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Farted by miracle fruit, September 03, 2011, 04:46:18 AM

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milk poll

0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
.25% (whole milk/homo milk)
0 (0%)
 am lactose intolerant (milk makes me poop)
0 (0%)
 simply dislike milk
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 31

miracle fruit

miracle fruit

i voted 2% but i like homo milk its just a tad more expensive

miracle fruit

Quote from: RibsClock;1848351I started out on whole milk, then my mom went on a diet (meaning we all went on a diet) so we went down to 2%, and eventually 1%. Now whole milk just tastes gross to me, I can't drink the stuff it's been too long.

i know what you mean. i had to live with my aunt a while back and all she drank was skim milk (aka water) but i got used to it after like a year

but in my case going back to 2% wasnt disgusting. the difference was negligible (thinking back i should have just stayed on skim as it is the healthier choice and i was already immune to how horrible it was)

miracle fruit

you're only as healthy as you feel




Fuckin LOVE homo milk.


My bro is lactose sensitive so we started buying Lactaid milk. He's away from home, but we still get it because it tastes good and goes a while without spoiling.


represent 2 percent
Quote from: YoYoClock;1903849
KodiakClock - Super Butt


AC Slater

Am I really the only one that is lactose intolerant??


Whole milk, absolutely. If I wanted it watered down, I'd add water to it.

Quote from: Zen Micro Clock;1848568Am I really the only one that is lactose intolerant??

We're a bunch of white boys. I thought most lactose intolerant people were non-caucasian.


I love 1%. I haven't tried anything other than 1%, 2% and soy (the most boring milk) though.

miracle fruit

Quote from: HeinekenClock;1848571Whole milk, absolutely. If I wanted it watered down, I'd add water to it.

why not just use butter, anything else is 'watered down'


Because watered down butter doesn't taste like milk.

miracle fruit

Quote from: HeinekenClock;1848633Because watered down butter doesn't taste like milk.

skim milk doesnt taste like whole milk

your going to have to be more specific
and also be less of a retard in my milk thread


Skim milk tastes exactly like whole milk except with less flavor.

miracle fruit

Quote from: HeinekenClock;1849059Skim milk tastes exactly like whole milk except with less flavor.

you look exactly like a cripple except you can walk


Quote from: MiracleFruitClock;1849066you look exactly like a cripple except you can walk


Okay so I understand that in order to make skim milk you don't just add water, you actually keep skimming cream off the milk until it's fat content is lower. There's a difference, but I still think it tastes like watered down milk.


Miraclefruit your joke was funny but he's right about it tasting like watered down milk. I've never had whole milk though so maybe that tastes different.