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Farted by miracle fruit, September 03, 2011, 04:46:18 AM

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milk poll

0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
.25% (whole milk/homo milk)
0 (0%)
 am lactose intolerant (milk makes me poop)
0 (0%)
 simply dislike milk
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 31


I'm drinking milk right now. In the Netherlands it's mostly full milk (3.5%) or semi-skim (1.8%) or half-full as we call it. I mostly drink semi-skim but we also get a pack or two of full milk because of the longer expiration date but at the end of the week everything is gone anyway so I'm not sure why. I once got to milk a cow and drink it which tasted really great. Goat milk is nice too. I love milk.


Dutch people go crazy about milk. I'm not too fond of goat's milk or goat's cheese though.

miracle fruit

Quote from: FloundermanClock;1849071Miraclefruit your joke was funny but he's right about it tasting like watered down milk. I've never had whole milk though so maybe that tastes different.

oh i know

what i was trying to get across is that it has nothing to do with water content
and everything to do with fat content (hence the wikipedia fat content table)


Quote from: FloundermanClock;1849071I've never had whole milk

WTF go buy some right now.




no option for hippy almond milk i see

AC Slater

Goat cheese is crazy good man.



I mostly drink 1% but I'll take 2% whenever I can. Whole milk is like drinking melted ice cream.


Quote from: TelephoneClock;1849174Whole milk is like drinking melted ice cream.

That's a bad thing?


I have not drank milk since I was in kindergarten


Not a milk fan at all. I drank goat milk growing up, and in small doses. I never drank milk plain and cow milk grosses me out, and today I never drink it, I don't even put it in my coffee.


I like 1% but I drink skim

miracle fruit

Quote from: PatriotClock;1850040I have not drank milk since I was in kindergarten

what the fuck

you don't eat cereal?

what the fuck is wrong with you

miracle fruit

itt patriotclock has never truly enjoyed a cookie


I like almond milk, but we usually have a half gallon of 2% lying around.


Quote from: AbsintheClock;1850074I like almond milk

That sounds delicious. Does it have the same kinds of vitamins as cows milk though?


Quote from: Zombie Lincoln;1849139no option for hippy almond milk i see

Quote from: AbsintheClock;1850074I like almond milk, but we usually have a half gallon of 2% lying around.

You guys are cool dudes :thumbs:
Quote from: Pencil;1653541anyone else? I can\'t find many gay ezines :(