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Obama ignores Attorney General on Libya

Farted by patriotclock, June 18, 2011, 03:19:29 PM

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it's possible obama's just trying to avoid escalating the status of our involvement.
the impression I was given was that we haven't deployed any ground troops in libya, which futzes the definitions.

the call over whether the executive branch is overstepping its bounds obviously falls on the lawyers, but I'd hope that, if it is, they'll prosecute. the stability of our government lives and dies by its adherence to constitutional checks and balances. it's discomfiting to see this "what u gonna do about it B)" shit continue to fly.

the real issue is that the constitutionality of the war powers act has never been tested, and it's never even been formally invoked. adherence to it has been practically more convention than law.
afaict the relegation of the power of declaring war to the legislative branch was very much within the framers' intention, with the president's position as commander-in-chief being meant to lead the military during war time, not into war. if the disagreement escalates, which it won't, it'd be interesting to see the way it played out. it seems to be fairly uncharted legal territory.