got out?



Quote from: Marlix Wright;1535940Wait, I just realized, that one conspiracy theory magazine actually found and opened Rorschach's journal at the end of the book. Couldn't that mean that maybe Rorschach's message about Veidt being the culprit still got out?

No, you see, it is up to the reader to decide if they even opened up his journal.


Quote from: Marlix Wright;1535940Wait, I just realized, that one conspiracy theory magazine actually found and opened Rorschach's journal at the end of the book. Couldn't that mean that maybe Rorschach's message about Veidt being the culprit still got out?

that's why watchmen has a happy-ish ending.


Just read the first 4 issues, pretty neat.
_pirate_butchcavities (20:29:15): FUCK CLOCKS _pirate_

Marlin Clock

Quote from: Maltese;1536098that's why watchmen has a happy-ish ending.
Makes me feel a bit better about it.


Quote from: Marlix Wright;1536106Makes me feel a bit better about it.

it was rorschach's plan the entire time too, he sent it off before they went to adrian's

Marlin Clock

Well back-up plan, right? He couldn't know he wasn't coming back.


Quote from: Marlix Wright;1536179Well back-up plan, right? He couldn't know he wasn't coming back.

I think it was his main plan, he knew that Viedt was willing to kill millions upon millions of people, so one more death would have been nothing, and he knew that he could never take Viedt down, Viedt being superhuman, so he must have thought that he was going to his death.


Going to see it... whenever I can. I feel Roshrach will be my new favorite character since Tony Stark (Iron Man) and Jack Sparrow.


Quote from: TequilaClock;1536261Going to see it... whenever I can. I feel Roshrach will be my new favorite character since Tony Stark (Iron Man) and Jack Sparrow.

he's a sexually repressed, closet homosexual, conservative that sees president truman and the conservative ideology as a type of father figure, also his a misanthrope who identifies his mask as his face.

he is the best character, he's a stew of mental illnesses


I saw it today. I thought for the most part they did a really good job. Most of the changes they made were for the best, the only ones I really had beef with were:
1. Veidt wasn't likeable. All the people I was with who hadn't read the comic knew that he was the bad guy right away because he looked like a nazi and talked like a bond villain. They needed to cast someone more likeable as well as more burly. Veidt's supposed to be the most traditionally superhero-looking character and changing that kind of ruined the twist.

2. Dan seeing Rorschach's death and getting angry about it. It didn't ruin the ending but it did make it a much less intelligent ending. Rorschach is supposed to die alone and the fact that no one knows or cares makes the ending so much more powerful. I think they kind of missed the point.
I also didn't like John vanishing instead of walking up the wall.

Besides that I thought it was great. Nowhere near as great as the book but still probably the best comic book adaptation so far.

The intro with The Times They Are A-Changing was particularly good.


Seeing it tomorrowwwwww
Quote from: Maltese;1536263he's a sexually repressed, closet homosexual, conservative that sees president truman and the conservative ideology as a type of father figure, also his a misanthrope who identifies his mask as his face.

he is the best character, he's a stew of mental illnesses

Marlin Clock

Quote from: Kombucha;1536326Seeing it tomorrowwwwww

Yeah, I don't remember that either.


Quote from: Kombucha;1536326wat

he's sexually attracted to nite owl, as evident in how when he shakes his hand, he holds on a bit too long, just like nite owl did for silk spectre, also, rorschach accuses viedt of being gay. Rorschach also finds women to be uncomfortable at best, and he finded silk spectre to be morally represhensible, in her short skirt.

I said repressed, not obviously

Quote from: Marlix Wright;1536330Yeah, I don't remember that either.

I'm not surprised, you didn't realize that rorschach knew he was going to die either.


Quote from: Maltese;1536332he's sexually attracted to nite owl, as evident in how when he shakes his hand, he holds on a bit too long, just like nite owl did for silk spectre, also, rorschach accuses viedt of being gay. Rorschach also finds women to be uncomfortable at best, and he finded silk spectre to be morally represhensible, in her short skirt.

I said repressed, not obviously

I consider the hand shake to be him desperately clinging to a shred of human compassion but he definitely hates women and has issues with sex.


Quote from: Munglai;1536317John vanishing instead of walking up the wall.

awww =(


Quote from: Slurpee;1536378awww =(

Yeah I was sad. I'm not even sure why they did it that way.

Silly Putty Clock

Quote from: Biblo;1535812yeah true, but none of these things really drive the plot forward (apart of course for the squid but they replaced that as it came with a lot of extra backstory) and really just make the world more believable and interesting. this is the main reason why it works better in the graphic novel medium, film doesn't have time for things like that. the murder of hollis mason was actually shot but they took it out because the studio were pushing for running time and snyder realised the film worked without it. apparently we will see a cut with it on dvd in the future

Yeah, it is true that a lot of those things didn't really contribute to the plot, but I found that they were the parts that I enjoyed the most about it. After all, Watchmen is about storytelling, not storyline. For instance, I particularly like how the reader was introduced to the newsvendor, boy, psychologist, etc. It served a very real role in the telling the story, in that it forced the reader to care about the deaths of all those innocent people in the end. I found it to be a really ingenious way of counteracting the rule of "one death is a tragedy; a million are a statistic". I mean, it wasn't just "loads of people were killed", it was "Oh, shit, we've just lost characters! We know those guys! That's horrible!" It was like finding out that a few of your friends were murdered, versus hearing about a bombing on the news. That's what I found, anyway.

EDIT: Also, when me and my stepfather were walking out of the theatre, he said "Well, that was a pretty stupid movie." I guess that might have made me self-conscious about the bits of it that I liked, causing me to deliberately try to dislike it. I found it took some effort to get into, but then, I found the same thing with the book.