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Farted by TequilaClock, April 26, 2009, 10:27:48 PM

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no boy, be he of the east end or the west end, could look into Helen's black-lashed gray eyes, with the twinkle in them that boys love, without being more than half won at the first glance. And which he had fully inventories the burnished waves of red-gold hair, with darling little wispy ringlets escaping at temples and nape of neck, and the scarlet and smiling lips curved like- well, the boys didn't know anything about cupid's bows, but curved like no lips they had ever taken note of before, and given glimpses of such teeth. they were like rows of grains on a ripening ear of corn, and made your mouth water to look at them. and her voice! if the twinkling eyes and smiling lips had not subdued them, they were like wax to her will at the first sound of those warm, mellow, generous, jolly, heart-compelling tones. nevertheless it was an arduous task and it was a quarter to ten by the time the organization was complete and