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CC Minecraft Crew thread

Farted by DiscoBallClock, December 24, 2010, 10:39:55 AM

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SoBe Clock

Quote from: TequilaClock;1804523So who manages the whitelist? Because I wanna play okay.



Quote from: TequilaClock;1804523So who manages the whitelist? Because I wanna play okay.

no jerks allowed sorry!!!

Quote from: RibsClock;1804513You guys were weenies I was going to decorate the underside of my building and everything.

The underside being Topcats old house?


minecraft is serious business guys

by Thor + Satellite

Quote from: pop-tart clock;1905428I think yoyo is the best one.


Quote from: YoYoClock;1804537minecraft is serious business guys

^^^^ Found the person who's been stealing everyone's wool and griefing their houses.


Quote from: DWARFINATORclock;1804532no jerks allowed sorry!!!

I thought we were cool from when I accidentally hit you on the other server. You set me on fire afterwards anyway.


Quote from: TequilaClock;1804541I thought we were cool from when I accidentally hit you on the other server. You set me on fire afterwards anyway.

We are cool but I guess jokes are hard to spot on the internet.


so what about airplane food...


Fuck anonfrog


Minecraft crashed 5 or 6 times in the span of 30 minutes so I stopped playing for the day.


I cant play until Feb starts, been  playing minecraft instead of finishing this damn flash
Fuck anonfrog


Quote from: clammo;1804573what?
Fuck anonfrog

Wind-up Clock

EDIT: Disregard that. I'm a total dumbass.

SoBe Clock

I'm liking how my house is starting to turn out. I'm thinking I might replace the cobblestone walls with stone block walls. I'm also going to start on the basement.

SoBe Clock

I finished my first house! I redid all the walls from cobblestone to stone and I made the basement.

Here are some screenshots, but feel free to stop by too.

This last one is just because I wanted a shot of the view from my roof.



If you dye a sheep and then punch the sheep, it'll dropped wool of that color, so out of one dye you can get up to 3 dyed wool. Conserve, bitches!



Quote from: PineappleClock;1804636This thread made me LOL:

Wow those guys are really dumb and don't understand anything...

They are even getting mad at him for being sick lmao.


zm if you read this I lagged out and couldn't come back to show you my maze :S

I will post screenshots of the maze and my house in here later


Quote from: RadioTubeClock;1804655As an fyi they just had this on Zero Punctuation if you havn't seen it already.
wow he actually likes the game. didnt expect that


Quote from: RibsClock;1804663I try not to get mad on the internet but these guys are pressing my buttons.
The level of entitlement without being willing to even offer legitimate community contribution to the project is ridiculous.

I think these kids have grown up in a culture where everything they buy is super-polished and backed by a faceless mega-company. They have no concept of indie / DIY game creation or the amount of dedication it involves, or at the very least no conceptualization of the work habits of Swedes and the amount of vacation they are accustomed.

On a server note, I think I'm going to undo my boat dispenser and experiment with manual boat deployment - hopefully the chunk problems are sorted out by the time the monorail is done so its actually usable :\