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whoa look out for that front page post guys!! super sized knottsberryclock edition!!!

Farted by Slurpee, June 18, 2008, 09:15:22 PM

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Hey I heard you missed us we're back. I brought my KnottsberryClock.

The Portal Is Not Enough
by KnottsberryClock
Submitted 02/22/2002 to two too
(Thanks, Asshat!)

The first ever Clock Crew James Bond movie, The Portal is Not Enough is a loose parody of The World is Not Enough, which was a movie or something. Containing a rather large scale of plot for its time, The Portal is Not Enough is the flash movie that, legend holds, won over the notorious anti-clock ki1o.

TPINE was followed some time later by VanillaCokeClock's Blam Another Day, featuring VanillaCokeClock as the George Lazenby to StrawberryClock's Sean Connery, and Tomorrow's Nobodies for some reason.

How da bitch stole xmas 2
by KnottsberryClock
Submitted 12/12/2001

How da bitch stole xmas 2 is the sequel to StrawberryClock's epic How da bitch stole Xmas!!, which you will vote 5 on. I'll wait here.

How da bitch stole xmas 2 features the return of CarrotClock: as da bitch stealing xmas. The manner in which the conflict is resolved served as the inspiration for  the manner in which the clock crew defeated Mr. Artist and his dreaded F-krew on the day of reckoning.
Be sure to look for the easter egg at the end of the movie.

Tribute to PineappleClock
by KnottsberryClock
Submitted 12/15/2001

PineappleClock died. =(
One of many tributes to this superb animator and programmer who was taken from us far before his time.

by KnottsberryClock
Submitted 12/14/2001

Way back in 2001, the Clock Crew began an award-winning drama series in a soap opera format, demonstrating the conflicts, challenges and surprises surrounding our daily lives. SCANDAL! continued for three more episodes. Unfortunately, at that point viewer interest dipped, and the studio cut funding, meaning SCANDAL! could no longer film across four different countries. The cast and crew, feeling the loss of locale would mean the series would not live up to its high expectations, cancelled before finishing the fifth episode, leaving fans of the series with a never-resolved cliff-hanger.

by KnottsberryClock
Submitted 01/26/2003

I just thought this one was really funny.

For great justice
by KnottsberryClock
Submitted 04/26/2005

The... something, to ClearClock's 2002 introduction movie Here comes ClearClock!, which you really must watch, as the whole fun of this movie is the contrast between the two.

by KnottsberryClock
Submitted 01/18/2003

After the success of The Portal is Not Enough, KnottsberryClock promised to deliver a sequel under the title "k," the release of which became a long-awaited, much ballyhooed event akin to The Void III. What followed, the above, would go down in clock history.

If clock history teaches us anything, it's not to bother the people who give us gifts.

I hope you all enjoyed this retrospective into how great KnottsberryClock is. Thanks to AsshatClock for suggesting The Portal is Not Enough, and DigitalLemon for suggesting a KnottsberryClock special.
As always, if you have any recommendations for future installments, you can fuck right off. drop me a PM and I'll take it into my highly suggestible consideration.


Quote from: Bill Nye;1339524What's the deal with ki1o anyway?
ki1o was just some guy who voted and reviewed zero on clock movies a long time ago.

his reviews were all just the old "you voted 0 on this submission, reducing its score..." etc. message you used to get for voting on things on Newgrounds.

one day, all of his reviews were deleted and he disappeared
leafclock claims to be him.

he's one of many, many anticlocks from the early years.
pants01, mr_congeniality, butcer... don't know why ki1o was the only one to become so notorious and last so long, but he's now kind of the defacto main anti-clock for whatever clock crew entertainment gets cooked up.

Il Duce

Quote from: i'm slurpeeclock;1339533ki1o was just some guy who voted and reviewed zero on clock movies a long time ago.

his reviews were all just the old "you voted 0 on this submission, reducing its score..." etc. message you used to get for voting on things on Newgrounds.

one day, all of his reviews were deleted and he disappeared
leafclock claims to be him.

he's one of many, many anticlocks from the early years.
pants01, mr_congeniality, butcer... don't know why ki1o was the only one to become so notorious and last so long, but he's now kind of the defacto main anti-clock for whatever clock crew entertainment gets cooked up.

Alright, thanks!


Nice post!

LeafClock only claimed to be him because he noticed that his alt, KiwanoClock, sounds like ki10. A kiwano however is a type of exotic fruit and the pun was not intended.

Il Duce

Quote from: LeekClock;1339977Nice post!

LeafClock only claimed to be him because he noticed that his alt, KiwanoClock, sounds like ki10. A kiwano however is a type of exotic fruit and the pun was not intended.

Still pretty convenient though.



There should be something about peggies next time or other old clockcrew fads.


Quote from: LeekClock;1339977Nice post!

LeafClock only claimed to be him because he GreyClock noticed that his LeafClock's alt, KiwanoClock, sounds like ki10. A kiwano however is a type of exotic fruit and the pun was not intended.

Quote from: LeekClock;1339983I was talking to him on AIM when he conceived the plot.
No you weren't, because I "conceived the plot" and immediatly made a thread about it, after which Leaf eagerly took up the whole "I'm Ki10" spiel.

I want my credit for creating one of the Clock Crew's most enduring myths goddamnit.



Quote from: LeekClock;1340118Oh. The way he talked about suggested it was his own idea
What a cunt!


i say, if leaf clock isnt ki1o, WHO is it?
where is he now...
and what happened to F-KREW
also, i may ask... err
will we do a raspberry feature now?
and.. err where is leaf clock this moment

k -i raise dragons. here we go -click HERE- i mean click the eggs -and the dragons, until they become  adults.