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marvel's biggest bone-liner

Farted by Losperman, November 01, 2005, 01:26:35 AM

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if you're using the bathroom and you're not a pooping american what are you?

you're a-peein'



angzarr just sounds cool as hell, too. definitely changing my dwarf's name from naughrim d'otart to angzarr


from slir peabut to angzarr


twenty years ago today. never 4get



angzarr also a perfect 7 character vanity plate

its probably not taken but also maybe nobody will get it
<Marlin Clock> This thread seems proof positive that divisiveness at any level is usually bad for the Clock Crew.
<PhantomCatClock> are we talking about the same clock crew



Quote from: PhantomCatClock on August 13, 2024, 01:24:08 PMclock day thursday
literally just finished my clock day thing. it would be longer but I'm tired and want to play video games instead of animate.


My team just got a bonus because we've been doing such a good job and this week is each of ours (three people) second-to-last chance to pass a test to get approved to keep working here. Mine is clock day :cool:


my team at the clock crew got a bonus for finishing this year's movie early does anyone want it it's a device for flattening cel sheets after they're picked



happy clock day I have celebrated this holy day by eating cold leftover pizza for breakfast. as is tradition.


flounderman made a secret third movie and you need to fifen it:



Quote from: FLOUNDERMAN_CLOCK on August 15, 2024, 11:49:47 AMhappy clock day I have celebrated this holy day by eating cold leftover pizza for breakfast. as is tradition.
wow what i had that for lunch


was there a cartoon that was like the dot and the line by chuck jones but one of the characters was a barcode? I remember watching a cartoon as a kid that for whatever reason I later conflated with the dot and the line, but I rewatched the dot and the line and in the cartoon I remember one of the characters was a barcode and there's no barcode character in the dot and the line. all I remember is the barcode communicated by beeping. I want to say another character was trying to be friends with it but didn't understand how to because it was a barcode. I've been trying to search for it but google has utterly and completely ruined searching for things on the internet forever and the cartoon was probably some obscure or foreign thing that got snuck onto toonheads or something. listen I can tell you the exact room in my grandparents' old house in san lorenzo that I was in when I watched it. it was the master bedroom all the way down the hallway, you know that hallway that had that weird door leading to the backyard that was painted shut


saw a fanart of zidane and vivi from final fantasy 9 just being bros and hanging out and now I'm just thinking about them being bros and how they were such good bros



it's fucked up we use the greek name for jesus (jesus)

his name wasn't even jesus. it was josh


in aramiac, yeshua is spelled with an i