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white chocolate is the best chocolate

Farted by FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK, August 25, 2011, 05:01:52 PM

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Experienced hardcore chocolate conniseurs such as myself appreciate it for being the greatest chocolate. You dark and milk chocolate plebeians will never understand.


but seriously this stuff is the shit.


Quote from: FLOUNDERINYOBUTT;1837615I think Kodiak is the only person on  this entire website who dislikes Slurpee. I still dont understand how  thats possible. He\'s so loveable and funny. Every guy wants to be his  friend and every girl wants to date him. Understandably Slurpee is not a  very happy person.


God fucking yes, White Chocolate is amazing.
Quote from: Pencil;1653541anyone else? I can\'t find many gay ezines :(



[FLASH=]http://width=300 height=200[/FLASH]

miracle fruit

Quote from: GlowstickClock;1844207

i cant eat more than half of one of those (or anything with white chocolate)
its overpowering, moreso than dark chocolate. tasty in moderation though


Quote from: miraclep00t;1844229i cant eat more than half of one of those (or anything with white chocolate)
its overpowering, moreso than dark chocolate. tasty in moderation though
i could eat 10 of these in one sitting pussy
Quote from: FLOUNDERINYOBUTT;1837615I think Kodiak is the only person on  this entire website who dislikes Slurpee. I still dont understand how  thats possible. He\'s so loveable and funny. Every guy wants to be his  friend and every girl wants to date him. Understandably Slurpee is not a  very happy person.


Man I LOVE those things! But I also really like dark chocolate, Discoball knows what's up.

Also, bittersweet chocolate = the worst chocolate?


You cannot mask your fuckin racist agenda with some confectionery metaphor. I'll smack you bitch.


Orange chocolate. If you haven't had it don't even bother posting in this thread.


Quote from: ButtplugClock;1844286Orange chocolate. If you haven't had it don't even bother posting in this thread.

i'm posting in this thread. and i've neeeeeeeeeeeeeever had orange chocolate before.

most times i'll prefer white chocolate but once in a blue moon i'll have a ridiculous urge for some dark chocolate.


Quote from: ButtplugClock;1844286Orange chocolate. If you haven't had it don't even bother posting in this thread.
if it counts, this, but I'm pretty sure orange chocolate is just milk chocolate with orange oil mixed in


Quote from: ButtplugClock;1844286Orange chocolate. If you haven't had it don't even bother posting in this thread.
I've had it, and it's fucking gross.

[FLASH=]http://width=300 height=200[/FLASH]


Quote from: Slurpee;1844294if it counts, this, but I'm pretty sure orange chocolate is just milk chocolate with orange oil mixed in

You're probably right. Chocolate itself isn't that complex though.


I know I said this on facebook, but it's not real chocolate. It's cocoa butter, and milk solids. Not a bit of cacao.


white chocolate > orange chocolate == other chocolates > mint chocolate fuck that shit
[SIGPIC]dance with me[/SIGPIC]

F U Clock

Is orange chocolate just the chocolate they use in those chocolate oranges? In which case, it's okay.

And Telephone, I believe bittersweet is a type of dark chocolate. Just the least sweetened. It's like super-dark. But yeah dark is the booomb.

miracle fruit

Quote from: GlowstickClock;1844245i could eat 10 of these in one sitting pussy

its ok you like to eat disgusting bullshit 10 times in a row


Quote from: miraclep00t;1844326its ok you like to eat disgusting bullshit 10 times in a row
at least i don't eat 10 dicks in a row like you. I ONLY EAT 9
Quote from: FLOUNDERINYOBUTT;1837615I think Kodiak is the only person on  this entire website who dislikes Slurpee. I still dont understand how  thats possible. He\'s so loveable and funny. Every guy wants to be his  friend and every girl wants to date him. Understandably Slurpee is not a  very happy person.