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Clock Day 2009 Preloader Contest

Farted by Slurpee, July 13, 2009, 06:25:09 PM

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:siren: Clock Day Preloader Contest :siren:

Clock Day is August 15th, which is almost only a month away
I trust you're all working as hard as you can on your big Flash movies, but, in the mean time, we have a little tradition to maintain.

For those who don't know, Clock Day marks the anniversary of the day StrawberryClock submitted B to a small StrawberryClock fansite known as, and it was received as a blessed gift by all mankind. Clock Day was the first holiday ever made, and the other, lesser holidays that followed, such as Pico Day, and Christmas, reflect the mold: everybody who wants to participate submits really good flash movies to the Portal, often to the best of their ability, in celebration of a central theme, in this case the Clock Crew, StrawberryClock and being clocky clocks in general.

Every Clock Day, starting with the first in 2002, we've had a kind of sort of official preloader, which we encourage Flash animators to use in their submissions on the big day.

SO! If you'd like to try to make the preloader this year, please do so.
Use this thread to discuss your ideas, show what you've got, ask for or offer help, or post finished preloaders.

To enter the contest, say so, and post a preview .swf (you could host it on and the actual fla (I'm pretty sure you can host it in the Clock Crew File Library) in this thread.
No deadline yet, but Clock Day is August 15th, so be speedy, if you can help it.


A brief recap of preloaders past:

idk who designed this one but it's a pretty solid concept and execution for 2002 imho.

   [flash] width=500 height=350[/flash]
Tritoch, aka RCColaClock made this one, and set a high standard, which was quickly lowered next year when I made

   [flash] width=500 height=450[/flash]
this one. (The Clock Crew was kind of in a bad way in 2004.)

   [flash] width=310 height=400[/flash]
In 2005, the Clock Crew had restabilized, and Blue Clock put together this nifty return to form.

StrangeClock made this one, which I can't find anywhere, so click here to view it in action, and you should watch the movie it's attached to as well, it's pretty good

UnkownClock made this, and I think Roman did the scripting. Again, all I could get was a screenshot, so to see it in action clicky clicky, and, once more, it's attached to a good movie, so watch it for good times.

   [flash] width=550 height=400[/flash]
UnknownClock and RomanClock again, I think.

If I got any of the credits wrong, feel free to correct me.


Ill be happy to help people make fancy loading bars/effects if I'm not busy :)
lemayo lol :soups:


idea mockup

I, like any good clock, do not care if my preloader idea is stolen by somebody with more talent.
Quote from: MafiaMettaurWhat the hell is with that shit you posted? You know what, I'm joining the Locks, just to stop stuff like you!
Quote from: polyhedronclockYou're a fucking clock, what else do you have?
To be fair, you don't have anything. Clocks are just machines that tick.


my entry:
[flash] width=550 height=400 wmode=transparent[/flash]
click play to restart loading animation
compatable with mx 2004 and up.
Here's the file:


Here's my idea, it's nowhere near perfect but I'd like some comments.

I tried to make two StrawberryClocks, using the number 8 (this will be B's 8th anniversary) and the word ClockDay in lowercase Times New Roman.

A neat animation for a preloader could probably be made out of this design, but I'm not exactly sure where to start. Any suggestions? I post some ideas I had with this when I have more time.
BinaryClock, if you wanna play uno type !unohelp to see how to


Quote from: BIN 9000;16209478
that is such a good idea!!



Quote from: AstronautClock;1621103it would have been for 2008 lol

Quote from: BIN 9000;1620947I tried to make two StrawberryClocks, using the number 8 (this will be B's 8th anniversary) and the word ClockDay in lowercase Times New Roman.

You are dumb and I hate you
BinaryClock, if you wanna play uno type !unohelp to see how to


Quote from: BIN 9000;1621147You are dumb and I hate you


Quote from: Satellite;1620904my entry:
[flash] width=550 height=400 wmode=transparent[/flash]
click play to restart loading animation
compatable with mx 2004 and up.
Here's the file:

I like this one, cant wait to see what else people crank out.


Quote from: Satellite;1620904my entry:
[flash] width=550 height=400 wmode=transparent[/flash]
click play to restart loading animation
compatable with mx 2004 and up.
Here's the file:

yeah with a little bit revamped graphics (no offense to you of course!) and just a little more attention to detail on the clocks you put in there, this could be a great one!


Quote from: PepperClock;1621907yeah with a little bit revamped graphics (no offense to you of course!) and just a little more attention to detail on the clocks you put in there, this could be a great one!

I kinda like it the way it is. simple and minimalistic. but then again im one of those art faggots who thinks they are all conceptual and shit


I like the simple and minimal parts, but I don't like the shit art part.

Remember "simple" doesn't have to mean "lazy" or "craptacular"

edit: no offense meant Satellite, you ugly loser
Quote from: MafiaMettaurWhat the hell is with that shit you posted? You know what, I'm joining the Locks, just to stop stuff like you!
Quote from: polyhedronclockYou're a fucking clock, what else do you have?
To be fair, you don't have anything. Clocks are just machines that tick.


i don't know what i'd do without you thor.

i'll mess with it and make a couple different versions


Some of those are pretty good.
But I have no idea how to make a preloader since actionscript 3 is a son of a bitch.


Quote from: BIN 9000;1620947A neat animation for a preloader could probably be made out of this design, but I'm not exactly sure where to start. Any suggestions? I post some ideas I had with this when I have more time.
Good idea.

Maybe while its loading the 8 could form, then the two StrawberryClock's pop up and then the play button.


Quote from: TropicanaClock;1622371I kinda like it the way it is. simple and minimalistic. but then again im one of those art faggots who thinks they are all conceptual and shit

Yeah i'm all for keeping it simple, but like thor said simple doesn't always mean "done in less time"


I have nothing to contribute but i just want to say Strange's 2006 one will always be my favorite. Also I like Binary's idea, but i doubt anything can top Golden's


As much as I love golden's I'm afraid it's going to make people 0 when they see it.
Quote from: MafiaMettaurWhat the hell is with that shit you posted? You know what, I'm joining the Locks, just to stop stuff like you!
Quote from: polyhedronclockYou're a fucking clock, what else do you have?
To be fair, you don't have anything. Clocks are just machines that tick.