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The Egg: Why I'll never be a Vegan.

Farted by screwdriver_clock, July 09, 2010, 03:35:38 PM

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The egg is quite possibly the most delicious and awesome food product in the WORLD. I mean yeah, some foods are better by themselves, but eggs are a building block of most delicious meals or desserts. Omelettes, cakes, breads, sandwiches, breading for batters... they work for endless applications.

Breakfast: Veggie Omelette or Eggy Toast

Eggy Toast:
Slice of Bread
One Egg
Butter or Oil

* Grease frying pan with butter or other oil (I use olive oil).
* Place frying pan on burner on medium heat.
* Use a round cookie cutter or the like to cut a circular hole out of the bread.
* Place the hole cut out of the bread in your mouth, eat. The other piece goes into the pan.
* Crack one egg into the hole of the bread, and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
* Flip bread and egg once, sprinkle other side with salt and pepper.
* Remove toast from pan, place onto a plate. Eat.

Veggie Omelette:
2 eggs
1/4c Corn Kernels
1/4c Tomatoes (diced)
1 dash Thyme
1tsp Olive Oil (more if needed)
1/2c Mozzarella Cheese

* Dice the tomatoes if you haven't already, and cut the corn off of the cob if you haven't yet. I use frozen corn or leftover corn from a meal prior for this.
* Place skillet on stove on medium heat, add olive oil.
* Put the tomatoes and corn into the pan, sauté.
* Drain oil in pan, place sauté'd vegetables into measuring cup.
* Crack two eggs into the measuring cup with the vegetables, whisk together until eggs are blended.
* Place the egg mixture into the skillet. Add dash of thyme.
* Once the eggs are solid and ready to flip, place 1/2c of Mozzarella, fold the egg over itself.
* Flip the folded omelette once, then place onto a plate. Sprinkle more Mozzarella or choice of cheese on top

The advantage of these two recipes is that you can modify them with almost any leftover in your house. Got some leftover meats from the night before? Throw them in. Got some veggies that'll expire soon? Toss them in. The egg is so versatile you can come up with many different meals just using random things in your kitchen. Post your egg recipes here.


I like my eggs sunny but fried in both sides with some ham, toast, salt and pepper. Gooey and nice.

I might try your recipe




I like to make my eggs scrambled using the leftover bacon grease for oil. I throw in about 1/3 cup of diced onions, sliced mushrooms and jalapeño peppers. As soon as they're done cooking sprinkle a little bit of shredded cheddar cheese on top.




Incidentally, to make your eggs as yellow as in the ads you see for restaurants and shit, add orange food coloring. That's what they do.


you know what's the best thing about an fried egg? The bacon.
_pirate_butchcavities (20:29:15): FUCK CLOCKS _pirate_


Quote from: ScrewdriverClock;1783580Incidentally, to make your eggs as yellow as in the ads you see for restaurants and shit, add orange food coloring. That's what they do.

What do you mean by this? What color are the eggs where you are from?


I have a n egg nearly every morning.


Quote from: DWARFINATOR;1783595What do you mean by this? What color are the eggs where you are from?



I like my egg hard boiled and wrapped in bacon. _poogle_


Hey Screwdriver, i made that egg toast thing you posted and it was pretty tasty. You should do that "Cooking with Screwdriver" thing :)


Fried eggs are delicious on hotdogs with some salt. Also one time I tried making a ramen omelet and it ended up being ramen w/ scrambled eggs. Still good though.

Quote from: DWARFINATOR;1783595What do you mean by this? What color are the eggs where you are from?
I think he means the egg yolk


Fried egg with oyster sauce on top and scallions or chilli flakes is awesome!

You can even fry it in real hot oil and the edges of the whites will be quite crunchy and crispy. Hot egg breakfast!


Quote from: eekcritter;1804778Fried egg with oyster sauce on top and scallions or chilli flakes is awesome!

You can even fry it in real hot oil and the edges of the whites will be quite crunchy and crispy. Hot egg breakfast!

Oh.. oh god.



My sister makes a mean egg salad, I need to steal that recipe from her.

Also, eggs + bread + hot pan = French toast.


eggs are really bad for you, one egg has as many calories as four pieces of bacon.


miracle fruit

Quote from: ampmboot;1822300eggs are really bad for you, one egg has as many calories as four pieces of bacon.

calories are bad for you
