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Song of the South

Farted by TheCheshireClock, September 26, 2009, 01:59:59 AM

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Finally saw this movie. Personally, I liked it. It's pretty campy, and family oriented, but I like that kinda thing now and again. I don't really get what the big controversy is.
It's not a story glorifying the life of Blacks in the 1800's, but showing that even when times are tough, you can always wear a smile. Making the best of any situation.

The movie was strongly criticized (Though not as strongly as many would have you think) for it's use of the historically accurate, though considerably Politically incorrect, Black dialect. However, I feel that it took nothing away from the film. It was not only accurate, but really added to the aged wisdom of Uncle Remus' Character.

The same people who think that film is racist are the same people who find the adventures of Tom Sawyer is racist because of the Black dialect.

At any rate, if you can get past the whole controversy, it's a pretty good flick if you like old Disney (Which I know a lot of you do not.) And even if you don't like campy movies, it's still pretty interesting historically.

Well, Have a zippity-doo-dah day!