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Jail or Church

Farted by GingeraleClock, September 26, 2011, 09:59:34 AM

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Keep in mind most of the people this is going to effect aren't internet super-atheists but instead dumbass gangbangers and hicks. These are the sorts of people who believe in god already but don't actually understand their religion. The church program might actually turn some of these assholes around. It's not like jail works.

If I was arrested though I would sign up for church and find one that lets me play my DS during the boring stuff.
Quote from: MafiaMettaurWhat the hell is with that shit you posted? You know what, I'm joining the Locks, just to stop stuff like you!
Quote from: polyhedronclockYou're a fucking clock, what else do you have?
To be fair, you don't have anything. Clocks are just machines that tick.


Give them a choice: a full sentence in prison, or 1/3 length sentence in a sensory-deprovation chamber, where nutrients and oxygen are pumped in through tubes and they are suspended in a ambniocentic-like fluid, with soothing music and Confucian proverbs pumped slowly in through loud speakers in the fluid


Quote from: AbsintheClock;1859402Long as it's the choice of any house of worship I don't have a problem with it. Churches, temples, mosques, whatever you call your durka durka durka place. It's all gravy, and saves money.

That's pretty sweet. Get arrested, get to experience new cultures. I'd go see what those Krishna dudes were up to.

Quote from: PineappleClock;1859463Give them a choice: a full sentence in prison, or 1/3 length sentence in a sensory-deprovation chamber, where nutrients and oxygen are pumped in through tubes and they are suspended in a ambniocentic-like fluid, with soothing music and Confucian proverbs pumped slowly in through loud speakers in the fluid

Never mind lets do this just so I can see former gangbangers walk down the street kow-towing everyone

SpongeClock SquarePants

Jail : get fucked in the ass by Bubba
Church : get fucked in the ass by priest

Like you got a choice

Soup Clock

Quote from: PowerGloveClock;1859426i've been to church every sunday for a year, its awful. i'm pretty sure the whole experience made me an atheist because after that year i have no doubts about the lack of a higher power and i've never gone back since. i think i'd rather sit in a nice cell all day with my thoughts to keep me occupied than sit in a wooden pew with smelly old people from suburbs trying to one-up each other when the offering plate comes around. also church is 2 hours bub.

By nice cell you must mean a 7 square foot cement box, with a shitty metal toilet, solid metal cushions and a Mexican who smells like rotting cabbage and spends the entirety of the night yelling to your neighbors in Spanish to ensure you go stir crazy before getting an hour of sleep.  Then you get to spend the daytime eating raw sewage with 50 other dudes who try to one up each other by seeing who can get their penis inside each others butts first.  If you get a dick in your butt you're safe for the time being, but if you resist the dick in your butt you'll probably get stabbed.

Enjoy prison.

Someone who's been there.  (And that was in a quality prison [by prison standards], and I only did 15 days)
ass whore


What were you in for anyhow?

Soup Clock

Quote from: AbsintheClock;1859615What were you in for anyhow?

DUI shiznits.  Kinda kept it under wraps here, but I guess since I'm already posting about it may as well say.
ass whore


Marlin Clock

Quote from: PowerGloveClock;1859426i've been to church every sunday for a year, its awful. i'm pretty sure the whole experience made me an atheist because after that year i have no doubts about the lack of a higher power and i've never gone back since. i think i'd rather sit in a nice cell all day with my thoughts to keep me occupied than sit in a wooden pew with smelly old people from suburbs trying to one-up each other when the offering plate comes around. also church is 2 hours bub.
Did you ever try being active in the celebration? I am part of the choir and I cannot tell you how much it helps to be active and singing with the mass when it comes to actually enjoying the service.


Church is pretty boring, but I since I went every week until I was 18, and it's only one hour a week (Catholic Church) I'd certainly take that over incarceration in county. Plus I already know some priests so it should be cool.

Quote from: Soup Clock;1859609dudes who try to one up each other by seeing who can get their penis inside each others butts first.  If you get a dick in your butt you're safe for the time being, but if you resist the dick in your butt you'll probably get stabbed.

So did you get made a prison bitch?

Marlin Clock

I'm fucking serious, I know you all think me as super religious but no kid loves church when they're young. It's only once I started in the Choir that I actually enjoyed it and you'd be surprised how much I could actually pay attention to scripture and not just spacing out from ADD.

Soup Clock

Quote from: AnkhClock;1859716So did you get made a prison bitch?

Well, no.  Since I served such a short stint I really just spent a lot of time observing and keeping to myself.  I only talked to one other guy who was serving a few months for drug charges and other than that I just minded my own business.  I got to witness fights and shit, luckily never rapes, though I did hear of them.  The most harassment I got from being reclusive was a couple homos would throw stones at me when we were out in the yard.  They did this until a huge black guy went up and nearly kicked the shit out of them for harassing me.  (I gave the big black guy my dessert every meal time [as I have sensitive teeth and they tended to drop 2 pounds of sugar into each slice of cake or whatever], so I guess this made him my big brother)
ass whore


Quote from: Soup Clock;1859724Well, no.  Since I served such a short stint I really just spent a lot of time observing and keeping to myself.  I only talked to one other guy who was serving a few months for drug charges and other than that I just minded my own business.  I got to witness fights and shit, luckily never rapes, though I did hear of them.  The most harassment I got from being reclusive was a couple homos would throw stones at me when we were out in the yard.  They did this until a huge black guy went up and nearly kicked the shit out of them for harassing me.  (I gave the big black guy my dessert every meal time [as I have sensitive teeth and they tended to drop 2 pounds of sugar into each slice of cake or whatever], so I guess this made him my big brother)

oh man just like in the movies.

Soup Clock

Quote from: Asshatclock;1859725oh man just like in the movies.

The SoupClock Redemption
ass whore


Quote from: Soup Clock;1859724Well, no.  Since I served such a short stint I really just spent a lot of time observing and keeping to myself.  I only talked to one other guy who was serving a few months for drug charges and other than that I just minded my own business.  I got to witness fights and shit, luckily never rapes, though I did hear of them.  The most harassment I got from being reclusive was a couple homos would throw stones at me when we were out in the yard.  They did this until a huge black guy went up and nearly kicked the shit out of them for harassing me.  (I gave the big black guy my dessert every meal time [as I have sensitive teeth and they tended to drop 2 pounds of sugar into each slice of cake or whatever], so I guess this made him my big brother)
haha, that's pretty damn awesome to be honest.

i'm rather disappointed by this law though, nine times out of ten people are going to serve the church time rather than being in the slammer, i'm just afraid this isn't going to stop certain people from breaking the law again to begin with, more specifically first time offenders (for being caught at least). i'm curious to see if there's going to be any specific instances of a person requesting to spend time with a more uncommon religion (ie, something not christianity/catholic), and see how they react.

separation of church and state is there for a reason, and seeing it used as an alternate method of incarceration is just asking for trouble.


Do I get to eat those holy cookies or bread and drink wine? Sign me up.